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Alexander Nenashev
Alexander Nenashev

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Avoid intermediate arrays (filter/map) to make Javascript fast

If you aim to write fast Javascript avoid intermediate arrays when transforming data or making an algorithm. This could happen both with imperative and functional code. Always ask yourself a question while writing code - are there any intermediate arrays I could avoid.

Often I see a common pattern filter + map:

const arr = Array.from({length: 100}, () => ({num: Math.random()}));

arr.filter(n => n.num > .5).map(n => n.num * 2);
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Sometimes the chain is quite long, hosting several filter/map/sort in various configurations.

Replace the chain with Array#reduce() which in mostly all cases will give you better performance over any chain of other methods, since you remove the array created by Array#filter():

arr.reduce((r, n) => (n.num > .5 && r.push(n.num * 2), r), []);
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@tracygjg asked in a comment why not to use:

arr.reduce((r, n) => n.num > .5 ? [...r, n.num * 2] : r, []);
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Thank @tracygjg for this one, that's another great example where you create an intermediate array, moreover an array is created for every element in the result array!

So basically each time we want to add an element to the result, a bigger array is created thus the bigger the source array the slower the solution.

Moreover the spread syntax is used which should be avoided too if you want a performant solution (my next post is about that). Let's benchmark all the 3 options:

const $chunk = Array.from({length: 10}, () => ({num: Math.random()}));
const $input = []; 

// @benchmark filter + map
$input.filter(n => n.num > .5).map(n => n.num * 2);

// @benchmark reduce
$input.reduce((r, n) => (n.num > .5 && r.push(n.num * 2), r), []);

// @benchmark Tracy Gilmore
$input.reduce((r, n) => n.num > .5 ? [...r, n.num * 2] : r, []);

` Chrome/124
>                     n=10       |       n=100       |      n=1000       |     n=10000     
reduce          ■ 1.00x x10m 355 | ■ 1.00x   x1m 155 | ■ 1.00x x100k 263 | ■ 1.00x x10k 431
filter + map      1.88x x10m 669 |   1.74x   x1m 269 |   1.41x x100k 370 |   1.55x  x1k  67
Tracy Gilmore     3.32x  x1m 118 |  20.13x x100k 312 | 196.20x   x1k 516 | 893.27x  x10 385
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `
` Firefox/126
>                     n=10       |       n=100       |      n=1000       |     n=10000     
reduce          ■ 1.00x x10m 647 | ■ 1.00x   x1m 433 | ■ 1.00x x100k 390 | ■ 1.00x x10k 470
filter + map      1.41x  x1m  91 |   1.27x x100k  55 |   2.51x  x10k  98 |   1.32x x10k 620
Tracy Gilmore     1.90x  x1m 123 |   9.70x  x10k  42 | 175.64x   x1k 685 | 359.57x  x10 169
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `
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Open in the playground

As you can see with 10000 array items we could have a hundreds of times slower solution if we don't care enough about avoiding intermediate arrays.

In the next post we will discuss how to avoid intermediate arrays while parsing strings.

Top comments (6)

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

You are absolutely correct - no argument. Although, I do wonder if creating intermediate arrays is such a bad thing.
1) JS has a garbage collection mechanism to free up the memory.
2) Mutating the same array, even by appending, can have a downside on performance.
That said, if performance is a major concern, is JS the best language?

alexander-nenashev profile image
Alexander Nenashev

On the backend there's freedom of choice, but in a browser we have JS only afaik. My concern isn't about memory but rather CPU usage, modern websites became too heavy for low/mid mobile devices, also complex SPAs suffer on desktops even. That's why in my opinion we should write optimized JS code from the beginning.

Regarding mutating arrays - in most cases it's faster than creating a new copy 🤷‍♂️

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Garbage collection is far from free if you want to avoid glitching and stalls when the GC runs.

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Agreed, using a garbage collector is not cost free.

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Hi Alexander,

Was there some reason you used,

$input.reduce((r, n) => (n.num > .5 && r.push(n.num * 2), r), []);
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instead of,

$input.reduce((r, n) => n.num > .5 ? [...r, n.num * 2] : r, []);
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? Also, how would the alternative affect the results?

alexander-nenashev profile image
Alexander Nenashev

yes, it would affect in a negative way, you create a lot of intermediate arrays again (a new array for each element in the original array), I've included your example into my post and benchmarked, thank you a lot for that. If you feel something wrong about it, please notify me.