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Discussion on: Explain Redux like I'm five

mikkpr profile image
Mikk Pristavka • Edited

I'll try to introduce the core concepts of Redux (store, actions, reducers, subscriptions) with a super simple example.

Initial state

Let's say you have an apple. The apple represents your application's current state in time. Let's define the apple as a JS object:

const initialApple = {
  color: 'red',
  dirty: true,
  remainingBites: 5
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There are many things you could do with the apple, and every action may change the apple slightly.
Let's define the possible actions you could perform:

const WASH = { type: 'WASH' };
const EAT = { type: 'EAT', bites: 2 };
const ROT = { type: 'ROT' };
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We can now define a reducer function to handle these actions:

function appleReducer(state = initialApple, action) {
  switch(action.type) {
    case 'WASH':
      // sets the `dirty` field to `false`
      return { ...state, dirty: false };

    case 'EAT':
      // decrements the number of remaining bites (cannot go below 0)
      // note that the number of bites is given as a payload in the EAT action
      return {
        remainingBites: Math.max(0, state.remainingBites - action.bites)

    case 'ROT':
      // changes the apple's color to brown
      return { ...state, color: 'brown' };

    // we don't know how to handle other actions,
    // so let's just do nothing and return the apple
      return state;
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Every time we perform (or dispatch) an action, the resulting apple object is slightly different from what it was before the action.


Now that we have a reducer (list of possible actions) and an initial state (the apple), let's create a store and provide the apple as the initial state:

const store = Redux.createStore(appleReducer, initialApple);
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To retrieve the apple object at any time, we can use store.getState(), which returns

  color: 'red',
  dirty: true,
  remainingBites: 5
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Let's also subscribe to any changes to the apple:

function handleChange() {
  const currentApple = store.getState();
  if (currentApple.color === 'red') {
    console.log('Looks delicious!');
  } else {
    console.log('Looks awful, better throw it in the bin!');
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Async actions

This timer starts when we first buy the apple and waits a whole week before dispatching the ROT action:

const weekInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
setTimeout(() => {
}, weekInMilliseconds);
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I hope you know how this works, but as a refresher: setTimeout takes two parameters: a function and the number of milliseconds to wait. After the number has passed, the function is called.

Dispatching actions

Now, let's do stuff with the apple.

Before all the actions:

// store.getState()
  color: 'red',
  dirty: true,
  remainingBites: 5

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After washing (store.dispatch(WASH);):

// store.getState()
  color: 'red',
  dirty: false,
  remainingBites: 5
// console
Looks delicious!
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After eating (store.dispatch(EAT);):

// store.getState()
  color: 'red',
  dirty: false,
  remainingBites: 3
// console
Looks delicious!
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After eating again (store.dispatch(EAT);)

// store.getState()
  color: 'red',
  dirty: false,
  remainingBites: 1
// console
Looks delicious!
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Let's forget about the apple for a while.

Oh, right — we used setTimeout to wait for a week. Once that resolves, the ROT action is dispatched and the resulting apple is this:

// store.getState()
  color: 'brown',
  dirty: false,
  remainingBites: 1
// console
Looks awful, better throw it in the bin!
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After washing, taking 4 bites and then waiting a week, there's not much left of the apple, but hopefully, you understood the basics of Redux.

tsunaminori profile image
Tsunami Nori

many thanks for this. It made me understand the flow of redux better. haha

sambenskin profile image
Sam Benskin

Great explanation! Now you've made me want to start using redux for a new project...

v_djordje profile image

What a great Explanation! Can you do this for Explain React like I'm five, please?
Really appreciate.

mikkpr profile image
Mikk Pristavka

Thanks! React has already been explained here:

succhib profile image

That's a really awesome kicktstarter, Mikk. Kudos! I am already feeling that I should get on with Redux:)
I guess more folks who are well versed with Redux should recommend Redux courses here - - so that wannabe like me can start easily.

aunyks profile image
Gerald Nash ⚡️

This made perfect sense! Thank you.

yashwanth2804 profile image
kambala yashwanth

Here is the working APP deployed to Redux App like 5

foresthoffman profile image
Forest Hoffman

Dang, that's a fairly simple way to explain it. Well done.

When you said...

This timer starts when we first buy the apple and waits a whole week:

const weekInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
setTimeout(() => {
}, weekInMilliseconds)

I think you may have a typo where you used WAIT instead of ROT, which you defined earlier. If that's the case, you also reference it here:

Oh, right — we used setTimeout to wait for a week. Once that resolves, the WAIT action is dispatched and the resulting apple is this:

If not, never mind me.


mikkpr profile image
Mikk Pristavka

Oh, you are correct. I did rename the action at one point and missed a few spots. Thanks!

Thread Thread
foresthoffman profile image
Forest Hoffman

Happy to help. :)

adammholloway profile image
Adam Holloway

Great explanation! I wrote a quick demo of this working in an application, helped me understand how it all fits together -

yashwanth2804 profile image
kambala yashwanth

Here is the working APP deployed to Redux App like 5

ivanandresdiaz profile image
Ivan Andres Diaz

I really loved it. Thank you so much