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Roberto Orozco
Roberto Orozco

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Flutter vs React Native

Hi community! There are multiple multi-platform frameworks to develop mobile apps nowadays, but personally, I think the main battle will be between these two.

What are your thoughts? Which one do you prefer and why?

Top comments (5)

rleija_ profile image
Ruben • Edited

I've only used React Native a handful of times. And zero with Flutter but I have seen some videos on it.

But if you know React then React Native is a breeze!

I put my money on React Native because React is the hottest tool and that's going to drag React Native with it.

learnwithparam profile image
Paramanantham Harrison • Edited

I have published few apps with react native and also took a course for flutter.
I like flutter because of packages and simple to construct UI for both ios and android.

The only difference I see is,

  • flutter like any other google framework have rules to be followed and in mobile development, this is a huge win for simple cross-platform apps. It might not be the case in web development. But the web and mobile development experience are very different.
  • If you want more custom apps through react native or flutter, there is no standout winner since you have to create a lot of things custom anyway.

For simple apps with elegant platform UI, I bet on flutter (dart isn't that difficult)
If you are already familiar with React, react native is a good first choice. But upgrading and looking for well-maintained packages are painfully hard. The community and packages aren't as strong as the flutter in react native.

For example, there is no production ready up-to-date package for Google AdMob in react native. The only way for it is to add through firebase react native package and that package is also not up-to-date always.
If this is the case for AdMob, you think about other ad companies and their SDK.

It's my own opinion and I didn't develop any rocket science either. These are my apps in google store. It was developed using react native.

anchalmalikk profile image
aanchal malik

As per my views and understanding;
Flutter and React Native are two leading frameworks for mobile app building. Reason?
There are tons of reasons.

Flutter is a Software development kit(SDK) developed by Google. It helps developers to build iOS & Android applications using a single code base.
React Native is built by another tech giant Facebook to create mobile applications without compromising the look and feel of the apps.
Here I have explained the difference between the two deeply and clearly.

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

I've worked a little with Flutter and did nothing more than googling about React but I think Flutter probably has a nice future ahead, being developed by Google and all, it may very well become the standard for developing Android apps one day if it sticks with devs.

n968941 profile image
Nilesh Payghan