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šŸ’Æ Ace that technical interview šŸ¤‘ with these five questions! šŸš€

Recently, I was given the responsibility of hiring a new engineer for our development team.

Here are some of the questions hiring managers are likely to ask, along with a brief summary of the answers they might be looking for!

1. What is CORS? šŸ“‘

  • Answer: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that enables different resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the request originated.
  • Why this is asked: This question may be asked to determine the level of understanding an interviewee might have regarding servers and HTTP methods.

But why?

Understanding CORS is useful because it allows servers to specify not only who can access the assets, but also how they can be accessed. With CORS, a server can specify who can access its assets and which HTTP request methods are allowed from external resources.

2. What is the difference between the Id and Class selectors when styling? āœ”ļø

  • Answer: The Id selector finds and modifies the style of any single element while the Class selector can modify the style of any number of elements.
  • Why this is asked: This question is a great opportunity for the interviewee to show their knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The interviewer is looking to see that you can demonstrate experience and knowledge with CSS by understanding the difference between the Id and Class selectors.

But why?

Having experience styling HTML is a great benefit as it demonstrates Front End Development experience, which would be invaluable in a Full Stack position.

3. In Javascript, what is the difference between null and undefined? šŸ’£

  • Answer: In JavaScript, undefined is a type, whereas null an object. With undefined, a variable is declared, but no value has been assigned a value. Whereas, null is an assignment value. You can assign it to a variable.
  • Why this is asked: This is asked to determine the depth of an interviewees knowledge of Javascript.

But why?

This is a great question because it opens the door to allow you, the interviewee, to demonstrate your knowledge of Javascript. Javascript is an integral programming language to building technology on the web and understanding its caveats will give you a massive advantage over other developers!

4. What is the difference between the '==' and '===' operators?

  • Answer: '==' and '===' fall under the equality/comparison operators category. '==' checks the 2 values either side of the operator are equal to one another. Whereas the '===' operator checks equality of the values, but also of the types of each value. This is referred to as "Type Strict Comparison". For example, a string value of "2" will not be equal to an integer value of 2.
  • Why this is asked: This further develops upon the last question and allows the interviewer to further gauge your knowledge and experience with Javascript.

5. What is GIT? šŸ“€

  • Answer: Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.
  • Why this is asked: Version control is a large part of the software development industry. The interviewer wants to know if you have experience with using GIT.

But why?

Version control is vital to effective software development, from small scale to large scale projects. Knowing how to use version control effectively will be the biggest contributor to your career!

Summary šŸ™

If you made is this far congratulations! šŸŽ‰

Hopefully you've learned something in this post that will help you when interviewing during your job hunting journey!

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Top comments (10)

joachimzeelmaekers profile image
Joachim Zeelmaekers • Edited

Nice man! I recently received a question in an interview: what is the difference between Just In Time and Ahead-in-time compilation. An interesting one that comes back a lot!

brandonkylebailey profile image

Thanks for commenting Joachim! That's another really good question! how did you do answering it?

joachimzeelmaekers profile image
Joachim Zeelmaekers

The first time, not so good, I knew JIT but never even heard of the usage of Ahead in time compilation, I knew it was "ahead in time" but yeah that's not really an answer. So I just asked the interviewer what it was to let them know I was eager to learn!

abidgulshahid profile image
Abid Gul Shahid


brandonkylebailey profile image


fidelamendola1976 profile image
Fidel Amendola

Awesome mate, very useful data. Thanks šŸ‘

brandonkylebailey profile image

Thanks Fidel! and thanks for commenting!

amnindersingh12 profile image
amninder singh

Thanks !!!!

brandonkylebailey profile image

You're welcome! thanks for commenting!

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