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4 things you might not know about javascript.

Hey in this article I am going to be showing some unique things that you may not know about javascript! enjoy guys!

1) The -0

Did you know that javascript has a -0 number? we actually use the +0 number as default but you know what they return 0 anyway so both of them are equal.

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2) NaN (Not a number) is a special number!

If you didn't know NaN is actually a special number. if you don't believe me just use the code that is given below and you would be surprised!

One more weird and interesting thing about this is NaN is not equal to itself meaning NaN !== NaN

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3) Setting and reading the urlparams using searchParams

You can use the search params to get the value of any param and also you can set a param with a value using this.


4) Some cool icons using HTML Entity

There are some basic icons that you might wanna use in your site so instead of importing font and do all those time-consuming things

you can use some cool icons using the HTML Entity some examples are given below



That was it! Thank you for reading my article hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you like this little article of mine. Thank you so much for reading this!πŸ™‚

Top comments (4)

diegolepore profile image
Diego Palacios Lepore

Great article! πŸ˜ƒ Learning JS seems to be an endless road yet an exiting one as well.

BTW, regarding NaN, I wrote an article a few months ago, here's the link in case you wanna take a look:


iftekhs profile image

Thank you so much glad you liked it! enjoy.πŸ”₯

glebirovich profile image
Gleb Irovich

Hey. Seems you forgot the 5th thing πŸ€”

iftekhs profile image

Oh man,πŸ˜‚ Thanks for pointing it out.