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Gold Agbonifo_Isaac
Gold Agbonifo_Isaac

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Rants of a Beginner Techie 5

It's been a while, and it's my fault. I forgot to share my pains, struggles, and wins with the world for people to learn from. I have been struggling with the worst form of imposter syndrome, and because of this, I couldn't summon the courage to write an article. I mean, there were days I picked up my laptop to write, but I just couldn't. It's weird, I know. I'm back, and as I write this, I wonder why I ever bothered to not let out my thoughts in months. I mean, it is the "rant of a beginner Techie" for a reason, right?

Well, I'll do you the honor of introducing the writer of this unusual blog article. I am Gold Agbonifo-Isaac, a Python developer who probably doesn't know what in the world she is doing and just tries hard to show up every day, hoping that someday, somehow, her consistency would pay off.

How has the year been so far? I know some of you reading this started this year with a huge plan for the year. Maybe it was learning a new skill, getting a job, or even something crazier. Well, at the time of this write-up, it is February 7th, 2024, 4:43 pm in Edo state, Nigeria, and I might not be the best person to give advice, but I want you to not give up. Your future self is cheering you, saying, "You can do this!!! One step at a time, you can do it!"

Find some means to let out the steam after the day's work; this helps. I don't think I have ever mentioned in my previous episodes, but I am a final year undergraduate student of Computer Science, and it is crazy trying to balance tech and school. I want to excel at both school and Tech. It is difficult and requires a lot of planning and devotion, especially since I am a huge volunteer at my school. I organize tutorial classes and events for my department and the Google Developer's Students Club.

It's crazy and hard, but I won't give up! So, fellow human who has for some reason continued to read this unusual article, this is a sign.


With this, I, for now, wrap up another episode of the rants. Expect more articles from me sooner than ever. So cheers to the rants! Please share your thoughts or reach out to me at I am always available to talk or have a meetup!

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