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Jonathan Gamble
Jonathan Gamble

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Using Sharable Runes with TypeScript in Svelte5

I don't know about you, but I don't like using Runes with $state in Svelte 5. Sure, they're easier to set data in your component, but I don't write code and manually put getters and setters.

Single Responsibility Principle

I don't write state inside my component except in small apps. I like to create reusable shared hooks. If it can't be shared, it is still better to follow the SRP for clean coding techniques.


First, I created a rune that works like Nuxt or Qwik Signals. I don't want to call the variable as a function, and I don't want to call set. The value attribute is the best implementation. You can create your own if you disagree.

export const rune = <T>(initialValue: T) => {

    let _rune = $state(initialValue);

    return {
        get value() {
            return _rune;
        set value(v: T) {
            _rune = v;
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This is what I use instead of $state everywhere in my app, with the exception of small changes in a component.

Shared Store

If you follow my posts, than you've seen a version of my shared store. It can be done with Runes as well.

import { getContext, hasContext, setContext } from "svelte";
import { readable, writable } from "svelte/store";
import { rune } from "./rune.svelte";

export const useSharedStore = <T, A>(
    name: string,
    fn: (value?: A) => T,
    defaultValue?: A,
) => {
    if (hasContext(name)) {
        return getContext<T>(name);
    const _value = fn(defaultValue);
    setContext(name, _value);
    return _value;

// writable store context
export const useWritable = <T>(name: string, value?: T) =>
    useSharedStore(name, writable, value);

// readable store context
export const useReadable = <T>(name: string, value: T) =>
    useSharedStore(name, readable, value);

// shared rune
export const useRune = <T>(name: string, value: T) =>
    useSharedStore(name, rune, value);
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Using this method, you can call useRune in you app for shared state anywhere.

Component 1

const user = useRune('user', { ...user state });
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Component 2

const user = useRune('user');
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And it will just work!

Custom Runes

You can do the same thing with custom Runes. Let's say I want to keep track of the Firebase user's state, and I want to share it across my app. I don't want to keep calling onIdTokenChanged. I can simply created a shared hook.

const _useUser = (defaultUser: UserType | null = null) => {

    const user = rune(defaultUser);

    const unsubscribe = onIdTokenChanged(
        (_user: User | null) => {
            if (!_user) {
                user.value = null;
            const { displayName, photoURL, uid, email } = _user;
            user.value = { displayName, photoURL, uid, email };


    return user;

export const useUser = (defaultUser: UserType | null = null) =>
    useSharedStore('user', _useUser, defaultUser);
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Now I can use:

const user = useUser();
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Anywhere in my app (hooks or components!), and is SAFE for the server. I believe this should be built into Svelte (and all Frameworks). The closest thing I have seen is useState() in Nuxt --- not to be confused with React.

Hope this helps those that are migrating to Svelte 5. I will be updating my SvelteKit Firebase Todo App article in the coming weeks.


See Also:

  • Code.Build - Finishing Firebase Course
  • Newsletter - Subscribe for more Svelte 5 and Firebase tips!

Top comments (5)

brugh profile image

I have an application that has a service.ts with an eventhandler that impacts the store. I cannot use useRune() or any runelike actions in a service file since you can only use runes in components, how can i get the store defined like this to update from an eventhandler?

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

This is a Svelte 5 limitation. You would need to rename service.ts to service.svelte.ts, generally speaking.

brugh profile image

yes, that's true. if you add a
const docState = $state( {value: null} )
it will let you do that.
but if you set
const docState = useRune('docstate')
it will error out with a Svelte error: lifecycle_outside_component

i dont see a way to circumvent that...

Thread Thread
jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Are you using shared.svelte.ts for the useRune()? Also, I'm not sure where you're putting that, so an example repo would help.

jamesforan profile image
James Foran

This is the post I have been looking for. Thanks. I am a very part-time programmer and am struggling a little with runes, and sharing state across my app.

I agree with your point about, "should be standard in libraries/frameworks".