DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v268

Welcome Thread - v268

Sloan the DEV Moderator on March 20, 2024

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yoursel...
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, world! It's a pleasure to be in such a community as DEV, since I've been here I met a lot of awesome people with incredible projects. I'm here especially to read about coding journeys and front-end topics. Do you like to write about your projects? Please, let's support each other in this adventure!

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Mais uma brasileira por aqui, aeee 🤘 Bem vinda Thaísa! O que precisar de ajuda, conte comigo :)

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Aeee, Renan!!! Nada como o sentimento de encontrar outros brasileiros, especialmente aqui na DEV. Muito obrigada!

Thread Thread
jaylefontaine profile image

Nao sou brasileiro, mas gosto de falar portugues quando encontro Brasileiros

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

É sempre um prazer encontrar as pessoas que admiram o português-BR

Thread Thread
renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Ei Anthony, que legal cara! Também não sou nativo mas gosto muito de falar Inglês :) Você tem discord?! Podemos nos adicionar e um ajudar o outro a praticar o idioma :D

Thread Thread
venelouis profile image

top kk

jaylefontaine profile image

Parabens! Bem vindo!

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thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Muito obrigada, Anthony!

venelouis profile image


eveetech profile image
Jeimy Evelyn Mota


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Hello ad welcome Jeimy, welcome to DEV!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Jeimy M! Are you new here? Be welcome to this amazing and safe place to share experiences and knowledge!

Thread Thread
cornof profile image

I like Brazil!

Thread Thread
eveetech profile image
Jeimy Evelyn Mota

Yep! New to Dev! I have learned so much already. So many great articles

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Be welcome, Jeimy! I'm sure you'll enjoy this community as much as I do!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕


venelouis profile image


helplanes profile image
Krish Bhagwat


thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hey, Krish Bhagwat! I hope you have a great learning adventure here!

fausttt profile image
Marko Faust

Like you, I've found the community incredibly welcoming and full of inspiring individuals. Sharing coding journeys and discussing front-end topics are definitely passions of mine.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

This is great, Marko Faust! We'd love to read about some of your coding journeys.

techieollie profile image
Oliver West


thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Oliver West! Be welcome! I hope you like this community as much as I do!

venelouis profile image

hello 👋

gashinbaki profile image
Samuel Gashinbaki

Nice to meet you, am new here.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hi, Samuel! It's great to meet you too! I hope you find a lot of good topics to learn here.

safaanilatasoy profile image
Safa Anıl ATASOY

hello. 👋

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Anil, how are you? I'm a front-end beginner student. Be welcome to the DEV community! Would you like to join some of our front-end challenges?

saakshisonar_96 profile image


thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, SaakshiSonar! Be welcome to this community and feel free to share with the world your passions!

soniikot profile image

Hello everybody,

I started The Odin Project four months ago. I'm currently learning JS. HTML and CSS are easy for me, but JS sometimes drives me crazy. However, it's very satisfying when I finally conquer certain topics. I hope I can continue and become a good developer. I enjoy problem-solving and am considering delving into UX."

ilizette profile image

Hello, welcome to the community.
Javascript is known for driving people crazy 😅 but I think every programming language is like that. The more you keep learning and working with it the better the crazy.

venelouis profile image


sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

I've been working with JS for over 3years now, and it still tends to drive me crazy from time to time. LOL. You eventually get used to it though. Welcome to the community 😊

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

saimonesh profile image


ayusudi profile image
Ayu Sudi

Hello! Best wishes on your journey to learn JavaScript

manitro profile image


mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan • Edited


I've been here since 2020.

I really enjoy writing articles on Dev. Even more, I love the content from other contributors. I've learned so much since I have been here.

For 2024 I plan on contributing much more to the community, not just articles but also helping team.

Since 2020, I have migrated from a dev into more IT role, focusing on cloud architecture, AI, networking and cybersecurity. This year I plan on writing articles here with that focus in mind.

ilizette profile image

Hello! It's great to have you here. I enjoyed reading your #wecoded article

mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan

Thank you!

helplanes profile image
Krish Bhagwat

Please to be here, would love to learn and write as I go exploring the Dev Community and the world of code.
Currently learning JS as well as Java with DSA. Would love to have some tips and tricks on how I can be more efficient and increase my learning prowess.
Let's work hard and support each other.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Great, Krish Bhagwat! I'm sure you're going to find a lot of partners to learn JS and Java with DSA as well.
I'm learning JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure with freeCodeCamp by building a simple RPG, please, check out this amazing learning project!

helplanes profile image
Krish Bhagwat

Woooww!! This is awesome, I wish there was a similar code camp module for DSA in Java as well!
All the best and have fun coding Thaisa Vieira.
Would love to stay in contact and discuss dev related stuff in the future!!

4rgwynn profile image

Where do you think I might start? I'm know zero code, but I'd like to understand the world I now live in.

helplanes profile image
Krish Bhagwat

First research on what you actually want to do! The web is fascinating and is very very vast. Select what you actually want to learn.
Select your field that you are interested in, and then join free courses on youtube or get a paid one which offers certification as well, but certification is not that necessary.

Build your skills!!

eayurt profile image
Ender Ahmet Yurt

Hey there! I'm Ender, hailing from a quaint little town on the picturesque Black Sea coast of Turkey. I'm part of a fantastic Swedish company, Teamtailor, working remotely and I have been doing programming with Ruby since 2010.

When I'm not coding, you'll find me hosting a podcast and leading two vibrant local programming communities. I absolutely love sharing what I know and crossing paths with new people.

But it's not all work, work, work! In my downtime, I love to immerse myself in a good book, put pen to paper, create rhythms on my drums, and let my imagination loose while building new creations with Legos.

ilizette profile image

Hello Ender, it's good to have you here

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited

Hello world friend! 🥳🙌

Welcome on DEV ! Don't hesitate to follow some fellows and tags !
Introduce you in the comments, show your some skills, projects, what do you love, and many others thinks! 👋

sourjaya profile image
Sourjaya Das

Hello fellow developers,
I hope you all are doing fine. So I had an account here since early 2023, but never really engaged with people of this community, though I used to read frequently. But from this year I decided to be active in this community and grow and learn in the process. I got my first article posted a week back. I am learning golang along with the devops topics. I will be frequently sharing what i am building and learning along the way. I hope to learn from the feedback of the community and hope to get into the world of tech through sharing my journey.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Glad you're no longer lurking. There's a great community here. Stay active.

ilizette profile image

Hello! Good to have you here.

Your Golang article is great, Hope to see more posts from you 😁

sourjaya profile image
Sourjaya Das

Thanks Elizabeth.

voidamr profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Aryan, As a beginner, I'm excited to be a part of this community where like-minded people share the same passion for coding. I look forward to contributing to this community and learning from my mistakes and people.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

voidamr profile image

Thank you @thomasbnt !!.

erickim profile image
Eric Kim • Edited

Hey, everyone.
I'm Eric, and I'm interested in low-level programming and the linux kernel. I'm currently looking for sources that could help me learn more about the linux kernel. I'm also looking forward to talking to other devs. I can code in C, C++, and python as of now, but I'm looking forward to learning more languages(something that is more object-oriented.)

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello Eric and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

mirori profile image

Hey everyone, thanks for the welcome. I'm just looking around. I am a retired electrical engineer, mainly electronics. A minimalistic solution with maximum performance. Big fan of Arduino and open source projects.
But I started with electronics as a boy in the 60s - I'm Morlor :)
(Sorry my English is bad, I use google translate.)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there. Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

aweliego profile image

Hi everyone! I wasn't sure honestly if I was even going to introduce myself or just browse the site like a ghost as I usually do. I somehow find it difficult to be active in online communities, probably because it lengthens the (already awfully long) time I spend sitting behind my laptop haha. But I guess I also get overwhelmed with the amount of things to read. That being said, I want to give it a try as self-learning is very lonely sometimes and I also want to find ways to be more in touch with the latest trends, tech news etc. DEV feels like just the right platform to do that :) I'm exciting to start digging into the all the content soon and interact with you all!

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Bienvenue Amélie !
Tu as tout à fait raison, on apprend plus vite quand on sort de l'isolement

naykhantkyaw profile image
Nay Khant Kyaw

hello 👋

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome welcome!

Please introduce yourself!

harshavardhansh profile image
Harsha Vardhan Reddy S

Hello, DEV world!

I just joined the community and looking forward to being part of it. I am an Electronics and Communications Engineering student who has just started my journey into the world web development. I am currently going through the foundations in The Odin Project.

Happy coding!

jhasme profile image

Hello folks! I'm Jerry. I've been on a journey to enhance my skills lately and stumbled upon while exploring fastAPI. I'm thrilled to be part of this vibrant community and eager to engage and learn together. Let's create some awesome experiences!

venelouis profile image

Hi, I'm @venelouis. Since January 2024 I have been looking to be more active as a programmer, just see my profile on github: to try to get a job in the technology area, I am focusing my learning on web development and python.

saiakhilesh profile image
Sai Akhilesh

Hello Developers
i'm very excited to be part of DEV community 😃

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! Welcome to DEV! :)

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

danielox profile image


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

danielox profile image

Thank you, Thomas!

brutallovex profile image
Angel Fimbres

Hello everyone, thrilled to join this vibrant, pretty, beautiful and suculent community of DEVs! I had been looking for something like this for a long time and finally found it, grateful to the god of programming. (°u°)/ May God spared us from the bugs!

harifed profile image
Hari haran • Edited

Happy to be here on the DEV community, the community blogs helped me in becoming as a developer. The value of content that is shared on the DEV about Open source got me into the world of Open source contribution. I now got interested in sharing my projects to this world, it can be a simple TODO-app or a complex CMS platform anything that's on the way to become a good developer. Happy to get review from my fellow community members.

pixi3mama profile image
Abdiel Jayne

Heyro! I'm excited to find a community such as this. What it is? I'm still learning but it seems better than other socials available. I've used computers for quite a while, but I'd love to learn more. This looks like a place just for this pursuit. Happy to be here. Btw, did you know that there are blue lightning bugs (fireflies)? Fun fact I like to share. <3 Current favorite quote: "The only constant is change."_ Of course, this is non-mathematical, but I also know that 2+2 ≠ 4 (always). The world is ours to create and cherish.

mikeconner profile image
Mike Conner

Hello, the new era is built on AI. Mike here, a Full Stack Java Developer | Writer | Recruiter, bridging the gap between exceptional talent and opportunities for some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies.

angieluthien profile image
Angela Storace

Hello! I'm Angela, i'm 28 and i'm new here and new in this coding universe!
I studied italian language and literature (yeah,i'm italian), but i've fallen in love with programming languages.
So i've decided to study it!

abhipsa_mishra profile image
Abhipsa Mishra

Hey all,
I am from India currently working as a member of technical staff with oracle. I stay very interested to learn and implement the latest tech magic. I have worked on llms, langchain and opensearch. Right now I am exploring some webdev stuff. I hope to soak in a lot of learning stuff from dev community like an infinite sized sponge! Afterall, we are all capable of holding infinite information as the infinite universe is a part of us.
Cheers :)

upgraderboy profile image
Upgrader Boy

Hello Devs ! I am happy to become a member of this awesome community. My name is Ankit Bhuria (Upgrader Boy).
Currently, I am in BCA and works as Intern as web developer using MERN Stack.
Portfolio - Upgrader Boy

Upgrader Boy

4rgwynn profile image

I'm a senior citizen, & as I pre-date a world of code, I would like to learn about
some apps/ " tricks" to learn; while I attempt to learn enough code to live in this world. Any thoughts on how I should start?

aaktepe profile image
Abdurrahman Aktepe

Hi all. My main goal is develope the pixel art rpg game that on my mind. I researched the communities on reddit and redditers recommended here mostly. Thanks for everyone who shares their thoughts on anything. See y'all :)

franclobo profile image
Francisco Borja Lobato

I currently am a Full-stack Developer from Microverse, an online coding school where I code every day with other developers worldwide. One of my projects is a Booking app developed with React & Redux and Ruby on Rails that allows the user to book Tesla cars, it is also tested with Jest. After finishing the Microverse program, I have created many other projects solo or collaborative. Besides, I have learned about communication and teamwork skills, giving and receiving good feedback from teammates, and managing conflicts.

Front-End: JavaScript, React, Redux.
Back-End: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL.
Tools & Methods: Git, GitHub, Heroku, Netlify, Mobile Development, TDD, Chrome DevTools. Professional: Remote Pair-Programming, Teamwork, Mentoring, Code review.

Before joining Microverse, I have already finished my major in Business Engineer at National Politechnical School, and in a couple of months, I will be able to develop web pages that help businesses be competitive I like to become an active member of your company developing web pages and growing my experience in web page development.

I am currently in the academic capacity to design strategies aimed at:

📑 Planning,
📠 Organization,
👉 Address,
📡 Innovation,
📊 Control of business systems.

The Business Engineer curricular scenario combines modern concepts on:

📈 Administration,
🤝 Human Resources,
📃 Management Information,
🔬 Production control,
💰 Accounting,
💸 Economy,
📜 Legislation,
✔️Mathematics Applied to Business Management.

tezv profile image

Hey there, fellow developers! I'm thrilled to be part of this vibrant community like DEV.

Since joining, I've had the pleasure of connecting with many inspiring individuals working on some truly remarkable projects.

I'm particularly passionate about reading coding journeys and diving into front-end topics.

Let's rally together and support each other on this exciting journey!

Image description

abdoulaahmad profile image
Abdullahi A Ahmad󱢏

Hello Dev Community!
Hey everyone,I'm thrilled to join this Dev Community!
 My name is Abdullahi A Ahmad, and I'm a software engineering student.
 I'm excited to connect with fellow developers, share knowledge, and learn from all of you.
Currently, I'm diving into machine learning. I'd love to hear about your experiences and insights in this area!
Looking forward to engaging with this vibrant community and contributing in any way I can.

tekneecal profile image

hello all, my name is Cedric Lonell Haynes, and I am transitioning from an electronics technician maintenance background to front-end web development. I was accepted into a scholarship program For taking front-end web development courses through A partnership with Udacity, Blacks In Technology, and OneTen.

gmakgopa profile image
Gilbert Makgopa

Hello everyone. It is a great pleasure for me to come across DEV community. I am a Health Informatics professional, interested in Linux based application development using containerization. I am here to learn and share information about linux, dockers and machine learning using R and Python languages.

shiv_010101 profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Shiv. I've just joined the dev community, and I'm thrilled to be here. I've been passionate about new technologies and coding, and I'm eager to connect with fellow enthusiasts, share knowledge, and learn from all of you

gazinga profile image
Gene Kim

Hi, I have been out of the game for quite some time and I am glad I crawled back to familiar surroundings. I came up in SF during the mid 90's and banged around ad and media shops throughout the Bay. My superpower has always been production, JS has always eluded me and thought it seems there is a new sea change afoot, I think getting back in the game is in my best interest. Looking forward to the inspiration and camaraderie.

tmariano profile image
Thays Mariano

Hello everyone. I just found this site looking for help in an activity my teacher send and liked the ideia so I registered an account. Hope I can count with you guys.
Sorry for bad English I'm Brazilian 🇧🇷

bold_fernando profile image
Fernando Bold

Hello Team!
I hope everyone is well!
I want to say how delighted I am with this incredible space.
Here, we find valuable content that is a real treasure. I'm amazed that I haven't found any complicated articles; everything has been extremely useful to me.
As someone who navigates the world of entrepreneurship and programming, a former product director with almost a decade of leadership, I decided it was time to embark on new adventures (the layoffs even helped a little).

And so Yello was born, a project where I'm creating digital solutions powered by GenAI that unite financial services and means of payment, with a focus on raising awareness about capitalization to drive clean energy projects.

Our goal is to accelerate the energy transition in Brazil. I'm counting on your help and support.

jaylefontaine profile image

Hello everyone. I just joined here. I am fairly new to programming, but getting better and eager to learn more and work on practical coding projects. I have a special interest in Python, AI, Data Science, finding ways to use programming to assist in research and using my learning how to use my newfound knowledge in programming to build exciting and useful software

jaylefontaine profile image

Hello World. I am Tony. I fairly new to programming and have an interest in AI, Data Science, Web Development and practical coding projects for fun and profit.

I speak English and Portuguese and am looking to improve my Spanish

jb05 profile image
Joel Biju || JB

Hello DEV world!! I'm a newbie developer exploring the DEV community. Looking forward to meet new people and explore the community :).

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome ! 🥳

nightshade profile image

Hello fellow devs...

Am new to this thing so i would appreciate all the help i can get...

Done with HTML5 and CSS3... Currently learning JavaScript (would definitely appreciate all tips i can get)

Love you all

kent_3rdrockdata profile image
Kent Searight

Hi all,

I'm looking forward to sharing my extensive knowledge of FileMaker and intermediate knowledge of Bash as I pick up tips along the journey of improving my basic skills in Javascript, Python, CSS, HTML and anything else that catches my interest.

I also have a fair amount of experience with integrations using Rest APIs, but there's always more to learn as I found out recently while trying to configure the initial authorization request to work with files in an AWS S3 bucket.



saadumar26 profile image
Saad Umar

Hello! I'm Saad Umar, currently pursuing my BS in IT with a keen interest in diving into the captivating world of Data Science. I'm eager to connect with experienced professionals, absorb knowledge, and actively contribute to the vibrant Data Science community. If you're passionate about leveraging data for positive impact and innovation, let's connect and explore opportunities to collaborate!

tbalci profile image

Hi Everyone, just joined the wonderful community from Iastanbul. I'm currently working with Python and VBA, and looking at expanding to the other languages as well (e.g. C for Arduino). Thanks to all community members for their support!

maddy786ui profile image
Murtaza Shivgarh wala

Hello community so the thing bought me here is to showcase ur skills see what other developers are designing ....and btw I am just a beginner in the line of code😅__

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome Murtaza on DEV!

sujeet2212 profile image


rrvm04 profile image
Rafik Ahmmed


tehzzohwan profile image
Bobby Enomate

Hello World! I'm not much of a talker but I'm so glad to be here, and I look forward to meeting new devs and also learning from this world.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼

theprogrammingpod profile image
The Programming P


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

christinedelen4 profile image
Christine Delenne


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello Christine and welcome!

focusedaf profile image

I'm here to embrace personal growth publicly and engage in various challenges. It's an opportunity for me to learn, develop, and contribute to the community in meaningful ways.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome on DEV! 🥳

jasonzhanghub profile image
Jason Zhang

hello from Singapore.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome Jason!

larinan profile image
Nikola Arinanda

Hello all

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

ammar312 profile image
Sheikh Ammar Ul Mustafa

Hello dev!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

sergionguyen97 profile image
Hoang Nguyen • Edited

Hi guys,

I am Hoang, who is aiming to be a global SE. It's so honored to be in an amazing community, such as The reason, why I am here, is simply because I am seeking pieces of advice from devs from all over the world that I do believe are superbly helpful for my career as well as my goal. So, let make our community to be better

adamu profile image
Adamu Ahmad

Hello everyone, my name is Adamu and I'm a web developer who's excited to be part of this community. I'm looking forward to connecting with other developers and learning from each other. I have a passion for building innovative solutions and can't wait to see what we can create together. Thanks for having me!

theskpaul profile image
Sourav Kumar Paul

Hello! I am Sourav, a Computer Science Student. I'm currently learning Rust. I doesn't have that much of experience in terms of writing code or managing projects, so please help me by correcting my mistakes. Thanks.

ngusain profile image

Hello everyone,
I am here to learn web development concepts. I am a self motivated, hard-working person passionate about always learning and improving. Looking forward to connect and collaborate with you guys and gain valuable experiences along the way.

barata profile image
Apsie Tese

Hello everyone.
Looking for a conductive forum for getting myself started with dev journey has brought me all the way here.
I hope that I will learn alot from your projects, conversation etc as a beginner in dev journey.

ironhead profile image
Nathan Elliott

Hello Everyone,

I have degrees in Web Design & Development and Software Programmer but haven't been actively developing for 2-3 years now. So I plan on easing back into coding using up-to-date technologies. I can't wait to absorb information from this community. Thanks.

amoheric profile image
Amoh Eric

Hello, everyone! 👋 I'm thrilled to join this vibrant community. My journey here was sparked by a deep fascination with the constantly evolving world of technology and a personal commitment to lifelong learning. Currently, I'm diving into the realms of artificial intelligence and machine learning, exploring how these technologies can be harnessed to solve real-world problems and enhance our daily lives.

A fun fact about me: I'm an avid reader of science fiction, which fuels my imagination and inspires my work in tech. I believe in the power of storytelling to expand our understanding of the possible.

I look forward to connecting with you all, learning from your experiences, and contributing to this community. If you're working on something exciting or have a book recommendation, I'd love to hear about it!

Let's make this a fantastic journey of shared knowledge and inspiration. See you around, and don't forget to come back next week to welcome our new members, as we all work towards earning that Warm Welcome Badge!

haxwell profile image
Johnathan James

Hello! I look forward to collaborating with you! I am a Senior Software Engineer and Mentor, specializing in full stack mobile application development. I host a group to help software engineers in becoming better engineers, called Savvato's Mock Programming Job. You, the learner, take tasks in our project, similar to how they'd be assigned to you in a real software development job. You do the research, complete the tasks, and get feedback. In return for your time/energy we give you real world, resume-worthy experience. Presently we are working on a social network designed to help you find your tribe.

Read about us on the Meetup page, and perhaps join a meeting on our Discord!

I'm excited to join! I hope I can be of help here to folks here.

jmeshack profile image

Hey everyone, I'm Meshack, and I'm just starting out on my exciting journey into the world of web development! I've always been fascinated by how websites work and the creativity they allow. Now, I'm diving in headfirst to learn how to build them myself.

I'm currently wrapping my head around the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (wow, those acronyms!). It's challenging but incredibly rewarding to see my code come to life on the screen. There's definitely a lot to learn, but I'm surrounded by amazing resources and this incredible community!

I'm hoping to connect with other web development newbies and experienced developers alike. I'm eager to learn from your experiences, ask questions (I have a lot!), and maybe even collaborate on something cool in the future.

P.S. Feel free to drop any tips or resources for a newbie web developer in the comments!

trickypicky profile image

Hi Everyone. I have over 25 years of experience in IT. During this time, I’ve served as a sysadmin; worked in security conducting vulnerability assessments, and ensuring compliance; and functioned as a system engineer But coding and development just never stuck. I wrote a little BASIC when I was a kid in the late 80's and 90's and when I finally decided to go to college in 2010-2012 I took my 2 courses in Java and my 1 course in web dev. It just never took. About 18 months ago, I became the lead systems engineer of two projects and both projects have a software development teams. Honestly I had no idea what they did, I didn't understand the process of development, and with one of the groups being primarily contractors, I really needed to understand what the heck they were doing. Fortunately, we have a Udemy business account. I took Jonas Schmedtmann's web-app in a weekend course and unexpectedly found a new love! Currently I'm working to hone my skills at writing REST API's with Node/Express and PGSQL. I'm also learning Angular, both of the projects I'm running use it, and one project has no real front-end developer (and it shows.. lol). (Sorry for the very long intro)

stardexterity profile image
Zachary Torr

Hello, my name is Zach. I'm an undergraduate student at QUT nearing the end of my degree. I love technology and open source. I came here to get to know other people who also love tech and work on some cool projects. I hope to become a front-end developer.

tgaurav profile image
Gaurav Tredia

Hello everyone, I'm glad to join the Dev Community !!!
I've been working as DevOps Developer for more then 2 years now. I'm here to know more about cloud and security enhancement. I'm really happy to join this community.

keyul04 profile image
Keyul Patel

Hello, Amazing Devs!
It's a pleasure to be in this awesome Dev community!
I am from Ahmedabad, India.
I have been doing programming with C# .Net since 2014.
Currently focusing on React, Cloud & DevOps along with .Net Core.

docman32 profile image

Hello, World!, I'm new to this stuff, coding especially but I really want to follow it into a career in designing/programming games, and am looking for anything that can help/inspire/motivate me to learn more and create more and I'm looking forward to being a part of this community.=)

ayusudi profile image
Ayu Sudi

Hi, I am Ayu, a web developer who started learning to code by joining a bootcamp at Hacktiv8. After 2 years of experience in my career, I decided to return to college. So now, I am a student and also an instructor.

regoanac profile image
Anacarmem Araújo Rêgo

Hey there! I'm Anacarmem, a 24-year-old Brazilian. I'm currently studying Computer Engineering at UFMA (Federal University of Maranhão). Outside of classes, you'll find me immersed in the world of tech as a Back-end Developer, specializing in Java and Kotlin. It's an exciting journey blending academia with real-world software development!

eveetech profile image
Jeimy Evelyn Mota

Hello everyone!
Excited to be part of this community. I'm a Senior QA by day and hobbyist coder by night. I joined DEV to get more exposure to tech articles and build/cultivate skills. I'm currently learning websockets.
Fun Fact: I'm trying to build a twitch bot.

kehkeong profile image

Hello, World! I am a recent Computer science Graduate from New Zealand. I have just joined today with the intention of meeting other peers with a passion for computer science, to strengthen my knowledge and to get an insight of what everyone is working on. I hope I can meet new people to share ideas with and to conversate! Looking forward to talking with everyone!

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

Hi Keong, welcome to the community😊. Here's a tip, DEV has various tags that you can follow to get posts in your feed that are tailored to your interests.

birkenkrahe profile image
Marcus Birkenkrahe

Hello - This summer, I'd like to develop a course "Game Programming with JavaScript, HTML and CSS" for absolute beginners. I have to learn JavaScript first! - I found when I was looking for a chess game engine implementation, which seemed a nice starter project (for me, not for the students). I'm also writing a book on programming, and I might have a few questions for like-minded folks. Currently coding in R, Python, C/C++, SQL using Emacs + Org-mode on Linux Mint, and trying to get my students weaned from Windoze. Cheers from Batesville AR.

PS. Just for fun here is the AI-generated draft poster for the course (it needs some work)
Image description

miro5lav profile image

Hello! I have found here great Python example how to stream data.
I am eager to learn new methods of programming in Python.

chiomaobi profile image
Chioma Ruth obi


dead_line profile image

Hello, I'm Data Engineer for 3 years :)

eayurt profile image
Ender Ahmet Yurt

Hello. Which languages do you use?

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Hey everyone, welcome to the best community! Let's make the difference and feel free to introduce yourself or if you have questions, just reach out to me 😁

preciado04 profile image
Abraham Preciado

Hello, I'm a Drupal Developer. I'm here to learn in this community. Currently I'm taking a course about Symfony 6 in Udemy. I'm happy to be in this community!

hendramchen profile image
Putu Hendra Eka Parman

Hello, World! It's a great to join this community. I'm a software engineer with 10 years experience. I hope we can share ideas and all about tech stack. Looking forward to talking with everyone! 👋

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

Hi there😊, warm welcome to you.

hellovai profile image

Hi friends! after a decade of c++, now learning Rust and into AIOps! glad to meet everyone!

harshi_124 profile image

Hello!I'm grateful to be a part of this community DEV ,I'm here to learn more and new things which I don't know before .

krismaxrose profile image

I made it! Sure is exciting time to be here! Let's go!

richa07 profile image
Sachi Richa

Hello everyone, I'm just a beginner and want to learn new things. I hope we can do it together here .

charudatta10 profile image

Hi everyone

charudatta hear

I am hear to explore AI with community.

dimitrove1 profile image
Nathan Osagie

I am new here and just started learning json hope to get some help along the way folks

cornof profile image

Hello! I will not break the traditions accepted on your site and will tell you what brought me here. I was looking for sources for writing a video card driver and the ability to create firmware.

emmo00 profile image
Emmanuel (Emmo00)

I'm Emmanuel, currently doing web development

uzondu9 profile image

Hello everyone, its a privilege to join one of the biggest coding communities
that work on a passion i love

cinthiabs profile image
Cinthia Barbosa da Silva

Hey everyone! I'm new here...
I'm a systems developer and a software engineering student. Currently, I'm studying Angular and Cypress for end-to-end testing.

waterman profile image

فرحت للانضمام اليكم

dogma profile image
Gerwood Stewart

Hi All.

I've only just found DEV. looks to be an interesting place to sink into.

Anywhere particular I should be looking?

syedaizazali profile image
Aizaz Ali Shah

Hello ta ta ta ta ta ta by by by by
enjoy the day

vuyfiv profile image


dhana profile image
Dhanmohna Mohandas

Hello,Nice to be a part of this community.Love to explore more.

kamalinallaiya profile image

Hello everyone,am new here

angeldev72 profile image
Angel Sanchez

Hey guys! I'm excited to be here.
Hope that I can apport some interesting things to everyone else.

jonneldev profile image

Hello goys..

acortes1087 profile image
Alfonso Cortes


opeoluwa2001 profile image


z0uz profile image
zaher el Siddik


shansiddiqui94 profile image
Shan Siddiqui


sergioaraos profile image

Hello everyone. I am here to help. After 40 years of programming, I think I've seen a lot of water go under the bridge.

22catch22 profile image

I'm determined too become a programmer even if it kills me.

bharat789 profile image


mahmoudyahmadi profile image

Hello there....hope you're doing well.

trent130 profile image

Hello, Lawrence here, thanks for the warm welcome

giolau78 profile image
Giovanni Lauria

I'm just here for the parties...

adityaupadhye profile image
Aditya Upadhye

Hey Devs!! I am Aditya, from Pune, India. I'm here to enhance the tech community and learn about computer science. I am intrested in core CS, Android, Angular, Backend, System Design.

saurabh32 profile image
Saurabh Gupta

Hello to all of you, meeting all of you it's pleasure to me and I am here with learning C Language.

jlxfd profile image
Julia Alexis Diaz

Kumusta? :D Hello! I'm Jalex, a Filipino aspiring web developer! So excited to learn from you all. I'm starting my #learninginpublic journey so I'm inspired by everyone around here!

izamanx profile image

hello people!

sanjeevmurmu profile image
Sanjeev Murmu

Hello world!! My name is Sanjeev Murmu. I am a MERN developer and I am excited to meet new people in this community and contribute to their incredible projects 🚀

iamregexxt profile image
Jesreel Amorganda

Hello world!

shard_odes profile image
Shardul Jalkote

Hello all,
Glad to be part of this amazing DEV community.

flowerofthebridges profile image
Giovanni Fiordeponti

Hi all! Can't wait to read a lot of awesome content here on DEV

cynthiae profile image

Hello I'm Cynthia and I'm thrilled to be here

bchaitanya profile image

Hello, world! It's a pleasure to be in such a community as DEV.

saimonesh profile image

Hey there! I'm your friendly neighborhood senior software. Can't wait to hear your unique take. By the way, this message is 100% human-crafted (not by AI 😉)

krokojoss profile image

Following the Finnish proverb "Siperia opettaa". Latest lessons: do not try oversized slow micro SD cards on Raspberry Pi. There is a subtle difference between M-key and B+M key

sir_fjb profile image
Bafana Sibanda

hello world!im knew here

siva_talu profile image

Hello, world! It's a pleasure to be in such a community as DEV, I'm here to know about more web-assembly technology and uses cases. What real problems is solving using this technology.

federalnightmares profile image

pleasure to meet all of you coding just for fun and ngl kind of hooked. Looking forward to sharing knowledge and some very memorable experiences with you

jorgesoftwaredev profile image
Jorge Alvarado

Hello, new guy here. Help!

shweta_gupta25 profile image
Shweta Gupta

Hello Friends 😊

helena_soto_fa7293223999f profile image
Helena Soto

Olá meus caros ! Obrigada por me deixarem fazer parte desta comunidade incrível !

bend_bob profile image
Bob Bondi

I just hope to learn more about web coding. Have some fun.

sangeethailango profile image

Hey everyone...

lihanghang profile image
Hang Hang Li

hello everyone. I enjoy join in DEV.

marissa8 profile image
Marissa L. UMALI

Hello! everyone, Im very glad to be with in the DEV Community. Looking forward to my productive personal and group coding experience. Thank you so much!

nimafanniasl profile image
Nima Fanniasl

Hello! I'm Nima! A 12/13 y.o coder :)

1mpoy profile image

hola world

sarahthomasdev profile image
Sarah Thomas

I am happy to join this renowned community. Looking forward to share my expertise and insights on software testing and testing tools that make our lives easier.

ebrardev profile image


surajrp_28 profile image

Hello, everyone 👋!!!
Just help me to become a billionaire ☺️

anthroponymy profile image

Hi Dev's how ar u, I am new to this community. stopping by to say all a very warm and happy coding.

josevillanuevavp profile image
Jose Moises Villanueva


josevillanuevavp profile image
Jose Moises Villanueva

Hello World! It is a pleasure to be part of this community. :)

nithindnn profile image


cx3productions profile image
Stephen P Crump

Dipping my toes into the WebDev pool to see how it goes.

Morphing my Media Production Company into a Fully Decentralized Media Ecosystem.

Enjoying the advancements of technology

farazwaheed45e profile image
Faraz Waheed

Hello, world! I'll want to know you

unstoppable25 profile image

Hello 👋from Tanzania,I'm new here, I'm happy to be part of a community in Dev.

szjerrywang profile image
Wang Yong

hello,everyone. I'm learning Rust language. Here I've read a lot of rust related great posts

safaanilatasoy profile image
Safa Anıl ATASOY

Hello, I'm Anıl, a software engineer. I'm currently advancing in the field of web development. Wishing everyone good blogs!

muslimjon profile image

Hello, everyone. I am pleased to be a member in this community.

devopspass profile image
DevOps Pass AI

Hey folks, DevOps Pass arrived, we're here to make DevOps activities simple again! :)
Nice to meet you ;)

gashinbaki profile image
Samuel Gashinbaki

Hello everyone, my name is Gashinbaki and am new here hoping to have a nice environment of great people around and also learning new things.

benio501st profile image
Beniamin Hutyra

Hey guys, exp. web dev with devops knowledge, getting into Web3. Looking forward to join the community. :)

ayushgupta2269 profile image
Ayush Gupta

I am really excited to start my journey as a Next.js full stack developer.
looking forward to learn a lot from everyone :)

ayushgupta2269 profile image
Ayush Gupta

Hello Everyone!!!!

samos profile image


swapniltake1 profile image
Swapnil Take


emery_kroquetmoreno0 profile image
Emery Kroquet

Hello 👋🏾 there

srthk4370 profile image
Saarthak Singh

What's up everyone? Glad to be here.

marzan profile image

Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to join this community!

olayinkaadeoti profile image

Hello, it's nice been here

joey48 profile image

Hello, Thank you. I imagine.

rodruxdev profile image
Rodrigo Goitia

Hello! I'm here to share what I'm learning in my process of becoming a senior engineer and to learn more about all the possibilities in the industry.

stepaniah profile image

Hey, experts!
I'm a new guy of this platform. As a beginner of programming, I am interested in Python and Swift.

devravi profile image

Hello, Please to be part of the community. I am developer since 1999.

sterry profile image

I'm interested in the internal structure of the Gutenberg page builder recently announced on Wordpress.

sterry profile image

If you need help repairing an IBM 407 or making cheese, I'm your man.

ugreeen profile image
Saurabh Rao

Hey everyone, happy to join the community learning React at the moment and on my way to become web dev one day🙂 Hope to get lots of support and thanks in advance for supporting me in my journey.

markskayff profile image
Marcos Scaianschi

Hi guys, I'm Marcos. I'm a Senior Dev from Uruguay. Glad to be here to investigate what's going on. Cheers!

manotalaiver profile image
Manorama talaiver

Excited to be part of this community to collaborate and learn.

henry_hill_50b6b61c5689d5 profile image
Henry Hill

Hello everyone. I’m a beginner programmer focusing on learning Swift and iOS development

cjanning profile image
Christopher Janning

Hi everybody 👋
I‘m Chris, a Solution Architect in E-Commerce. I don‘t get to code much in my daily life anymore so I joined here to stay up-to-date on all kinds of topics.

devcoredg profile image

hellooo everyone. Just stumbled upon this community and being confused why i didnt find out about it earlier ?! :D great to be here !

mwaseem profile image
Mohammad Waseem

Hello everyone, pleasure to join the community.
I have started learning JavaScript & ReactJS.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome Mohammad on DEV!

abimeena profile image
Abi Meena K

Hello Everyone!!
I am happy to be here in this community. I am up for any discussions and work on Cloud, Front end and Coding. Nice to meet you all.. :)

manitro profile image

I've always appreciated the amount of knowledge experienced developers share with us.
So I thought I'd join The community.

farazwaheed45e profile image
Faraz Waheed

Hello world I'll want to know you

nissi8888 profile image
Samuel K

Hello Devs!

karkikamal098 profile image

Hello, I just landed in this community. has started 1-4 hours a day, code challenge for the next 100 days. I will be updating you guys.

agilulf-dev profile image

Hi all Devs!
I'm from Italy, I work as (wannabe) full stack developer in fintech environment.
I found a lot of interesting article here and now I'm subscribed to stay update for future posts.

sambenzt profile image

Hello World!

dmbndvsk profile image

Hello, I'm BE Developer. Just found this site for myself. Looks cool and informative.

Good luck to everyone and have a nice day!)

glyphstergo profile image


ayesh-01 profile image
Ayesha Nudrat

Hi, I'm Ayesha Nudrat and It's a pleasure to be in DEV community .I'm super excited to dive into computer science. I want to learn by doing and approach it with enthusiasm.

mindscopeimagine profile image
Kunle O. Daramola

Hello, everyone.😀