DEV Community

Anurag Patil
Anurag Patil

Posted on

Pub-Sub Architecture using FastAPI and Redis

I have tried to implement Redis as a message broker using FastAPI. Its a simple implementation to give a headstart for the event driven architecture.

Below is the high-level view for what I have implemented.


Clone the repo from here and give it a shot.

Please feel free to go through it and let me know your suggestions.
Hope to get some positive response as its my first ever post on any community platform so far ..:)

Happy Learning !!!

Top comments (8)

katzy687 profile image
Natti Katz

I would make sure the text is visible on the image for next time :)

anu1996rag profile image
Anurag Patil

Hi @katzy687 , thank you for your suggestions. I'll keep that in mind for my next post. :}

sairoko12 profile image
Cristian Benavides Jimenez

That's a very excellent idea, but the link to the repo it's broken :(

anu1996rag profile image
Anurag Patil

Hi @sairoko12 , the repo link is working fine. Please try again and let me know

math-s profile image
Matheus Andrade

I think there's a problem with the link of your repo. Can't access it.

anu1996rag profile image
Anurag Patil

Hi @silva_math_ , thank you for pointing it out. I have updated the link now

math-s profile image
Matheus Andrade

That's really cool! I've used Redis as broker before with Django + Celery.

anu1996rag profile image
Anurag Patil

Hope you liked it and helps you in your future goals @silva_math_ 🤗