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A first project with ExpressoTS

Daniel Boll on August 27, 2023

Introduction ExpressoTS is a new developer-friendly TypeScript framework for Server-Side Applications. It's currently built on top of Ex...
danielhe4rt profile image
Daniel Reis

I was one of the beta testers of this awesome framework. I hope that ExpressoTS gets the space neeeded to keep growing in the OSS community.

Also, thanks for the article folks!

patriciooncode profile image

Thank you for this.

I tried to add TS in a production project, and eventually gave up because it was more blocking than helping.

So with ExpressoTS, things will become more simple, thank you!

wesllycode profile image

Very nice !

edintwi profile image
Edson Brandon


gbrramos profile image
Gabriel Oliveira

Awesome! I'm sure I'll use this framework so much

imglic profile image
Victor Glicério

Nice job bro!

julianosoares profile image
Juliano Leonardo Soares

Excellent article!

cherryramatis profile image
Cherry Ramatis

Awesome article! It's awesome to see more iniciative around backend typescript development, quite curious to try out on my own projects

viniciusenari profile image
Vinicius Koji Enari

Awesome! I'm looking forward to try ExpressoTS!

llofyy profile image
Lucas André

This is very cool!

mattheushenrique profile image

Good article!! Vai Brasil! ❤️

rsaz profile image
Richard Zampieri

Great article, keep it up the good work!

Version 2.0 is coming soon!

nandosts profile image
Fernando Melo

This is actually awesome!

krtirtho profile image
Kingkor Roy Tirtho

Wait a sec. Isn't it just another NestJS clone?
The same modules, controllers, providers, usecases (fancy word for Nestjs Middlewares) & of course decorators

I love the what NestJS does. But what is the point of straight up copying a framework? This doesn't bring any uniqueness to this project at all

Even the logo of the project is another ripoff of NestJS's logo. A horse instead of a cat/tiger

Ah this is just disappointing 😔

indexofmayank profile image
Mayank Tiwari


_kiutty_ profile image

Awesome, good article!

msamgan profile image
Mohammed Samgan Khan

This is a nice project and a good resource if you want to go for a full server-side application. However, when it comes to just APIs it feels like a bit overkill. I myself am working on a lightweight framework focusing on getting the job done efficiently and effortlessly. No flashy gimmicks, just pure development bliss. You can check it out here.

feel free to give feedback, all and any feedback is most welcome.

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Nice , I appreciate your efforts, This tool is good for many uses. But I have a advice for new backend developers who are just using Javascript for everything. I know node is successfull in backend for many use cases. But blindly using Javascript for all projects is not good for now. Is it scalable and secure like Java, C# ? For new developers who are doing backend development, kindly try Java , C# or Golang for building APIs and then decide whether using Javascript in backend for your project is good decision or not. Instead of using one tool for all, Kindly explore different tools and use the best tool for the Job.

rsaz profile image
Richard Zampieri

But way different, specially in philosophy. Here are few items I would describe:

  • Providers offered in the tool as part of the application life cycle without the need of installation first to use.
  • Easy to get a new developer on board.
  • Light and easy project structure
  • Two different project structure supported (opinionated and non opinionated version), supports MVC, non MVC, architecture. The opinionated template was built on top of clean architecture, you will see concepts embedded in the opinionated template such as entities, useCases, repositories and providers. In the other hand Nest is purely MVC heavily inspired by Angular

Mostly, you feel like what you are building is tangible rather than feeling like you’re building a server-side app on top of a lots of stuff underneath that you don’t know exactly what is going on. In Expresso everything is exposed, like DI, Middleware stack and so on. ExpressoTS is not inspired by a Framework but inspired by good practices in many different well established framework such as .NET, Spring boot etc.

These are the few ones that came up to my mind now. I hope it helps, give a try, and draw your conclusions.

By the way, folks are about to release v2.0 soon with a lots of changes and more interesting features that you don't see often in Typescript ecosystem

clabnet profile image
Claudio Barca

Nice solution.
How about Openapi3 and Swagger Api documentation ?

rsaz profile image
Richard Zampieri

Hi @clabnet

You're spot on—discussions about AI models and documentation are definitely on our radar for the near future. Right now, our focus is on establishing a solid foundation that enables people to build applications both easily and securely, without compromising on performance. Rest assured, we'll circle back to these important topics soon. If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them! Feel free to share your thoughts on our Ideas community board:

rodrigorvsn profile image
Rodrigo Victor

Thanks for the article!!

ilonavarro profile image
Ilo Navarro


malpaso profile image
Bill Tindal

Try @adonisframework instead

phenriquesousa profile image
Pedro Henrique

Heart community passing by! :)

artenlf profile image
Luís Felipe Arten

Very cool! Definitely trying it on future projects!

jak2k profile image

Too much boilerplate...

rsaz profile image
Richard Zampieri • Edited

Opinionated Template accelerate the development yes by adding reusable code, what you call boilerplate.
Non-opinionated Template you do everything from scratch but still make use of @expressots/core library

The question is, which company has time to wait for you to build the whole infrastructure of an application from scratch? To answer this question frameworks exists. SpringBoot in Java, .Net Core, Laravel - Code Ignite- PHP, Flask and django for Python and so ExpressoTS.

The problem is not to have or have boilerplate, the problem is choosing the right tool to the job you gonna be performing. In Typescript world you do have a few options such as ExpressoTS, Nestjs, AdonisJs, Hapi, Koa, and I can keep going on and on.

Be prepared to adapt and being able to switch technology fast, that's the world we live in! :)

jak2k profile image
Jak2k • Edited

I want use frameworks, but then I use the original (Nest) and not it's copy.

Thread Thread
rsaz profile image
Richard Zampieri

Fair enough. You're too passionate about a tool in order for us to have this conversation, and for you to see the differences. ExpressoTS is not heavily inspired in Angular, neither in Nest. If you have worked with C# or Java Spring Boot you will see more similarities with them. And perhaps you will find another interesting conclusion, that maybe Angular has copied Java and C# annotation ideas and the DI container, and how the application startUp a project. :)

What I really recommend folks to do is a proper assessment to really make sure you got the project philosophy, what problem its trying to solve and how its trying to solve. Go there and try to understand why there are more than 20 direct contributors to this project called ExpressoTS. We maybe can find a gem.
Maybe ExpressoTS will call your attention years from now, who knows.

Have a good weekend.

rsaz profile image
Richard Zampieri

ExpressoTS Twitter in case you want to follow the Framework latest news.

malpaso profile image
Bill Tindal

@adonisframework is way ahead. Why build a framework on an old base?

f0ntana profile image
Felipe Fontana

ExpressoTS truly stands out as a remarkable framework, boasting an impressive array of cutting-edge features. Its capabilities are simply top-notch!