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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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88-Nodejs Course 2023: Resource: Resource Typings

Before we get started, follow the following section pleeeeese.

Regular Package Update

A gentle reminder, don't forget to update your packages while you're still working on the project.


yarn update

And return back the version of chalk to 4.

Now run yarn install

Resource typings

This is going to be a light article, we'll just enhance our Resource class a little bit and some typings inside it.

Output Type

We already said that the output property is an object that its key's value is either a built in cast, or a reference to another resource or a custom function, so let's define that type.

// src/core/resources/resource.ts

 * Resource output
export type ResourceOutput = Record<
  OutputCastType | typeof Resource | ((value: any) => Promise<any> | any)
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This is the type of the Resource output, now let's define our OutputCastType type.

// src/core/resources/resource.ts

 * Output cast type

export type OutputCastType =
  | "string"
  | "number"
  | "boolean"
  | "float"
  | "integer"
  | "double"
  | "date"
  | "url"
  | "uploadsUrl"
  | "publicUrl"
  | "assetsUrl";

 * Resource output
export type ResourceOutput = Record<
  OutputCastType | typeof Resource | ((value: any) => Promise<any> | any)
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Now let's update the output property to have that type, this will make it easier to autocomplete the output key types.

// src/core/resources/resource.ts
// ...

export default class Resource {
   * Output shape
  protected output: ResourceOutput = {};
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Same applies to our user resource, let's update it.

// src/app/users/resources/user-resource.ts

import Resource, { ResourceOutput } from "core/resources/resource";

export default class UserResource extends Resource {
   * Output data
  protected output: ResourceOutput = {
    isActive: "boolean",
    isPhoneVerified: "boolean",
    joinDate: "date",
    createdAt: "date",
    updatedAt: "date",
    name: "string",
    email: "string",
    image: "uploadsUrl",
    createdBy: UserResource,
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Much better, much cleaner.

Resource Accepted Data Types

The resource constructor receives the resource data that will be transformed in the response output, we need to specify what type of data it accepts, so let's define that type.

// src/core/resources/resource.ts
import { Model } from "core/database";
import { GenericObject } from "@mongez/reinforcements/cjs/types";

 * Allowed resource data
export type ResourceData = GenericObject | typeof Model | typeof Resource;
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The GenericObject is just a simple type that is defined as Record<string, any>.

Now let's update the constructor to accept that type.

// src/core/resources/resource.ts
// ...

export default class Resource {
   * Constructor
  public constructor(protected resource: ResourceData = {}) {
    if (this.resource instanceof Model) {
      this.resource =;
    } else if (this.resource instanceof Resource) {
      this.resource = this.resource.resource;
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Also we need to update the collect method to accept array of that type only.

// src/core/resources/resource.ts
// ...

export default class Resource {
   * return list of resources for the given array ouf data
  public static collect(data: ResourceData[]) {
    return => {
      return new this(item);
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And that's it!

🎨 Conclusion

That's it for this article, we just enhanced our resource class a little bit, and added some typings to it.

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