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Ferit πŸŒŸπŸ•Œ
Ferit πŸŒŸπŸ•Œ

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Remote work journey - Day 4


Yesterday, I did a short walk with the family πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ and this was the first time when I realized that people are trying to stay at home. Chancellor Merkels plea to everyone at least worked in our area.

At the same time it seems that humanity can get worse. My parents complain that can't find any toilet paper and at the same time I heard from 2 people that in front of some supermarkets people are really selling toilet papers (4€ / role) πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
All the funny memes we are sharing have some truth. Yet my parents are born in turkey and we can survive without toilet paper #bidet πŸ˜ƒ.

All in all I'm speeding up my focus and productivity. Every day I realize I can accomplish more. Yet Focus and Deep Work are still an issue. This is partially related to existing meetings + noise.

At the same time, I tried out Snap Camera and as expected most people laughed and we had a fun discussion how quickly remote work and social distancing escalated (as another colleague shaved his hairs πŸ˜‚.

The good things about remote work so far:

  • No commuting.
  • No sick people in the Metro I'm concerned about.
  • I can have lunch with my kids.
  • My wonderful wife reminds me of lunch and even takes care of me 😍
  • I do regular breaks and check-in / do a quick play with my kids or just hug them.

Fun Fact: My wife made a funny note yesterday, telling me after 4 hours in my office: "Oh, it definitely is now your office. I smell you and fresh brewed coffee." πŸ˜‚


As I'm working on a new A/B Test for Zalon, I came across a rather difficult to reason code base. Right now, I decided that I should take the time and separate at least parts of it. #boyScoutRule

Productivity is increasing and I'm tackling a rather tight-coupled, partially outdated application. This will be my day-2-day task for the next months. Also I've started collecting and analyzing Tech Debt, Performance issues and other things related to certain applications. There is a lot of work which is somehow good πŸ’ͺ🏽


I recommend to separate Redux and React Component code from each other. This might be opinionated but once your Component itself is 200 LOC + all the Redux code it gets rather confusing.

  • Component.js
  • Component.connected.js

You can still do everything in one file when your LOC is low. But I'm working on a 13" Macbook Pro from home (no screen) and small modular codebase is easier to read.

Also, the Redux codebase can grow over time and right now there is already 55 LOC of mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps. I want to add more.
It reduces my mental energy, gives more clarity towards modularity and reusability vs. having one big file.

Again, I know other developers who don't have an issue with this as they click in their editor on the + and toggle code base.

Also, after reading Clean Code and Refactoring over the last months, I want to highlight the following quote:

The whole purpose of refactoring is to make us program faster, producing more value with less effort. - Martin Fowler

So, keep refactoring. Make our own life easier.

Take care and feel free to share your situation via blogposts or comments here 🀩

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