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Cover image for Weekly 0075
Emanuele Bartolesi
Emanuele Bartolesi

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Weekly 0075


In the morning, we conducted our bi-weekly sprint planning session, which holds significant importance for our team's workflow and project management. This meeting is particularly crucial at this juncture because I will be traveling for work in the coming days, which means I won't be able to actively participate in or closely monitor all the ongoing activities in real-time. By having a comprehensive plan in place, we ensure that everyone is aligned on our goals and can proceed effectively even in my absence.

Later in the day, we encountered a critical issue in our production environment that demanded immediate attention. The Brandplane application experienced an unexpected shutdown due to complications arising from the integrity check process. Specifically, the problem stemmed from issues with some JavaScript and Blazor files in our web applications. This situation underscored the importance of robust error handling and continuous monitoring in maintaining the stability of our production systems. After a thorough investigation and collaborative effort from our development team, we successfully resolved the problem by implementing a meticulous cleanup of the affected components. Once we completed this process, we re-deployed the application, effectively restoring its functionality and ensuring smooth operations for our users.


On Tuesday, I embarked on a journey to Italy, a trip that combined both business and administrative responsibilities. The travel itself was smooth, allowing me to reflect on the upcoming meetings and tasks awaiting me in this beautiful country. Upon arrival, I dedicated time to addressing various administrative matters essential for my stay and upcoming work engagements. These tasks, while not glamorous, are crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of our international business activities and maintaining compliance with local regulations. The day provided a balance of productivity and cultural immersion, setting a positive tone for the rest of my Italian business trip.


On Wednesday, I attended a high-level strategic meeting in Vicenza with the Brandplane manager. This gathering of C-suite executives proved to be a pivotal moment for our company, as we engaged in comprehensive discussions about our future direction and growth strategies. We delved into several key areas that will shape our business moving forward, including the development of a robust partners program to expand our reach and capabilities. Additionally, we explored potential affiliation opportunities that could enhance our market presence and create mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations in our industry. The meeting also covered various other strategic initiatives and long-term plans aimed at strengthening our position in the market and driving sustainable growth. These decisions are expected to have a significant impact on our company's trajectory and operational focus in the coming months and years.


I spent the entire day in Milan engaged in comprehensive meetings with our marketing and sales teams. The morning session was particularly productive, as I delivered an in-depth presentation on our product. This presentation sparked a lively discussion, with numerous insightful questions coming from both the sales and marketing departments. Their inquiries not only demonstrated their keen interest in understanding the product thoroughly but also highlighted areas where we could potentially enhance our communication and positioning strategies.

One of the most valuable outcomes of these meetings was the extensive feedback we received. The sales and marketing teams had diligently collected a wealth of information from our customers, as well as general market feedback. This input is absolutely crucial for our product development process, especially considering our position as a SaaS startup. Customer feedback serves as a compass, guiding our product evolution and helping us align our offerings more closely with market needs and expectations.

The importance of this feedback cannot be overstated, particularly in the context of a SaaS startup like ours. In this rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying attuned to customer needs and market trends is paramount. It allows us to iterate quickly, address pain points effectively, and continuously improve our product. This customer-centric approach is often what separates successful startups from those that struggle to gain traction in the competitive SaaS market.


Friday began with an important call with a potential high-value customer for Brandplane. This interaction presented an exciting opportunity to showcase our product's capabilities and discuss how it could address their specific needs. The conversation was productive, allowing us to gain valuable insights into their requirements and expectations.

Following this, I participated in our first call with a potential Venture Capital firm for Brandplane, based in Palo Alto, California. This meeting was particularly thrilling as it marked a significant step in our company's growth journey. We had the chance to present our business model, market potential, and future plans to seasoned investors who could potentially provide not just funding, but also strategic guidance and industry connections.

As the day wound down, I dedicated some time to sharing knowledge with the developer community. In the evening, I published a new blog post discussing the critical importance of studying official documentation in software development. This piece aimed to highlight how thorough understanding of official docs can significantly enhance a developer's skills and efficiency, ultimately leading to better code quality and more robust solutions.

Why Reading Official Documentation First Made Me a Better Developer -

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