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Scott Wears
Scott Wears

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The End of the backend

We're finished backend

So its been 2 weeks again since I last posted, but I though I would wait and round up backend in one post,

Its been an interesting couple of weeks consolidating and putting our new knowledge into practice, I'm happy to say that a lot of it has sunk in.

Over the past few weeks we have finished off the knowledge we needed to cover us for last week, during last week my fellow peers have worked on a portfolio project. we have worked on either a backend news API with article and comments or a games API.

I got all excited when I heard games API but it turns out it was board games so I chose the news API.

We started from the beginning NorthCoders had given us a repo with some of the more boiler plate style code in to get us going but essentially that was just enough to get us going.

testing testing 1... 2... 3...

as with everything in we have done at NorthCoders we started with testing, Its been really interesting over the past few week for me to go from hating/not really using testing to using it to drive my development, we've been using testing to build it relatively small functions but I can easily see how the basis we have now in testing could help us in the future to build larger function and projects.

they planted the seed

the repo we were given contained a whole bunch of seed data for our project, it was our task to use this data and turn it into a working and functional API, I think I might have went a little far with my data, I wrote a function to make sure all of the data was presented to the Database in a way I wanted, I also then spent time writing tests the best I could to test this data and make sure it came back in the format I intended, I then tested the data from the database to make sure that was returned Properly.

our ROUTE to salvation

the next thing we needed to do was build up a whole bunch of endpoints using the REST ideology we had to build ourselves some GET, POST, PATCH and DELETE endpoints to be able to manipulate the data we send and receive from the database.


the whole idea of building this project was so that we have something after we have finished the bootcamp, something that employers can look at and play with, some code that they can read and understand, to help us do this we made use of Heroku the online app hosting site. while I've used Heroku once before to host something, this time in true NorthCoders fashion we used the command line to do 90% of the work. Its nice that it has the website but there's something awesome about using the command line to do things.

Up Next

I've really enjoyed my time on backend but I'm excited to move onto front end, looking at the calendar where going to be working with the REACT framework which I haven worked with yet, Taking a sneak peak ahead though it looks like we might be revisiting our projects at the end of front end to round it out and give it more functionality using react.

Kind of like this...

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