DEV Community

Abdul Haseeb
Abdul Haseeb

Posted on • Updated on

Master JavaScript:

Image description

Here Is the Full JavaScript tree, remeber you don't need to learn everything learn what's important and what you need.

├── Basics
│ ├── Variables and Data Types
│ ├── Operators
│ ├── Control Flow (if, else, switch)
│ ├── Loops (for, while, do-while)
│ ├── Functions
│ └── Arrays and Objects

├── Advanced Functions
│ ├── Closures
│ ├── Callbacks
│ ├── Promises
│ ├── Async/Await
│ └── Higher-Order Functions

├── ES6+ Features
│ ├── Arrow Functions
│ ├── Template Literals
│ ├── Destructuring
│ ├── Rest and Spread Operators
│ ├── Let and Const
│ ├── Classes and Inheritance
│ └── Modules (import/export)

├── Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
│ ├── Objects
│ │ ├── Properties
│ │ └── Methods
│ ├── Constructors
│ │ ├── Constructor Functions
│ │ └── new Keyword
│ ├── Prototypes
│ │ ├── Prototype Chain
│ │ └── Object.create()
│ ├── ES6 Classes
│ │ ├── Class Syntax
│ │ ├── Constructors in Classes
│ │ ├── Methods in Classes
│ │ └── Inheritance with extends
│ ├── Encapsulation
│ │ ├── Closures
│ │ └── Private Variables and Methods
│ ├── Abstraction
│ ├── Polymorphism
│ │ ├── Method Overriding
│ │ └── Method Overloading (JavaScript doesn't support true method overloading)
│ └── Inheritance
│ ├── Single Inheritance
│ └── Multiple Inheritance (JavaScript uses prototype chain for inheritance)

├── Scope and Closures

├── This Keyword

├── Prototype Chain

├── Asynchronous JavaScript
│ ├── Callbacks
│ ├── Promises
│ ├── Async/Await
│ └── Event Loop

├── Browser Environment
│ ├── DOM Manipulation
│ ├── Events
│ ├── AJAX and Fetch
│ └── Local Storage

├── Error Handling
│ ├── try/catch
│ ├── Error Object
│ └── Custom Errors

├── Regular Expressions

├── Debugging and Dev Tools

├── JavaScript Engines

├── Memory Management
│ ├── Garbage Collection
│ └── Memory Leaks

├── APIs and HTTP
│ ├── RESTful APIs
│ ├── JSON
│ └── AJAX and Fetch

├── Testing
│ ├── Unit Testing
│ ├── Integration Testing
│ └── Test Frameworks (e.g., Jest)

├── Build Tools and Module Bundlers
│ ├── Webpack
│ ├── Babel
│ └── npm/yarn

├── Frontend Frameworks
│ ├── React
│ ├── Angular
│ └── Vue

├── Backend Development with Node.js
│ ├── Express.js
│ ├── npm
│ ├── RESTful APIs
│ └── Authentication and Authorization

├── Security
│ ├── HTTPS
│ ├── Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
│ └── Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

├── Design Patterns

├── Functional Programming
│ ├── Pure Functions
│ ├── Immutability
│ ├── First-Class Functions
│ ├── Higher-Order Functions
│ └── Recursion

├── Data Structures
│ ├── Arrays
│ ├── Linked Lists
│ ├── Stacks
│ ├── Queues
│ ├── Trees
│ ├── Graphs
│ └── Hash Tables

├── Algorithms
│ ├── Sorting
│ ├── Searching
│ ├── Recursion
│ └── Dynamic Programming

├── WebSockets

├── Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

├── Mobile App Development (React Native)

├── WebAssembly (Wasm)

├── Machine Learning and JavaScript (TensorFlow.js)

└── Miscellaneous
├── Code Style and Best Practices
├── Code Version Control (e.g., Git)
├── Code Review
└── Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

FOllow me On Twitter @dev_abdulhaseeb

Top comments (11)

random_ti profile image

Awesome guide and roadmap in Javascript @dev_abdulhaseeb ! Thanks for sharing this.

dev_abdulhaseeb profile image
Abdul Haseeb

Thanls for your support bro
consider following me on Twitter @dev_abdulhaseeb if you find it useful.
i love to connect with fellow devs.

random_ti profile image

Followed you 😊

Thread Thread
dev_abdulhaseeb profile image
Abdul Haseeb

Thank you bro

citronbrick profile image
CitronBrick • Edited

There's the Canvas API. It's quite a lot of fun.

dev_abdulhaseeb profile image
Abdul Haseeb

i never tried it, does it have any cool features?

citronbrick profile image

Aruguably the coolest ! Hope to provide an example later.

christophcodes profile image

Nice guide, but what´s the connection of JavaScript and Flutter?
Flutter is programmed in dart, isn´t it?

dev_abdulhaseeb profile image
Abdul Haseeb

Thank you for pointing out!

liladoc profile image

😲 Cool guideline! I'm feeling on track thanks to you 👍🏼

dev_abdulhaseeb profile image
Abdul Haseeb

Thank you so much for your support

you can follow me on twitter i post alot of useful content