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Join us for the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge: $3,000 in Prizes!

We are so excited to team up with Netlify to bring you our next DEV challenge. This Challenge is all about dynamic and high-performance digital experiences, across any framework!

Running through May 12th, the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge provides an opportunity to certify your skills, win cash prizes, and gain experience with Netlify’s new Agnostic Platform Primitives. Unlock never-before-accessible functionalities across all frameworks – Next.js, Astro, Nuxt, Remix, you name it!

This challenge presents an opportunity to invest in the open web, open source, and your skills with new and evolving frameworks. We look forward to seeing what you create.

We hope you give at least one of our three prompts a try!


Visual Feast

Build a dynamic image gallery using the Netlify Image CDN – your project should utilize Netlify’s on-demand image transformation capabilities and demonstrate fetching images, applying transformations like resizing and format optimization, and rendering the optimized images in a gallery layout.

Here is the submission template for anyone that wants to jump right in, but please review all challenge rules on the official challenge page before submitting.

Visual Feast Submission Template

Build with Blobs

Build an application that reads and writes data using Netlify Blobs – your project should demonstrate storing and retrieving blob objects, handling metadata, and integrating blob storage with Netlify Functions for processing tasks.

Here is the submission template for anyone that wants to jump right in, but please review all challenge rules on the official challenge page before submitting.

Build with Blobs Submission Template

Clever Caching

Build a web application that leverages Netlify's fine-grained cache control capabilities – your project should implement custom Cache-Control headers, utilize the Netlify-CDN-Cache-Control header for edge caching, and demonstrate cache invalidation using cache tags.

Here is the submission template for anyone that wants to jump right in, but please review all challenge rules on the official challenge page before submitting.

Clever Caching Submission Template

Judging Criteria and Prizes

All three prompts will be judged on the following:

  • Use of underlying technology
  • Usability and User Experience
  • Accessibility
  • Creativity

The winner of each prompt will receive:

  • $1,000 USD Gift Card or Equivalent
  • Exclusive DEV Badge
  • A gift from the DEV Shop

All Participants with a valid submission will receive a completion badge on their DEV profile.

How To Participate

In order to participate, you will need to publish a post using the submission template associated with each prompt. All submissions must be built and run on Netlify, utilizing at least one platform primitive as described in each prompt. Submissions will be judged based on the Netlify free starter platform, so any use of Netlify’s paid services will be taken into account during judging.

Please review our full rules, guidelines, and FAQ page before submitting so you understand our participation guidelines and official contest rules such eligibility requirements.

Need Help?

The Netlify Team will do their best to respond to your technical questions in this help thread:

But before popping in a question, we recommend getting to know the Netlify platform by utilizing their docs and tutorials:

Important Dates

  • May 1: Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge begins!
  • May 12: Submissions due at 11:59 PM PDT
  • May 14: Winners Announced

We hope you enjoy the freedom to framework, and we can’t wait to see what you build! Questions about the challenge? Ask them below.

Good luck and happy coding!

Top comments (47)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Pro-tip: if you submit one project that satisfies all three prompts, you have more chances to win 😃

Good luck everyone!

desirtechnologies profile image
Jeffrey Desir

Such a generous tip. May the odds be ever in your favor! :D

pizofreude profile image

So just need to post three times as per submission instruction with the same project? Awesome!

chintanonweb profile image
seancdavis profile image
Sean C Davis

Woohoo! 🎉 I'm from Netlify and can't wait to see what creative projects you all come up with for this challenge!

chintanonweb profile image
chintanonweb • Edited

Netlify Image CDN: Visit Here
Netlify blobs : Visit Here

pizofreude profile image

Ma man 🤝🏻

chintanonweb profile image
seancdavis profile image
Sean C Davis

Well, shoot. That was fast!

Thread Thread
chintanonweb profile image

Thank you so much!

mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan

cracks knuckles

alright let's do this.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Good luck!

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Ooh, I love places like Netlify! Personally, Vercel is my favorite, though.
Good luck everyone!

jgdevelopments profile image
Julian Gaston

Can't wait to start on this! Watch out world!!!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Awesome, good luck!

cwrite profile image
Christopher Wright


rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

YAY! Happy that we have launched!

bytrangle profile image
Trang Le

Oh, this is one interesting challenge. Netlify Image CDN is inherently straightforward. But Netlify Blobs is a feature without a clear paved path, and Netlify Cache's cool features are not that straightforward to demonstrate. I genuinely look forward to what everyone is cooking up with these features.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

yeah! let's go! 🫰

hikolakita profile image

Yahoo! Awesome choice for new challenge, I'll TOTALLY submit!

aortega profile image
Alverto Ortega-Garcia

Netlify is one fly name! 8)

desirtechnologies profile image
Jeffrey Desir

Quick question! Has anyone had the '' dashboard spin its loader FOREVER never getting to the dashboard? I've already email support with screenshots and info, tried other PCs and browsers, cleared cookies, cache, etc...same issue. Is netlify down for anyone else in this way?

A thousand thanks!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Are you still running into this?

desirtechnologies profile image
Jeffrey Desir

No, thank God! The Netlify team was able to unlock my account, I appreciate your follow up. I can't wait to see what all you wizards have been crafting in your free time😊

og93_com profile image
OG93 🥷

Nice 🌟

softwaredeveloping profile image

Will there be a front-end challenge this time around???

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Not this time but soon!

softwaredeveloping profile image

Okay. Thanks!

patrickmonteiro profile image
Patrick Monteiro

And how about we sail to another planet through photos from missions to Mars?

Finished project:

patrickmonteiro profile image
Patrick Monteiro