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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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54-Nodejs Course 2023: Request Middleware

We're still in the middle of events, but we need to introduce a new concept first before we move on as we need it in our request events, The concept is called Middleware.


Middleware is a function or list of functions that is executed before the request handler, it can be used to modify the request object, or to add some functionality to the request.

For example, we can use a middleware to check if the user is authenticated or not, or we can use it to check if the user has the required permissions to access the requested route, if not then we can stop the request and return a response error.

Request Middleware

Request middleware is a middleware that is executed before the request handler, it can be used to modify the request object, or to add some functionality to the request, or stop the request and return a response error/success based on certain conditions.

Request Middleware Implementation

Now let's start implementing the request middleware, if you recall, the router methods accepts two parameters, the first one is the route path, and the second one is the request handler, so we need to add a third parameter to the router methods, that one will be an options list, and we will add the middleware option to it.

Open src/core/router/types.ts and add let's update the Route type.

// src/core/router/types.ts
import { Request } from "core/http/request";

 * Middleware method
export type Middleware = (request: Request, response: any) => any;

export type RouteOptions = {
   * Route middleware
  middleware?: Middleware[];
   * Route name
  name?: string;

 * Route Object
export type Route = RouteOptions & {
   * Route method
  method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH";
   * Route path
  path: string;
   * Route handler
  handler: any;
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We defined the Middleware type, and we added the middleware option to the RouteOptions type.

Any middleware will receive the request object and the response object as parameters, if the middleware returns a value, then it will be used as the response, and the request handler and all other middlewares will not be executed.

Also we added a new option to the RouteOptions type, that one is the name option, it will be used to give a name to the route, we will use it later in the request events.

Finally we merged the RouteOptions type with the Route type.

Now let's update our Router class.

// src/core/router/index.ts
import request from "core/http/request";
import { Route, RouteOptions } from "./types";

export class Router {
   * Routes list
  private routes: Route[] = [];

   * Router Instance
  private static instance: Router;

   * Get router instance
  public static getInstance() {
    if (!Router.instance) {
      Router.instance = new Router();

    return Router.instance;

  private constructor() {

   * Add get request method
  public get(path: string, handler: any, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "GET",

    return this;

   * Add post request method
  public post(path: string, handler: any, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "POST",

    return this;

   * Add put request method
  public put(path: string, handler: any, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "PUT",

    return this;

   * Add delete request method
  public delete(path: string, handler: any, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "DELETE",

    return this;

   * Add patch request method
  public patch(path: string, handler: any, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "PATCH",

    return this;

   * Get all routes list
  public list() {
    return this.routes;

   * Register routes to the server
  public scan(server: any) {
    this.routes.forEach(route => {
      const requestMethod = route.method.toLowerCase();
      const requestMethodFunction = server[requestMethod].bind(server);

      requestMethodFunction(route.path, this.handleRoute(route));

   * Handle the given route
  private handleRoute(route: Route) {
    return async (fastifyRequest: any, fastifyResponse: any) => {

      return await request.execute();

const router = Router.getInstance();

export default router;
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We added the options parameter to the router methods, and we merged it with the route object.

Now let's update the handleRoute method to receive the entire route object, and to call the execute method on the request object.

// src/core/router/index.ts
private handleRoute(route: Route) {
  return async (fastifyRequest: any, fastifyResponse: any) => {

    return await request.execute();
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Now let's update our Request class to receive the route object instead of the handler.

// src/core/http/request.ts
import { Route } from "core/router/types";

export class Request {
  // ...

   * Route Object
   * Notice the `!` after the `Route` type, it means that the route is required.
  private route!: Route;
  // remove the handler property

   * Set route handler
  public setRoute(route: Route) {
    this.route = route;

    return this;

  // remove the setHandler method
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We replaced the handler property with the route property, and we added the setRoute method and removed the setHandler method.

Now let's update the execute method to call the middleware and the handler.

// src/core/http/request.ts

   * Execute the request
  public async execute() {
    // check for middleware first
    if (this.route.middleware) {
      for (const middleware of this.route.middleware) {
        const output = await middleware(this, this.response);

        if (output !== undefined) {
          return output;

    const handler = this.route.handler;

    // check for validation
    if (handler.validation) {
      if (handler.validation.rules) {
        const validator = new Validator(this, handler.validation.rules);

        try {
          await validator.scan(); // start scanning the rules
        } catch (error) {

        if (validator.fails()) {
          const responseErrorsKey = config.get(
          const responseStatus = config.get("validation.responseStatus", 400);

          return this.response.status(responseStatus).send({
            [responseErrorsKey]: validator.errors(),

      if (handler.validation.validate) {
        const result = await handler.validation.validate(this, this.response);

        if (result) {
          return result;

    return await handler(this, this.response);
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In the execute method, we started by checking if the route has middleware, and if it does, we loop through the middleware and call each one of them, and if the middleware returns a value, we return it.

Then we check if the route has validation, and if it does, we check if the route has rules, and if it does, we create a new validator instance and we scan the rules, and if the validator fails, we return the errors.

Then we check if the route has a validation function, and if it does, we call it, and if it returns a value, we return it.

Finally, we call the handler and return the result.

And that's it!


Now let's see how to use it in our application.

Open src/app/users/route.ts and update it to the following:

// src/app/users/route.ts
import router from "core/router";
import { Middleware } from "core/router/types";
import createUser from "./controllers/create-user";
import getUser from "./controllers/get-user";
import usersList from "./controllers/users-list";

const middleware1: Middleware = (request, response) => {
  console.log("middleware 1 is executed but not returning anything");

const middleware2: Middleware = (request, response) => {
    "middleware 2 is executed but returning a value that will stop the execution and return the value",

  return {
    interrupted: true,

router.get("/users", usersList);
router.get("/users/:id", getUser);"/users", createUser, {
  middleware: [middleware1, middleware2],
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Now try to make a POST request to /users, it will not execute even the validation, because the middleware returned a value.

Also you'll see something like this in your console:


🎨 Conclusion

In this tutorial, we learned how to implement middleware in our application, and how to use it.

In our next article, we'll resume our events on requests.

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