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Dev Leader

I'm a Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft with 20+ years of coding, 12 years of managing engineering teams, and 14 years of building software professionally. Here to help you succeed!


University of Waterloo


Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft

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How To Use IServiceCollection In Console Applications – What You Need To Know

How To Use IServiceCollection In Console Applications – What You Need To Know

4 min read

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Autofac ComponentRegistryBuilder in ASP.NET Core – How To Register Dependencies

Autofac ComponentRegistryBuilder in ASP.NET Core – How To Register Dependencies

8 min read
Autofac ContainerBuilder in ASP.NET Core – What You Need To Know

Autofac ContainerBuilder in ASP.NET Core – What You Need To Know

7 min read
AutofacServiceProviderFactory in ASP.NET Core – Problems With Dependency Injection (Part 1)

AutofacServiceProviderFactory in ASP.NET Core – Problems With Dependency Injection (Part 1)

8 min read
Break into Big Tech – My Journey from Startup to Microsoft

Break into Big Tech – My Journey from Startup to Microsoft

7 min read
MudBlazor with Blazor Interactive SSR – What You Need To Know

MudBlazor with Blazor Interactive SSR – What You Need To Know

6 min read
Try Catch in C#: The Basics You Need to Know

Try Catch in C#: The Basics You Need to Know

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9 min read
How to Convert a String to Byte Array in C#: Encoding and Decoding Simplified

How to Convert a String to Byte Array in C#: Encoding and Decoding Simplified

7 min read
API Gateways in Zuplo – Creating an ASCII Art API

API Gateways in Zuplo – Creating an ASCII Art API

12 min read
API Key Authentication Middleware In ASP NET Core – A How To Guide

API Key Authentication Middleware In ASP NET Core – A How To Guide

6 min read
8 Things I Wish I Understood Earlier In My Career

8 Things I Wish I Understood Earlier In My Career

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5 min read
The Impact of Lazy Evaluation of Iterators 00:43

The Impact of Lazy Evaluation of Iterators

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1 min read
C# Regular Expression Benchmarks – How To Avoid My Mistakes!

C# Regular Expression Benchmarks – How To Avoid My Mistakes!

9 min read
C# Regex Performance: How To Squeeze Out Performance

C# Regex Performance: How To Squeeze Out Performance

7 min read
Examples Of Composition In C# – A Simple Guide For Beginners

Examples Of Composition In C# – A Simple Guide For Beginners

Comments 3
10 min read
Examples Of Inheritance In C# – A Simplified Introduction To OOP

Examples Of Inheritance In C# – A Simplified Introduction To OOP

Comments 1
11 min read
Regular Expressions In C#: 3 Examples You Need To Know

Regular Expressions In C#: 3 Examples You Need To Know

6 min read
Regex Options In C#: A Beginner’s Guide To Powerful Pattern Matching

Regex Options In C#: A Beginner’s Guide To Powerful Pattern Matching

8 min read
Collection Initializer Performance in C# – How To Get An 87% Boost!

Collection Initializer Performance in C# – How To Get An 87% Boost!

11 min read
Collection Initializers And Collection Expressions In C# – Simplified Code Examples

Collection Initializers And Collection Expressions In C# – Simplified Code Examples

Comments 2
5 min read
C# MongoDB Insert Benchmarks – What You Need To Know

C# MongoDB Insert Benchmarks – What You Need To Know

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6 min read
C# Testcontainers for MongoDB: How To Easily Run Local Databases

C# Testcontainers for MongoDB: How To Easily Run Local Databases

Comments 1
7 min read
How To Delete Documents From MongoDB In C# – What You Need To Know

How To Delete Documents From MongoDB In C# – What You Need To Know

6 min read
How To Update MongoDB Documents in C# – What You Need To Know

How To Update MongoDB Documents in C# – What You Need To Know

6 min read
MongoDB Filtering in C# – Beginner’s Guide For Easy Filters

MongoDB Filtering in C# – Beginner’s Guide For Easy Filters

5 min read
MongoDB in C#: Simplified Guide For Inserting Data

MongoDB in C#: Simplified Guide For Inserting Data

7 min read
Blazor Render Mode – How To Avoid Dependency Injection Woes

Blazor Render Mode – How To Avoid Dependency Injection Woes

6 min read
MudBlazor List Items: How To Create Awesome Blazor List Views

MudBlazor List Items: How To Create Awesome Blazor List Views

Comments 2
5 min read
Autofac In ASP NET Core – How To Avoid This Debugging Nightmare

Autofac In ASP NET Core – How To Avoid This Debugging Nightmare

5 min read
7 C# Project Ideas For Beginners To Escape Tutorial Hell

7 C# Project Ideas For Beginners To Escape Tutorial Hell

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9 min read
ConstructorInfo – How To Make Reflection in DotNet Faster for Instantiation

ConstructorInfo – How To Make Reflection in DotNet Faster for Instantiation

Comments 2
8 min read
Activator.CreateInstance vs Type.InvokeMember – A Clear Winner?

Activator.CreateInstance vs Type.InvokeMember – A Clear Winner?

9 min read
Async Event Handlers in C#: What You Need to Know

Async Event Handlers in C#: What You Need to Know

6 min read
Plugin Architecture in C# for Improved Software Design

Plugin Architecture in C# for Improved Software Design

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10 min read
How to Automatically Cast Between Types in C#

How to Automatically Cast Between Types in C#

4 min read
The Facade Design Pattern in C#: How to Simplify Complex Subsystems

The Facade Design Pattern in C#: How to Simplify Complex Subsystems

Comments 2
9 min read
async void Methods In C# – The Dangers That You Need to Know

async void Methods In C# – The Dangers That You Need to Know

7 min read
Extract Method Refactoring Technique in C# – What You Need To Know

Extract Method Refactoring Technique in C# – What You Need To Know

5 min read
How to Use BenchmarkDotNet: 6 Simple Performance-Boosting Tips to Get Started

How to Use BenchmarkDotNet: 6 Simple Performance-Boosting Tips to Get Started

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11 min read
Implicit Operators in C#: How To Simplify Type Conversions

Implicit Operators in C#: How To Simplify Type Conversions

9 min read
How To Use Polly In C#: Easily Handle Faults And Retries

How To Use Polly In C#: Easily Handle Faults And Retries

7 min read
Scrutor in C# – 3 Simple Tips to Level Up Dependency Injection

Scrutor in C# – 3 Simple Tips to Level Up Dependency Injection

6 min read
Refactoring C# Code – 4 Essential Techniques Simplified

Refactoring C# Code – 4 Essential Techniques Simplified

10 min read
Activator.CreateInstance in C# – A Quick Rundown

Activator.CreateInstance in C# – A Quick Rundown

Comments 4
3 min read
async await in C#: 3 Beginner Tips You Need to Know

async await in C#: 3 Beginner Tips You Need to Know

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7 min read
Reflection In C#: 4 Simple But Powerful Code Examples

Reflection In C#: 4 Simple But Powerful Code Examples

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8 min read
Using Autofac In C# – 3 Simple Tips For Beginners

Using Autofac In C# – 3 Simple Tips For Beginners

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7 min read
C# For Beginners – 5 Simplified Concepts In C#

C# For Beginners – 5 Simplified Concepts In C#

7 min read
Scrutor Vs Autofac In C#: What You Need To Know

Scrutor Vs Autofac In C#: What You Need To Know

10 min read
IServiceCollection In C# – Simplified Beginner’s Guide For Dependency Injection

IServiceCollection In C# – Simplified Beginner’s Guide For Dependency Injection

Comments 4
9 min read
Testcontainers In ASP.NET Core – A Simplified Beginner’s Guide

Testcontainers In ASP.NET Core – A Simplified Beginner’s Guide

12 min read
NUnit In ASP.NET Core – What You Need To Get Started

NUnit In ASP.NET Core – What You Need To Get Started

10 min read
Google Sheets In C# – How To Build Your Own Levels.Fyi!

Google Sheets In C# – How To Build Your Own Levels.Fyi!

6 min read
Weak Events In C# – How To Avoid Nasty Memory Leaks

Weak Events In C# – How To Avoid Nasty Memory Leaks

6 min read
XUnit In ASP.NET Core – What You Need To Know To Start

XUnit In ASP.NET Core – What You Need To Know To Start

8 min read
Unit Of Work Pattern In C# For Clean Architecture: What You Need To Know

Unit Of Work Pattern In C# For Clean Architecture: What You Need To Know

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9 min read
C# Clean Architecture With MediatR: How To Build For Flexibility

C# Clean Architecture With MediatR: How To Build For Flexibility

8 min read
CQRS Pattern In C# And Clean Architecture – A Simplified Beginner’s Guide

CQRS Pattern In C# And Clean Architecture – A Simplified Beginner’s Guide

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8 min read
WebApplicationFactory In ASP.NET Core: Practical Tips For C# Developers

WebApplicationFactory In ASP.NET Core: Practical Tips For C# Developers

Comments 4
8 min read
Ultimate Starter Guide To Middleware In ASP.NET Core: Everything You Need To Know

Ultimate Starter Guide To Middleware In ASP.NET Core: Everything You Need To Know

8 min read