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Day 23: Unveiling the Magic of INTRODUCTION in Java, C++, Python, and Kotlin! 🚀

DAY - 23

Today’s Learning :-

Insertion Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array one item at a time. It is efficient for sorting small datasets or nearly sorted datasets. The basic idea behind
Insertion Sort is to iterate through the array, starting from the second element (index 1), and for each element, place it in its correct position among the previously sorted elements.

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Here's how the Insertion Sort algorithm works:
Start with the second element (index 1) and compare it with the first element (index 0).

If the second element is smaller, swap it with the first element.
Move to the third element (index 2) and compare it with the elements before it (starting from the second element). Insert the third element into its correct position among the previously sorted elements.

Repeat this process for each subsequent element in the array until the entire array is sorted.

Insertion Sort is an in-place algorithm, meaning it doesn't require additional memory to perform sorting. However, it has a time complexity of O(n^2) in the worst case scenario, making it less efficient than more advanced sorting algorithms like Merge Sort or Quick Sort for large datasets.

Despite its relatively high time complexity, Insertion Sort can be efficient for small datasets or nearly sorted datasets due to its simplicity and low overhead.

Feel free to share this post to enhance awareness and understanding of these fundamental concepts in statistical analysis!

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