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Nicolas Lapointe
Nicolas Lapointe

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Demystifying Clean Architecture: Fundamentals and Benefits

Imagine building a house with an inconsistent plan, where walls, roof, and foundations blend into a cheerful chaos... Well, that's exactly what the world of development can look like! Let's not kid ourselves; it happens (far too) often. We've probably all faced the spaghetti plate, a code where everything is mixed up and hard to maintain. Clean Architecture will be the master builder accompanying the construction of the house, bringing a framework that brings order to the increasing complexity of modern applications.

What is Clean Architecture?

Clean Architecture is not just a buzzword. Resulting from the work of Robert C. Martin (a publication in 2012 followed by a book in 2017 still available), it is an increasingly essential concept in modern development that offers a structured approach to designing robust, more easily maintainable, and scalable applications.
Let's first define the basics.


Clean Architecture aims to clearly separate concerns, with business aspects on one side and technical aspects on the other. It also aims to maintain essential control over dependencies, avoiding being tightly bound or coupled to them.

These are the two fundamental principles:

1- Separation of Concerns
With Clean Architecture, imagine each element of your application having a clear and distinct role. Business logic doesn't mix with technical details. The application is divided into layers, each with its responsibility.

2- Independence of Frameworks and Tools
Here, flexibility is key. Your application must be agile and able to adapt to changes without compromising its stability. A significant security flaw in one dependency? GDPR constraint on another? No matter, adapting the code, replacing it with another dependency, should be painless.

The Layers of Clean Architecture

In the definition part, we discussed decomposing into several distinct layers, each with a specific responsibility and role, following the principle of isolation. Let's dive into the details.

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The Entities Layer
Entities form the heart of domain modeling, business. They are the building blocks of your application, guardians of business logic, without worrying about technical details, data persistence, etc.

The Use Cases Layer
Use cases are like conductors of your application. They direct business logic and ensure that everything runs smoothly with coordination between different parts of the application. They clearly describe business logic scenarios. I like to emphasize that the Product Owner's perspective can be interesting in this layer!

The User Interfaces Layer (Interface Adapters)
In this layer, we deal with interactions with the outside world. User interfaces and adapters handle inputs and outputs, like a gateway between the application and external dependencies.

The Infrastructure Layer
Finally, the infrastructure layer is the lair of technology. It is responsible for interacting with databases, frameworks, and everything related to technical aspects.

Each layer is isolated, independent. To make them communicate with each other, we'll use what's called dependency injection.

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Why Choose Clean Architecture?

Now that we've seen the fundamentals and understand the basics, let's look at the concrete advantages of Clean Architecture principles.

Better Maintainability & Scalability
Our master builder has fulfilled its mission, the house is well-designed, and each room adapts to a single need. If I want to add a room or change a window, it's immediately simpler! Clean Architecture brings this flexibility, allowing the application to adapt and grow without difficulty. Unlike spaghetti code, where pulling on one side causes crashes elsewhere.

Better Testability
It's quite logical that with the principle of isolation, separation of concerns, where each layer has its responsibility, the code structure facilitates the implementation of unit tests. Simple elements lead to simple tests, simple tests mean more robust code.

Technical Independence
Still in our house, think of being able to change furniture without affecting the basic structure. This is exactly one of the fundamental principles of Clean Architecture, the independence of the technical layer. If changing the table requires changing the tiles, two walls, and three windows, it's immediately another project!

Clearer Understanding of the Code Base
By following the principles of separation of concerns at the code structure level, developers find a clear path within and between each layer, facilitating the understanding of the different parts of the application.

Of course, as often in the world of development, everything is not black or white. If we have advantages, we have disadvantages too: More complexity in development, a slightly steeper learning curve, it can be interesting to climb a few steps by following training. We can also add a larger source code size, or what can be considered as overdevelopment, and complexity during the initial configuration.

To Conclude

Clean Architecture is not just a development method; it is a philosophy that changes the way we design our applications. By adopting its principles, we ensure developing robust, scalable, and easier to maintain applications. And inevitably, it's also an improvement in the developer experience, which we'll address in a separate article.

But it's not a magic solution either! It's a development architecture, like others, and like others that will come tomorrow. It's up to you to determine if Clean Architecture is a good choice for your project, your context. In one of my experiences, we developed a POC, with the aim of validating a market and Web 3 technical specifications. We were moving forward without real functional specifications; each day brought, removed, modified a feature: It would have been too expensive to ensure having a clean structure for code that we had already planned to "discard."

But anyway, with the rise of generative AIs or Low Code / No Code applications (and both at the same time tomorrow?), the market share of applications developed with a tool will continue to grow and take its place, that's my conviction. Any application that doesn't fall into this category will inevitably be more complex, will require addressing challenges that Low Code / No Code or AI cannot solve. So, it will necessarily require a solid, robust, scalable, maintainable structure, everything that Clean Architecture offers today, and why not a new method or new principles tomorrow!

This article is an introduction to Clean Architecture and is part of a dedicated series on this topic. Stay tuned for more!

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