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Help me build a open source linear algebra library in Javascript

Still stuck at home cause the pandemic? Do you have more time to dedicate to your projects?
Since I like math and I have more time to dedicate to my projects, I’ve started an open source linear algebra library for javascript, just for fun and for learning new stuff.
If you have more time to dedicate to your projects and you’re also passionate about math, consider to contribute to the library!

I’ve already implement the basics operation for matrices and vectors, and now I’m working on more challenging computations such as matrix decomposition, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix.

I also made a todo list for all the things that I wanna implement.

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As you can see there’re a tons of thing to do, I’ve never thought the todo list would become so big!

All the contributors are welcome! I can’t do it alone! Thanks!

This is the github repo

GitHub logo paolodelia99 / computational-linear-algebra-js

A javascript linear algebra library made for fun

Top comments (1)

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland

Just finished my linear algebra final yesterday. I thought I was done with the subject but now it looks like I've only started.