DEV Community

Do you program/code as a hobby, personal pleasure or work ?

Bek Brace on July 08, 2022

eshimischi profile image

All together: work, fun, habit

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

All of the above

cheetah100 profile image
Peter Harrison

The best professional development is when it feels like your hobby development. The main difference between work and hobby development is that in hobby development you are the user. There is no closer agile feedback loop than actually being the user. Professional development therefore is an attempt to get the user as close to the developer as possible.

brampayrequest profile image
Bram Hammer

Not in that order, but started as a hobby, noticed I could hyperfocus/clear my mind with it (ADD) and made it my work. I still consider it my hobby, but there's a clear line between my 9 to 5-ish job and my sideprojects or hobby scripts.

There's a small overlap on the work and sideprojects since some are expanding quite a lot and maybe even gather more income/customers then my main job. So I sometimes struggle to give it all the right amount of attention... Don't want to lose my normal (lead developer) job and my side projects run quite good but who knows for how long. So I won't (yet?) make them my main job.

nstvnsn profile image
Nathan Stevenson

Hobby with career goals. There are few things that make 12 hours pass in a near instant, for myself, the way software engineering does.

Whether planning out the structure of the system, reading through documentation, troubleshooting or piecing something together...time is but a blink.

I have also discovered that I really enjoy teaching people. This is a revelation from a while back. I like to try to lead people to an answer while seeing if they can make the connection with little prompting. If I can make someone understand a complex topic it's a multi-win: I helped someone learn something new and I demonstrated a good grasp of the topic to myself.

So yeah. I do it for fun. I've started collaborating for fun. I am mentoring my partner a bit on the backend side of things (his frontend puts my backend to shame, mutual mentorship LOL) for fun. And I have a best mate who is looking in to making the switch from tech sales to software dev and, eventually, devops. To say I am excited to mentor him while he makes mistakes and learns is an understatement.

Tl;dr. Fun with a side of future career.

naemazam profile image
Naem Azam

It's Hobby

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

I code and teach coding (for beginners) as a hobby

dennistobar profile image
Dennis Tobar

Hobby and work. I mantain a bot that proxies an IA to estimate if an edition of Wikipedia is damaging or potential bad faith.

I work programming, less than six months ago, but I still put my hands on the code 😊

miguelmj profile image


bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

yes which one ?

miguelmj profile image

Both of them hehe

just5moreminutes profile image

As of right now, mainly as a hobby and for personal pleasure. Though I could also imagine having a job in IT but since I'm 17 as of right now I still have some time to think about that :)

hwolfe71 profile image
Herb Wolfe

Little bit of everything. Definitely not as much for work as I'd like to.

alvi_niloy profile image
Alvi Adhikary Niloy

Started out as hobby, moved to personal pleasure & now taking a deep dive for job.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

All of those.

phantolajang profile image

I've enjoyed it in the past, but now that I'm trying to get a job, I feel I'm not good at dev, so it feels like an duty(obligation?) sometimes.

star-codex profile image

Primarily work but I'm having some creative fun on the side.