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Cathy Casey-Richards
Cathy Casey-Richards

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What are you excited to learn next?

As developers and technologists, we are constantly exploring new tools and languages. The constant learning process and exposure to so many different technologies and styles of creating is a large part of what makes me passionate about Software Development. So, this week, I want to ask:

1. What are you excited to learn next?

2. What interests you about it?

Personally, I have been exploring Go. I am curious about its popularity and interested to compare it to some of the languages I use now.

Top comments (14)

furtleo profile image
Leonardo Furtado

GraphQL, I'm reading awesome posts about how it is really usefull.

aimerib profile image
Aimeri Baddouh

GraphQL is really fun to work with as the front-end consumer of the end-point! The Star Wars API, and Github both have GraphQL endpoints you can get started with in your learning path if you haven't come across these already!

The biggest pain point I have found so far in getting started with GraphQL was implementing it on the back-end. Have you found any road blocks yet?

furtleo profile image
Leonardo Furtado

I haven't started yet, but I want to follow some links from this tutorial:

Did you already know??

Thread Thread
aimerib profile image
Aimeri Baddouh

In the beginning of my GraphQL journey I followed that tutorial along with some more practical examples as well. I've found to be REALLY informative, so you should be in good hands!
This also helped a lot:

And, while not necessary, I found that using Apollo client for GraphQL made things a lot easier. You really don't need Apollo for anything GraphQL, and you can make your queries with a simple POST request, but using Apollo Client to consume a GraphQL endpoint on my React applications was pretty seamless. When you're ready for that part of your learning journey, this is a pretty good tutorial as well:

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Angular, since people all talk about it as the next thing to learn after JavaScript.

anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej

I started learning Angular in June and it became my favorite technology(along with its adjacent concepts & technologies).

After you get the basics, studying Angular In depth’s blog posts will definitely help you!

Good luck!

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards • Edited

Nice! Angular was the first JavaScript framework I learned πŸ˜€Have fun!

aimerib profile image
Aimeri Baddouh
  1. Elm and Haskell (or Elixir)
  2. I've been interested in functional programming since I watched a video on Haskell a couple of years ago, but never felt quite ready to take the plunge.

I'm not sure whether I'll go the Haskell route first or the Elixir route. I think it is fascinating how Haskell is revered as a pure functional language and it seems really mature, but really hard to get started. Elixir reminds me a lot of Ruby's syntax, so it might be the lower resistance route into functional programming for the back-end.

As a follow up to your post, what kinds of projects do you have in mind for your Go learning?

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

Nice! I love functional programming. πŸ˜€

I don't currently have a specific project in mind for learning Go. I'm planning to start with some tutorials & documentation and then see what sort of ideas are inspired from that!

anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej

I can’t wait to find some time to learn ngrx!

Now that I got more accustomed to web development, I can tell when a state management library would be useful. So yes, I hope I’ll be able to find some time these days and hopefully convince my team to adopt it..

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

Nice! When I first learned React, I wasn't using any form of state management library. My apps got significantly easier to maintain & enhance as I learned about and was able to integrate Redux! Good luck 😊

freestxler profile image

I'm deploying my solutions to Azure for long time but I want to learn AWS now due to popularity of AWS. Also, one of our clients wants to move there solutions to AWS

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

Awesome! AWS has so many great tools. You get access to the Free Tier for the first 12 months after creating your account, so that's a perfect opportunity to play around with stuff without fear of racking up much of a bill.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Ruby is blowing my mind right now. And'm very excited to learn what else it can do.