DEV Community

Vin Yu
Vin Yu

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F# as a scripting language

If you read on, F# language has an official interactive/interpreter support from Microsoft unlike C#. Let me know if I'm wrong guys please comment.

This means you could use F# in places where you are using interpreted/scripting language like Python, Perl, Ruby

Advantage you get to consume libraries from .NET ecosystem and strong type system of F#

At this time of writing, I'm using dotnet sdk 8.0

Step 1: Install paket

dotnet tool install -g paket
paket init
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Edit "paket.dependencies" and add your libraries you need.
For this example, I want to add "FSharp.Core" version "8.0.300" and "UUIDNext" version "3.0.0"

storage: none

nuget FSharp.Core 8.0.300
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Step 2: Use "paket install" to install dependencies then "paket generate load-scripts --framework net8.0" to generate script to use to reference your dependencies in the script you will create

paket install
paket generate load-scripts --framework net8.0
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From one of the answers in stackoverflow, With the most recent cross plaform net installed and the most recent linux (coreutil 8.30<=) and bsd / mac os releases. You can use the following shebang for F# .fsx scripts.

#!/usr/bin/env -S dotnet fsi
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Here is a sample F# fsx script I will create named "uuid.fsx"

#!/usr/bin/env -S dotnet fsi
#load @".paket/load/net8.0/"

open System
open UUIDNext

let sequentialUuid = Uuid.NewDatabaseFriendly(Database.SQLite)
Console.WriteLine($"This is a database friendly UUID : {sequentialUuid}")
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We can run this script from bash like we do with other scripts

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or directly using dotnet command

dotnet fsi uuid.fsx
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This is a database friendly UUID : 0191ea67-c7bf-77e6-af05-483dea4b1c62
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Nice!. we are done


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