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Dev on Remote
Dev on Remote

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Do you read books? Recommend one! πŸ“š

Doing a small personal research here. How many of you actually read books on software development (I don't mean buying and collecting them :P)?

ALSO, I've a train in 3h as well and I would love to start reading sth nice. So recommendations are welcome :D

We can't do pools here on, please pick one of:

  1. I've read 5 or more books in the last year.
  2. I've read between 3 to 4 books in the last year.
  3. I have read 2 or less books in the last year.
  4. I didn't read any book in the last year.

PS: btw I'm building a job board for remote developers and companies with remote-first culture. If you are interested here is a link:

Top comments (36)

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

By the way, nice topic!

So this one is really different (not about development, but it's a good choice)

Image description

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote • Edited

Read this one, really makes you think about life and not only. it changed how I perceive some things. Also recommend this one!

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Surely you have also read β€œThe Courage to Be Happy”? It looks interesting too...

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devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

Wasn't aware about this one. Did you read it? From what I see its also using Adler's psychology, so it might be nice.

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renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro • Edited

Not yet, but I'll read it!

shariqahmed525 profile image
Shariq Ahmed

Currently reading this and so far it's amazing

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Yes, really cool and interesting the way we think about life, right?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Well, I'm in camp #4... at least when it comes to programming books. πŸ˜…

That said, I wanna give a shout out to @integerman who I know recently published a book in the past year for all those C# devs out there.

Refactoring with C#

Also, I'm a Community Manager at DEV and seeing your post reminds me that I should advocate for us to add polling abilities. We've discussed it previously but haven't yet been able to move on that functionality. I'll remind the team!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Thanks @michaeltharrington! I had a blast writing it and it's great to write in public.

If my book interest you, it's 10% off for the next week on Amazon, but if you like digital it's also featured in its first Humble Bundle at the moment and that's far more affordable than purchasing the book alone.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

I like to think that I am a pretty good reader but don't read many software dev books!

This year I read a few that are related to general career stuff + one HTML book for a course I was in!

  1. HTML & CSS design and build websites by Jon Duckett
  2. Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman (Loved this book. Of course. Read it. Yes.)
  3. Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordan MacKenzie (More of just a general career-related book about an illustrator who works at Hallmarkβ€” this was so fun and great to read. )
  4. Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad by Austin Kleon (Honestly, I have books I would recommend over this one but I do think it was a nice quick read!)
  5. How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell (If you get one thing out of this message please read this book. I love this book. It was incredible. Highly suggested read that summarizes the perils of the anthropocene, reconnecting with nature, and crafting balance in your life..... among so many other things.)

Okay I take it back I think this is a pretty impressive list.

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

I will start, for me its nr.2 and The Pragmatic Programmer, really like this one πŸš€ Cheers!

deneskellner profile image
DΓ©nes Kellner

SQL Performance Tuning, by Peter Gulutzan & Trudy Pelzer

These guys know everything I learned the hard way during my 20+ years of optimizing SQL - and gave me a lot more! This book finally tells you why your queries are slow and how you can make it easier for the server to find out & return what you ask for. Just put it on the shelf! You'll find yourself reaching for it every now and then, and it's gonna save you days of headache.

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre • Edited

1) here. But this year I decided to change my approach from reading just for the sake of reading and keeping a list of read books (just in case learning) to reading for the sake of answering questions or facing a challenge (just in time learning)

Here's my to-read list from last year:
The Programmer's Brain
Your Code as a Crime Scene (that title man!)
Designing Data Intensive Applications
Working Effectively with Legacy Code

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

Only heard about Designing Data Intensive Applications. All added to my list! :D Damn so many good recommendations came out from this short post :P

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Number two, but then I am a technical reviewer for O'Reilly so not really fair :)


devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

I try to be framework agnostic, looking for some general knowledge. All of your books fit this criteria. Thanks!

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

I have a copy of "Database Design for Mere Mortals", by Michael J. Hernandez - I am using for reference.

Then, I also have a copy of "The Goodbye Cat", by Hiro Arikawa. This might not be a bad choice for reading while travelling by train.

I am also referring "Understanding Exposure", by Bryan Peterson. This book is about photography and its basic concepts - mostly for learning.

lovestaco profile image
Athreya aka Maneshwar • Edited

Non-Designer's Design Book

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

This one is interesting and its sth I actually need. Thanks @lovestaco!

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐


My favourite book on technology is The Art of Game Design - it makes you look at everything differently in my experience, not only games but interfaces too.

adriens profile image

I've just finished the following one which was an excellent one :

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

The link to goodreads doesn't work, here is a link to their page if someone is interested to learn more about it -> link

adriens profile image

Also, the download link

avi_x profile image

Some of the best books that I would personally recommend are:
1-> Deep work (teaches you about how to work at an elite level and doing work hard to replicate )

2-> atomic habits(everyone should read this once in their life, teaches you how to build good habits and how to break bad habits by scientifically proven methods)

3-> zero to one (Book by a member of PayPal mafia i.e Peter Theil in which he teaches you about how to build profitable , scalable and sustainable startups)

Hope you find this useful, Happy reading

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

I agree zero to one and atomic habits are dope. I didn't read Deep work yet, but I've put it on the list :P

danialdene profile image
Danial Hakim

The Art of Thinking Clearly

devonremote profile image
Dev on Remote

Hehe, I need that XD

noghartt profile image
Guilherme Ananias

Nice topic, BTW!

In the last year, I read 12 books (it was my year challenge). In case, some good books related to programming that I REALLY recommend to anyone are:

  • Designing Data Intensive Applications
  • High Performance Browser Networking
  • Database Internals
keep_calm_and_code_on profile image
Alex Lau

Effortless by Greg McKeown isn't a software book, but it's helped me a lot in the way that I think about software and writing clean code.

When it comes to books that are strictly in the realm of coding, The Pragmatic Programmer is the one I wish I had at the beginning of my career. I know this one tends to make everyone's list, but there's a good reason for that πŸ˜„