DEV Community

Paul Abakada
Paul Abakada

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Using hooks in React JS and Next JS.

First, let's start with what React JS and Next JS are.

React JS is a library that helps you build user interfaces (what you see on your computer or phone screen when you use an app or website).

Next JS is a framework that helps you build web applications using React JS.

Now, let's talk about hooks.
Hooks are a way to add extra functionality to your React JS or Next JS code. They allow you to do things like use state, manage effects, and reuse logic across different components.

There are several different hooks you can use in React JS and Next JS, but today we're going to focus on two of the most common ones: useState and useEffect.

useState is a hook that lets you keep track of variables that can change over time. For example, let's say you're building a game and you want to keep track of the player's score. You could use the useState hook to create a variable called "score" and set it to 0. Then, every time the player earns a point, you could use the "setScore" function (which useState also provides) to update the score.

Here's what that code might look like:

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The "useState" line sets up the "score" variable and the "setScore" function. The "handlePoint" function is called when the player clicks the "Earn a point!" button, and it uses "setScore" to update the score.

The "return" statement defines what the component looks like on the screen. In this case, it shows the current score and a button that the player can click to earn a point.

Now let's talk about useEffect. useEffect is a hook that lets you run some code when something in your component changes. For example, let's say you're building a weather app and you want to get the current temperature from an API (a way to get data from the internet). You could use the useEffect hook to fetch the data from the API when the component first loads.

Here's what that code might look like:

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The "useEffect" line sets up the code that fetches the temperature from the API. The "[]", which is the second argument of useEffect, means that the code will only run once (when the component first loads).

The "return" statement shows the current temperature if it's available, or a "Loading..." message if it's not.

And that's it! That's a basic introduction to using hooks in React JS and Next JS. I hope you found it helpful!

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Rodgers Nyangweso
