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Alvaro Montoro
Alvaro Montoro

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Divtober Day 1: Fan

Lynn Fisher is an amazing CSS Artist, and she is especially great at creating CSS drawings using just a single HTML element among many other projects she does (Nestflix is a lot of fun!)

In October, she organizes #divtober, a one-month challenge in which she draws (and encourages other to participate too) CSS art based on different topics. This is the list for this year:

And this is my entry for the first day of Divtober: an animated ceiling fan that starts moving when you pulled the string.

I'm not a big fan (no pun intended) of the colors I used, and some people may claim that I cheated by using an <a> instead of a <div>, but that allows for more interesting playground because it has different states that a <div> doesn't have, plus it can be used to redirect the page (only once though) and make use of the :target pseudo-class.

Top comments (7)

afif profile image
Temani Afif

This competition will gonna be crazy!

my entry for this

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

It's not a competition (at least I don't see it that way). More of a fun challenge.

Your entry for fan is amazing :)

afif profile image
Temani Afif

not a competition in a sense that we will win something but more to push our skill limit trying to make the best entry ๐Ÿ˜‰

Your fan is also great ๐Ÿ‘

lyavale95 profile image


grahamthedev profile image

Both very cool! I look forward to seeing both of your entries!

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

A minor change that means that you can switch the fan on by clicking it and off by clicking outside it. Plus it is a <div> now!

lyavale95 profile image

woow it looks so coool