DEV Community

Generating documentation on the fly in express

Akshendra Pratap Singh on June 09, 2018

I little while ago, I decided to generate docs for some HTTP APIs I was about to build. The APIs were going to be used internally, so I didn't want...
edbrannin profile image
Ed Brannin • Edited

Thanks for this article! I was hoping to use a jsdoc-to-Swagger parser, but I might need to give up and write the YAML.

The second-paragraph link to swagger-jsdoc is broken; it seems like a {% raw %}...{% endraw %} got escaped into the href.

dharmax profile image

Well guys, I left express and koa awhile ago and I use Hapi in all my projects now. It had organic support for documentation and validation for ages now and it is best designed all around.

akshendra profile image
Akshendra Pratap Singh

I have used koa, but never tried hapi. Will check it out.

dharmax profile image

You do that...would love to hear what you think

madeofhuman profile image

Wow! Thanks! I'll check this out. I was literally just searching for an easy way of writing API documentation.

electrode profile image
Electrode Cathode

Awesome, thanks for this Akshendra