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Cover image for Day 22: Swift macOS password manager for people who hate the cloud
Sean Walker
Sean Walker

Posted on

Day 22: Swift macOS password manager for people who hate the cloud

<- For Day 21 go here

📅 01/22/2019
🚀 8 days until launch
🔥 21 day streak
💰 $5.00 price (no more .99, I hate that tactic)
🤑 $0 revenue
📈 0 customers
⌚️ 36 hours spent
💻 102 files changed, 249709 insertions(+), 549 deletions(-)
🏁 Today's goal: Logo

9:24 PM
So today I'm going to try to come up with a logo.

Luckily I read this today, so now I'm a full fledged designer who can make a great logo that can stand the test of time!

Let's get started as all great logo designers do over at logojoy 😂

9:31 PM
I'm uninspired by locks, keyholes, asterisks and secure form field input logos. I think I'll just wing it and try something crazy and hopefully not too terrible looking

10:22 PM
This is why I'm not a designer

10:43 PM
It's getting late, and it's kind of bland, but I honestly don't mind this one, it's an A and two L's or at least it's supposed to be. I still have 7 days 😱 so you know, no pressure on the logo.

I just want to reiterate, not a designer. Maybe I should just stick to a lock or a key or something…

*Sigh* See you tomorrow 🌊

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