DEV Community

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Jessica Wilkins

I am a software developer and technical writer

Location California Joined Joined on  Personal website twitter website


Software Developer at freeCodeCamp

Writing Debut
Two Year Club
2 Week Community Wellness Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
One Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Top 7
How to Translate Open Source Contributions into Career Opportunities

How to Translate Open Source Contributions into Career Opportunities

Comments 2
3 min read

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Join Virtual Coffee in the Healthy Habits for Happy Devs monthly challenge

Join Virtual Coffee in the Healthy Habits for Happy Devs monthly challenge

Comments 4
3 min read
How I overcame the fear of learning something new and embraced the joy of learning

How I overcame the fear of learning something new and embraced the joy of learning

3 min read
Common mistakes that developers make on resumes

Common mistakes that developers make on resumes

Comments 5
5 min read
Developer Health: Tips for dealing with workplace anxieties and imposter syndrome

Developer Health: Tips for dealing with workplace anxieties and imposter syndrome

Comments 3
3 min read
Should developers study 20 hours a week after work?

Should developers study 20 hours a week after work?

Comments 22
3 min read
How to get started with technical writing - An inside look into my writing process

How to get started with technical writing - An inside look into my writing process

Comments 4
7 min read
Beginner JavaScript Project: How to reverse a sentence and display it on screen

Beginner JavaScript Project: How to reverse a sentence and display it on screen

Comments 9
9 min read
Beginner JavaScript Tutorial: How to build your own Mad Libs game

Beginner JavaScript Tutorial: How to build your own Mad Libs game

Comments 1
15 min read
7 common mistakes new contributors make in Open Source Software

7 common mistakes new contributors make in Open Source Software

Comments 5
5 min read
7 Tips to be a Successful Developer in a Remote Company

7 Tips to be a Successful Developer in a Remote Company

Comments 1
6 min read
How to implement a dark to light mode feature in your React/Sass project

How to implement a dark to light mode feature in your React/Sass project

8 min read
12 Web Development Podcasts That Inform and Inspire

12 Web Development Podcasts That Inform and Inspire

Comments 2
6 min read
State of React Wrap-up | April 26, 2022

State of React Wrap-up | April 26, 2022

Comments 1
6 min read
How to Build and Grow Your Career Through Networking

How to Build and Grow Your Career Through Networking

5 min read
What I learned from Virtual Coffee's Tech blogging challenge

What I learned from Virtual Coffee's Tech blogging challenge

Comments 2
4 min read
How to use CodeSandbox - A Beginner's Guide

How to use CodeSandbox - A Beginner's Guide

Comments 4
5 min read
What is Create React App? Part 2 (package.json,README & node_modules)

What is Create React App? Part 2 (package.json,README & node_modules)

7 min read
What is Create React App? Part 1 (Installation)

What is Create React App? Part 1 (Installation)

Comments 7
7 min read
3 Reasons why I hate the "learn to code quickly" narrative

3 Reasons why I hate the "learn to code quickly" narrative

Comments 3
3 min read
How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 4-Deployment)

How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 4-Deployment)

Comments 2
5 min read
How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 3-Adding CSS)

How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 3-Adding CSS)

3 min read
How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 2-Adding JavaScript)

How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 2-Adding JavaScript)

5 min read
How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 1 - Basic setup)

How to build a Weather Converter with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript (Part 1 - Basic setup)

8 min read
Lessons I learned during my first year of programming

Lessons I learned during my first year of programming

4 min read
How I got over my fear of asking questions as a new junior developer

How I got over my fear of asking questions as a new junior developer

Comments 4
5 min read
Why I turned down a music job at Disney to pursue a software career

Why I turned down a music job at Disney to pursue a software career

4 min read
How to create a Node bot that sends happy emails throughout the year

How to create a Node bot that sends happy emails throughout the year

Comments 4
11 min read
How I overcame my fear of technical writing and landed a job at freeCodeCamp

How I overcame my fear of technical writing and landed a job at freeCodeCamp

Comments 10
6 min read
5 things I love about Tech Twitter

5 things I love about Tech Twitter

Comments 1
4 min read
3 Reasons Why you need to join a tech community

3 Reasons Why you need to join a tech community

Comments 8
5 min read