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Update Default Date Display

This time I will process the data that appears on the page with special conditions, where when today is Saturday or Sunday, the date will display the previous date, namely Friday.


  1. Today's date, time form and day number (w)
  2. Giving the day deduction parameter ($minus)
  3. Update the date to be displayed ($t)
    $today= date('Y-m-d'); // bisa diganti dengan GETtanggal 
    $time = strtotime($today);
    $day_num = date('w', $time);

    if ($day_num == '0') {
      $minus = '-2 day';
    } elseif ($day_num == '6') {
      $minus = '-1 day';
    } else {
      $minus = '0 day';

    $t = strtotime($today . $minus);
    $t = date('Y-m-d', $t);
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  // case date adalah hari ini
    $day_num = date('w'); 

    if ($day_num == '0') {
      $minus = '-2 day';
    } elseif ($day_num == '6') {
      $minus = '-1 day';
    } else {
      $minus = '0 day';

    $t = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($minus));
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