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Cover image for What VSCode theme are you using?
Matthias 🤖
Matthias 🤖

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What VSCode theme are you using?

The IDE and Visual Studio Code in particular is the one tool developers use most.
Since most of us spend many hours a day in Visual Studio code, it's a terrific feature that you can choose your own theme.

At the moment I use Shades of Purple, before that I used Dracula Official for a long time but I want my IDE a bit more colorful 🎨

A great resource for finding your next theme is (I'm not related to this website 😉).

What theme are you using?

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Top comments (121)

mitjmcc profile image
Mitch McClellan
shano profile image
Shane Dowling

I never knew how much I needed this in my life! Might as well kick off some synthwave while I'm at it.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Currently using Night Owl with the Dank Mono font.

Night Owl with the Dank Mono font

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

I like that font. Looks like the Operator Mono but for free!

BTW: You are the first person I see who has the activity bar on the right 😁

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Dank Mono isn't free, but I really like the font and it is way more affordable than Operator Mono.

I do things like moving toolbars to keep my brain sharp. Same with my mouse. I'm right handed, but use the mouse with my left hand. I started doing stuff like this in high school as I was big into basketball and was doing anything to get better with my left hand. Because of that, I still brush my teeth with my left hand. 🙃

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matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Dank Mono isn't free, but I really like the font and it is way more affordable than Operator Mono.

Ah okay, I only had a quick look at their website.

I'm right handed, but use the mouse with my left hand.

Just tried that. Wow, thats a hard one!

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defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov

I'm right handed, but use the mouse with my left hand

I'm left handed and the only thing I do with my right hand is moving the mouse. 😁

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matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Is it hard for you to use your right hand for moving the mouse?
Are there special mice for left handers?

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nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

I use a track pad at and at work, I have a magic mouse, both which work the same whichever hand you use.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic


With project-specific title-bar-color.

Loving the black & white syntax. Wouldn't go back to colored anymore.

The font is CamingoCode

zltn profile image

That's my favourite theme as well! I don't use VSCode anymore, but your post just reminded me that I miss this theme :) Time for me to attempt port it to vim sometime I guess. Was playing around with monochrome themes in there but none of them clicks the same way for me as Verdandi did.

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

With project-specific title-bar-color.

Sounds like good idea! I will add that to my workspaces too! Thank you 🙏

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Just tried the colorized title-bar thing. If find it pretty handy, do you know if it is possible to increase the title bar height?

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niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

Highly doubt it. It's not part of the web-app, but of the native OS-windowing Electron uses.
What I tried was to shrink the side-tool-bar, but also to no success.

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matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Such a shame. For now I solved it by increasing the zoom level and shrinking the font size:

"window.zoomLevel": 0.3,
"editor.fontSize": 16
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niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

I need to look up if it's somehow possible to have a user-stylesheet which just overrides things. It's a website after all.

florimondmanca profile image
Florimond Manca • Edited

I’ve been using Palenight for some time now. It’s a dark theme with a smooth and soothing feel, I really enjoy it!

equinusocio profile image
Mattia Astorino

Palenight is just an unofficial porting of the Material Theme palenight variant

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Looks very calm ❤️

michaeljolley profile image
Michael Jolley

Used Dracula for a long time but recently been using Panda.

piyukore06 profile image
Priyanka Kore

I was using Night Owl for a very long time. It's just so easy on the eyes. But I was craving a bit of change. I tried a bunch of themes, but none of them were as easy on eyes as Night Owl. But then I found Noctis .. Noctis Uva is my favorite from the Noctis family.

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

I think I will try the Noctis theme and its variations too.

j3ffjessie profile image

Was using Material a Theme, but recently switched to Synthwave ‘84. Amazing theme. Need to work out the glow but I’ll get there eventually.

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Is the glow effect more cpu intense?

j3ffjessie profile image

Probably, it uses another package to handle the glow. It has the instructions in the docs but I haven’t messed with it. It will probably take more cpu but not 100% sure.

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robb0wen profile image
Robb Owen

Hey! Thanks for suggesting Synthwave '84!

The glow effect is handled by loading an external CSS file, but despite the neon looks, it's all done with CSS text-shadow so the CPU performance impact is minimal

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j3ffjessie profile image

Nice. I hadn’t played with it for the glow yet. Hoping to have time this weekend to mess with it. Hopefully it’s fairly simple.

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

I created a theme to my liking - Kaia Theme. It was inspired by Monokai but I tried to make things easier to read and identify.

Kaia Theme

deadcoder0904 profile image
Akshay Kadam (A2K)

This looks rad & is really easy on eyes. Good job Ryan.

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Nice work 👍

ph1p profile image

"One Dark Pro Vivid" and these Fonts "'Menlo for Powerline', Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace".
After installing the theme you have to set the "Vivid" theme separately. I really like the brighter colors.

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

"One Dark Pro" looks familiar - is that the Atom default theme?

ph1p profile image

Yep. This is based on atom default theme.

pandaa880 profile image
Prashant Chaudhari

I use Monokai Pro from the original creator of Monokai Theme. It is free for some period but after the trial there will be annoying popups. I really loved it so i bought the license.

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖 • Edited

I did not know that there are extensions for VSCode that are not free.

pandaa880 profile image
Prashant Chaudhari

So far i only know this one...

spaciecat profile image

I've been using and loving Ayu ever since I found it! I personally switch between the two dark variants pretty often, can't pick a favorite....

munaibh profile image
Munaib Hussain • Edited . Because I thought it was funny and I was told I wouldn't last a day using it. Once I'm through with the mistake, I'll go back to my trusty Material Theme (

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

Wow! The Hot Dog Stand theme is really extraordinary 😂

laduran profile image

I just barfed in my mouth a little

munaibh profile image
Munaib Hussain

It truly is a thing of nightmares!

orkhanfarmanli profile image
Orkhan Farmanli • Edited

Horizon theme with Operator Mono Fonts (Ligature version)

Vscode Horizon theme

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

I really like the Operator Mono font, but it is very expensive.

nickytonline recommended Dank Mono which looks very similar but is cheaper.

orkhanfarmanli profile image
Orkhan Farmanli

I just discovered from a comment on this post and switched to Victor Mono font. It's sharp and stylish, gotta give it a try.

sahuvikramp profile image
Vikram Sahu • Edited

I can share you the operator mono font :

mikeybell profile image
Mike Bell • Edited

If anyone is looking for something new, I recently created a theme as a little side project. It's called Supernova, any and all feedback is welcome!

Supernova Theme

Supernova theme

aromig profile image
Adam Romig 🇵🇭

Ooh, that looks nice! I’m going to give your theme a try.

skiabox profile image
Stavros Kefaleas • Edited

I am using Dainty - Night Owl but I have a problem.
It overrides some of my Operator Mono Lig fonts.
Any ideas?

Here's what I mean :

matthias profile image
Matthias 🤖

To be honest, I don't know what you mean?
How should it look like? I don't use ligatures.

skiabox profile image
Stavros Kefaleas

The first image is a compatible theme and the second image is Dainty - Night Owl.