DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v276

Welcome Thread - v276

Sloan the DEV Moderator on May 15, 2024

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yoursel...
iamspathan profile image
Sohail Pathan • Edited

Welcome New Devs 🚀💫

I'm Sohail, an enthusiastic traveler with a passion for Programming. My journeys around the world fuel my curiosity and drive for innovation.

Recently, I've been diving deep into AI for software development. Some of my favorite tools are Cursor and ApyHub which take developer productivity to the next level.

Though I'm here to learn - I read a lot.

developerabdulrehman profile image
Abdul Rehman

thanks to welcome . i am happy to be a part of this community which has people like you

divine_essang_f356d916806 profile image
Divine Essang


salika_dave profile image
Salika Dave

Cool tools 😎

emmanuelj profile image
Emmanuel Joseph

Thank you

rikuslategan profile image
Rikus Lategan

It says on that the free version offers "2000 Copilot++ completions". Interesting. Thank you for the links.

developerabdulrehman profile image
Abdul Rehman

thanks to welcome . i am happy to be a part of this community which has people like you

bnh_nguyn_a9c336818a843 profile image
Bình Nguyễn

Hello 👋

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there 👋 Much welcome to the DEV community!

pererayesh17 profile image
Ayesh Perera

Tnx for the welcome! Hey Everyone

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Much welcome to DEV!

abhi_a5d8b9503 profile image

Thanks for your welcome and Hi everyone 👋

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! 👋 Welcome to DEV!

Thread Thread
prammmoe profile image
Ikhwan Pramuditha

Same here, I hope I can learn something beneficial from this community!

eric_dev profile image

Thanks for your welcome. I am happy to be a part of this community which has people like you

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi! Welcome to the community!

sabreenasal profile image
Sabreena Salomon

Hello! Thanks for the welcome. I'm excited to begin this journey with you all! I'm glad to be here!

bin_jabbal_5ff86a462c0d3f profile image
Bin Jabbal


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and welcome to DEV!

tmsangdev profile image
Sáng Minh Trần
alwynvanwyk profile image
Alwyn van Wyk

Thank you for the share.

eugnio_cristo_ profile image
Eugénio Cristo

Obrigado pelas boas-vindas. Estou feliz por fazer parte desta comunidade que tem pessoas como você

james_dulaogon_387c5da834 profile image
James Dulaogon

jojomondag profile image
Josef Nobach

The voice in the video of Cursor was very scuffed. it felt like different ai voices overlapping each other at times. But cool idea to have the ai so closely in the IDE thanks for the tip.

rikuslategan profile image
Rikus Lategan

tl;dr =

  • Am 20, Studied BSc Mathematical Science (Comp Sci major)
  • Never worked in the field, instead worked with kids (in remedial ed)
  • Now 40, tired but not yet retired, and interested in Comp Sci again
  • Profit?

It is nice to be back. So, computers are intelligent now... cool.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Welcome to DEV!

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

Welcome back to the field of computers😁✨

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Welcome back into the field and welcome to DEV too, Rikus! Hope ya dig the community here. 🙌

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Great to have you here! 👏

your experience could be useful to create new solutions in the field! 🙏

salika_dave profile image
Salika Dave • Edited

Glad to have you here at DEV! 🎉

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Welcome back to tech and enjoy this amazing community!

tmsangdev profile image
Sáng Minh Trần
alwynvanwyk profile image
Alwyn van Wyk

Nice one, Rikus!

thomascansino profile image
Thomas Cansino

hey, welcome!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey folks!

Welcome to DEV. 🙌

Quick tip: you can create comment templates which you can set up for responses that you use frequently. For instance, I have a number of quick tips which I've set up as comment templates so that I can regularly drop them into these welcome threads and this is one of them. 😉

To set your templates up, just navigate over to /settings/extensions and follow the instructions under the heading Comment templates.

To use your templates, you'll need to click into the comment input box, click the ... menu, and click the icon that looks a bit like a book. You'll then see all your available responses.

Here's a post with more info on this feature:

If you have any questions about this feature or anything else, don't hesitate to hit me up. I'm happy to help!

alwynvanwyk profile image
Alwyn van Wyk

Hey, Michael - great to connect!
Thx for the share.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone

amythical profile image
amythical • Edited

Quick intro

  • 20 yrs + into software development
  • Still love building and programming
  • Javascript, ReactJS, FFMPEG, C programming, Emscripten, GSAP, AWS
  • With the advent of WASM, I am interested in computing on jobs carried out on the servers/api based third party services

Happy to share my code/learning and learn/grow with the community here.

More about my journey so far

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there 👋 Much welcome!

amythical profile image

Hello Anita, glad to be a part of the community @ Dev

rishit_mehta_09909ff0554c profile image
Rishit Mehta

Welcome, your journey is very interesting. As a beginner, I hope to have a similar journey in development .

amythical profile image

Love and enjoy what you do! Wishing you the best.

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

Welcome Everyone 🚀💫

developerabdulrehman profile image
Abdul Rehman

thanks to welcome . i am happy to be a part of this community which has people like you

fatfingererr profile image
Ricky Wang

Hello, everyone. I'm Ricky, a Quant. I've been reading the newsletter every day for the past 2-3 years, usually around 7 a.m. before heading to work.

I've learned a lot of technical knowledge here, although it's not easy for me to share my expertise. I'm eager to give back to the community. If there's anything I can do to take the first step, please let me know. Thank you!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆ • Edited

Hello, Ricky and welcome to DEV!

joseph_lahaikanu_481635c profile image
Joseph Lahai Kanu

I am very much excited to be part of this amazing team of coding enthusiast , hello guys !
nice catching up with you

public class welcome{
    public static void main(String []args){
      int hello =  ;  // code it ! 1 or 2 ?  Run it ! and break it ! ...
                case 1:
                       System.out.println("you are welcome, Joe!");
                case 2:
                       System.out.println("We are very much happy to have you here, Mr Kanu!");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

It's a mice!
thank you!
catch up later!

puffblende profile image

We are very much happy to have you here, Mr Kanu!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings! Much welcome to the DEV community!

_hm profile image
Hussein Mahdi

Simply put, I write so that there is development for the programming community. Everything I learned or topics that I find good and useful for them, I publish on my account. I love the saying “Knowledge is for everyone” 😊😁

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there. Welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I love to read about learning journeys, it will be a pleasure to read your posts!

sachin_singh profile image
Sachin Singh

Hi Folks, I am here to learn and contribute in discussions. Solving coding challenges. One issue related to writing code which is compatible to both android and IOS brought me here. I am a java Spring boot developer. Looking forward to learn new technologies

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello 👋 Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here as much as I do!

adaiasmagdiel profile image
Adaías Magdiel

Hi, I'm Adaías Magdiel, a passionate coder currently pursuing degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have a strong enthusiasm for coding, problem-solving, and creating innovative solutions.

Here are some projects I've been working on:

  • Leste: A Lua testing framework inspired by PestPHP and pytest, designed to make testing more intuitive and efficient.
  • Hermes: An experimental and lightweight PHP router manager that simplifies the process of managing routes in web applications.
  • SimpleCache: A straightforward solution for managing cache in Python applications, enhancing performance and efficiency.
  • Deta Clojure Library: A Clojure SDK aimed at simplifying interactions with Deta Space services.
  • Deta CMS: A Content Management System built for Deta Space, utilizing operations on the Deta Base to streamline content management.
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Adaías, be welcome to our community!
WOAH, you work on such nice projects, we'd love to read more about your experiences.

adaiasmagdiel profile image
Adaías Magdiel

Hi, Thaíssa, thanks for the warm welcome! I like to create and learn new things every day! I am excited to share more about my projects and experiences with the community.

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

This is great! I'm sure you'll love DEV more than I do.

vitoneto profile image
Hello, World!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I'm Vito Neto, I'm a front end developer focused on Angular.
I'm here to share my programming knowledge.
I'm Brazilian and I speak Portuguese and English.

I hope that I can positively impact lives through my content.
And I will learn a lot here too.

james_dulaogon_387c5da834 profile image
James Dulaogon • Edited

Hello world,
I'm James, I'm an employed but looking for new journey to begin. I'm looking onto learning about programming particularly web development. Actually, I've had some experience in web development but from my present job, it's not related. I'm planning to be a part time web developer someday, maybe front-end or full stack developer.
Happy to be here.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, James, it's a pleasure to have you being part of our DEV community. We wish our best to your journey!

mileskj profile image
Miles Jordan

Hi everyone.

I found this place recommended online for a good developer blog space! I am a DevOps Engineer from Atlanta (Mid-level) and I am currently looking to really expand my knowledge of this world.

I am creating my first major personal project and wanted to document the process. I love music and am working on becoming a DJ, so it will be a software that helps me to download and organize all my songs. Hopefully it goes well!

Another thing about me: I love to dance! I go to hip-hop classes a lot here in Atlanta and am looking to make choreographies for all the songs I like.

Nice to meet you all

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Miles, be welcome to our community! You have an interesting hobby and this is so nice, also, I loved your idea of your personal project.

anshul_bhartiya_37e68ba7b profile image
Anshul Bhartiya

Hello everyone! I'm an enthusiastic software engineer who enjoys coding and creativity. I'm here to network with other tech enthusiasts, acquire new skills, and share my experiences. Fun fact: I can code in several languages, but Python will always hold a particular place in my heart. I'm looking forward to connecting with this incredible community.

tpacce profile image

Hi, all! Name's Angello, I'm a Software Engineer student, graduating next year, hopefully 😅
I am interested in backend and bot development mainly Telegram and Discord bots as well as knowing about Laravel, Django and Nodejs but that's as far as I want to go with Javascript everywhere 🤣
Here to learn, read some experiences and post some thoughts of my own!

smillabilla profile image

Hi all 💫! After many years in corporate innovation, I am currently going back to refresh and expand my coding skills. I am really interesting in the field of threat modeling (it was a post on this that brought me here) and ethics in AI use and development. I am a serial networker because I like to learn from others and share my knowledge if it helps. Looking forward to connect!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Stella, welcome to our community! I'm sure you'll find a lot of interesting connections here.

ts-kakashi profile image
Abhijith Biji

Hello Devs,

I'm Abhijith 👋🏻 , a curious learner when it comes to coding even though I'm new to this field . As for studies , I'm persuing BCA . This community got my attention recently. I mean it's such a great platform where developers of all sort can interact with each other while learning and teaching other .

I'm happy that I could be a part of such a community.

Happy coding 🧑🏻‍💻 ✨

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Abhijith, be welcome to our community! I'm so happy you're enjoying to be here.

sanamchoudhary profile image
Sanam Choudhary

Hello Everyone!

I'm Sanam and I'm currently studying CS with Honors at DePaul University. I have experience coding in languages such as Python, Java, HTML/CSS, and R.

If anyone wants help building projects or wants to create a project with me, let me know!

arnabsahawrk profile image
Arnab Saha

Hello everyone 🚀

I'm Arnab from Bangladesh, a small country below India. I'm a beginner web developer and a learner. I have a keen interest in delving deep into web development and exploring cutting-edge technologies.

So, I'm here to learn from you guys. Thanks for having me.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Arnad, welcome to our community. It's great to have you here! Also, I'm learning web development too!

david_oyewole profile image
David Oyewole

Hello, My name is David I am a DevOps/Cloud Engineer, I recently started my journey into tech and it's been an interesting one so far. I will be sharing my learning journey here.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello David! 👋 Welcome to the DEV community! I am looking forward to read about your learning journey!

david_oyewole profile image
David Oyewole

Thank you, Anita. I will be sharing as much as I can.

emmanuelj profile image
Emmanuel Joseph

Hello everyone, I'm Emmanuel Joseph a passionate programmer with focus in python, being in a community with people with like minded attracted me to, I hope to be able to embark on a project soon with fellow programmer from thank you for having me m

johnboris profile image

Hello everyone

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! How are you? Much welcome to the community!

johnboris profile image

Thank you.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, John! Be welcome to this community!

tim-e profile image
Tim E

Hi everyone 👋🌊

My name is Tim, I am an Engineering manager by day and indie hacker by night. I love this site, have been reading articles on it for a long time. Now that I'm trying to promote some of my projects (cough shameless self promotion DevBuilt, WorldCrafter cough), I decided to start posting some articles to help share some of my expertise.

Thanks for having me 💪

junaid_kh profile image
Junaid Khan

Hey, everyone 👋
I'm an indie founder from Mumbai, India.

Currently, I'm building Moocable (Goodreads for Upskilling) 📚

I write and talk about:
💡 Science-based study techniques
We need to say goodbye to the old practices of rote memorization, hours-long study sessions, and passive learning.

👨‍💻 How to get into tech, and advance your career.
Share what companies want, and how to show them you have what it takes to succeed in the role.

📚 Course and Book recommendations
I'm big into reading and studying online, and I'm guessing you are a little bit as well. I'll be sharing the best of the best source to study from.

🚀 Projects and portfolio
Studying courses isn't enough. You need to consolidate your ideas by building a solid project. I'll show you how.

🗃️ Business and Product Design
In this day and age, anyone can become a product designer. I'll teach you about Product Design, Business, Entrepreneurship, UI UX, and Marketing.

Happy to join the Dev Community!

rtango5301 profile image
Rishabh Tiwari

Hello Devs!
This is Rishabh. I'm well versed in the concepts of web development using the MERN stack and also have extensive experience building a client project involving ML models and deploying them to production. I also have sufficient exposure to AWS, Git, Ubuntu, and Docker and I'm learning Kubernetes. I'm all for tech and more and would love to talk and learn about any topic!

Glad to be a part of the community!

ankit_y profile image
Ankit Saini


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and welcome! Hope you will enjoy it here!

ankit_y profile image
Ankit Saini

Hello @Anita Olsen, Yes, its a new world of creative people.

edulon profile image
Luis Eduardo da costa lima

Hi guys, my name is Luis Eduardo. I'm 23 years old and after two years away from the field I'm slowly returning and having to relearn everything. I hope to count on everyone's help here, and you can count on me!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, world! I'm Thaísa, a computer science student from Brazil and I discovered this community while searching for git tutorials some time ago. How did you discover about DEV?

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

I don't remember, but I guess Twitter.

annavi11arrea1 profile image
Anna Villarreal

Hello everyone!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there! Welcome to the DEV community!

rudrakrishnadas profile image
Rudra krishna Das

Hi i'm Rudra. A graduate and a passionate gamer who found love programming.

I started learning recently. and till now i learned html css javascript, react, next,node, mongodb, and python.
made this portfolio:-

mete_yarc_0510fa4732f35 profile image
Mete Yarıcı

Hello everyone, i'm from istanbul
Great to be here :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! I am from Norway. Welcome to the community!

cynthiachinenye profile image
Cynthia Agu

I am cynthia, and I am excited to join the community, and I am currently learning web development react js, its good to be here hoping to learn more and contribute in anyway I can thanks

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello, cynthia! Much welcome to DEV! I hope you will like it here!

willem_kondjeniheita_f34 profile image
Willem kondjeni Heita

I am Willem Heita I currently have something to tell about me maybe I will some help out there.

Number(1): I want to live a happy, blessed with money no matter it takes the darkness can rise I will be happy with money. That's all I want to tell someone out there he/she give me advices.

Thank you: Let's get illuminate who ever is nocking🤑😈👹 I hope one of the entire globe 🌎 one king/queen will assist who is nocking.

superchaoscorp_59bca8a8f4 profile image

Hi everyone im from Norway and i do 1000stuff art stuff. Tekst me : )

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hei! Velkommen til DEV! Jeg håper du kommer til å like deg her, jeg liker meg her veldig veldig godt ☺️

zuberman profile image
zübeyr berber

Hello everyone :)))

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆ • Edited

I love your profile! You can also add your github/web page on your DEV profile, your location and it could be a very good idea to add your skills among other things. Feel free to ask me if you need any help :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there. Welcome to DEV! :)

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Welcome everyone, it's nice to always see new people here! Let's goo!!

Image description

jojomondag profile image
Josef Nobach

Hi im new here!

Iam currently developing webpages learning SvelteKit. What are you guys working on?


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Velkommen til DEV, Josef!

jojomondag profile image
Josef Nobach

Thx I like your portfolio keep working hard and getting better!

Thread Thread
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Awesome! I will! :D

claywinston profile image
Clay Winston

Hii My name is clay and i'm to learn and explore some new things. I'm from India and i'm a Game Dev and a part time Youtuber where i play games and stream them live on my Youtube Channel my Youtube channelname is Deadphool.

tmsangdev profile image
Sáng Minh Trần

Welcome everyone 💫
My fullname is Minh Sang Tran (Vietnamese name: Trần Minh Sáng)
I am a full-stack developer 👨‍💻
This is my first post. Hope this help. Thank you 🌻

vasil_vr profile image
Vasil Vranchev


My name is Vasil, a.k.a. V! The blockchain is my passion. I’m a co-founder of InfinityBlocks - a web3 dev team, which passion is to build custom solutions.

My favorite things are the smart-contract and innovations. I will do my best to share cool things from my experience with the community here.

Don’t hesitate to contact me!

Nice to e-meet you!

cporter130 profile image
Christian Porter

Hello, I'm new to the software dev field, self-taught front-end, and growing to become full-stack. Passionate about learning and applying code in ways to create impact. Most of my days include reading, coding, exercise, and repetition.

ardacibaeren profile image

Hey everyone!

I'm Arda, just trying to switch my career to software developer which seems quite a challenge but i guess that some of you can relate. Currently i am learning React, JavaScript and Java. It feels such a privilege to be here, lovely community! <3

unnatiii profile image

I'm Unnati, I'm glad that I came across this coding community as I have been looking for one and this is the best place to learn more n help others as well.
Looking forward to meet the great minds here n take care of yourselves.

carlos_gamez_11078c838169 profile image
Carlos Gamez

Hi everyone! Python selflearner over here. I'll try to document my journey whatever time it takes [Patience is my main character description :)]. I'll be happy to check on your ideas and knowledge. See you around!

charlottetowell profile image
Charlotte Towell

Hi all! I'm pretty early on in my data engineering career, recently started working at a start-up where I'm learning heaps and diving deep into using GCP. Python, SQL, Power BI is most of my day. I'm keen to learn from everyone and share the new skills I'm gaining! :)

nikhil_verma profile image
Nikhil Verma

Hi community!

I'm Nikhil Verma, and I work at S&P where I specialize in leveraging GenAI tools and technologies to drive innovation. My role involves mastering GenAI tools, establishing evaluation and implementation processes, fostering a GenAI-centric developer culture, designing technical architectures, and leading core development using Databricks, Python, AWS, and AWS Lambda.

I'm excited to connect with fellow developers, share insights, and learn from this vibrant community. Looking forward to engaging with you all!

Nikhil Verma

harsh_rajput_ddbf0f0e3744 profile image
Harsh Rajput

Hi devs, great to see you here! I have extensive experience as a web app developer and am eager to collaborate as a co-founder with individuals who have outstanding ideas. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to work alongside an exceptional team.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕


absolutegoddus profile image

Hi Devs 👋,

I'm Yannick (aka Absolute Goddus), an enthusiastic developer from Germany with a passion for tackling complex challenges, whether in math or crafting new programming languages.

Lately, I've been deeply immersed in creating my own game engine, C-Engine. That's why I'm here—to ask questions, share my progress, and learn from this amazing community.

My favorite tools include CLion and SFML, although for my game engine, I'm currently working with Vulkan and GLFW.

My favorite languages are C++, C, and JavaScript/HTML/CSS, in that order.

Looking forward to connecting with all of you!

salpha profile image


I'm Salpha, a passionate developer with a keen interest in specific areas of interest, e.g., web development. I'm excited to join this community to share my experiences, learn from others, and collaborate on innovative projects.

josue_gonzalez_4f4672426c profile image
Josue Gonzalez

Hello everyone,

I'm Josué and I'm an full-stack developer on ITGallery.

I have 10 years of experience but I am always learning. I'm looking to learn new things on modern web development and software architecture.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there 👋 Welcome to the community! I hope you will enjoy it here!

emelie profile image
Chukwuemelie Obiora

Hi guys
My name is Chukwuemelie. I have a background in graphic and UX design. I am currently studying fullstack web development at the university of roehampton, London and I looking forward to learning from you all

buggybutlearning profile image

Hello, I came here because I want to find a good place to share articles I write. Here is my first article about my first open source project. It converts text into an audio book to help you study or read a book. Check them out and tell me what you think.

thomascansino profile image
Thomas Cansino • Edited

Hi guys, I'm Thomas, I'm a civil engineer documenting my self-taught journey to full-stack web development.

I document them by writing blogs and posting vids on my youtube channel!

I'm new here and I wish to engage with all of you guys. :)

shavonne_mckinney_bae2f1a profile image
Shavonne Mckinney

Hi everyone,

I'm Shavonne and very much interested in learning how to code. I am more interested in learning mobile app development for android and iOS. Does anyone know of any good tutorials for beginners?

kuvindu_damvin profile image
Kuvindu Damvin

Hi guys,

I am Kuvindu Damvin. From Sri Lanka, a little country below India. I have a dream of making a world-changing app. Currently learning web development. Also interested in hacking.

I am interested in anything technological. And also astronomy. Play Minecraft and Roblox.

I like to learn with other devs......

jessica_benavente_08c52b1 profile image
Jessica Benavente


I’m Jessica from Qrowdsy, a market research firm based in London ( We’re currently inviting skilled app and game developers like you to join our exclusive online platform.

By engaging with us through discussion boards and surveys on the platform, you will have the following advantages:

  • Earn Rewards: For each session, lasting from 10 minutes to an hour, earn eGift cards valued up to $150.
  • Welcome Bonus: Register this month and receive a $50 e-voucher as a token of our appreciation.
  • Influence Strategic Decisions: Your contributions inform key decisions, helping refine the innovations that propel our industry forward.

If you’re interested in using your expertise to influence change and help shape industry standards, please register your interest here:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to your impactful participation!

Kind regards,

Jessica Jeffs Benavente

cryptolexx profile image

Hello everyone,

I am here for guidance. I am a infrastructure engineer and I would like to swing my career over to the Blockchain Dev world. I love coding and automation and I would love to get as much guidance and direction as possible on my new journey.

johnasblasco profile image
Johnas Blasco


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there. Welcome!

yowise profile image


lcrypto profile image
Leonard miles

Wat up every body I'm new trying to learn and contribute to the community .now let me call back and listen ,learn .

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi, welcome to the community!

samael profile image

Hi guys, I just wanted to give a look into this community, hoping it will help me with my SRE tasks!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there! Welcome to DEV!

samael profile image

Thank you! Appreciate you replied and sorry for the delay, my ping takes time!

fco_javier_menayo_ra profile image
Francisco Javier Menayo Ramos

Hola, soy nuevo en esta red, estaré atento a todas las aportaciones que se hagan, pues como digo, estoy aprendiendo...

tpacce profile image

¡Bienvenido! Que bueno saber que no soy el único hispanohablante ,:)

itschristinamba profile image
Christina Pacheco

Hello !

I am Christina (itschristinamba) on all channels! Next week I begin my programming at a local community college. All tips are welcomed 🙌

gustavowoltmann profile image
Gustavo Woltmann

Hello everyone! My name is Gustavo Woltmann. I am a UK-based developer.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings, Gustavo Woltmann! Much welcome to the community. I hope you will like it here!

juddiy profile image

Hey, friends!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and welcome to DEV!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! Welcome! I hope you will like it here.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Hello new members, welcome to DEV! Go enjoy some blogs.

neemayoussef profile image

Good Morning

metheshivam profile image
Shivam Kumar • Edited

Thanks for the welcome. I am happy to be a part of this community.

13980032018 profile image


dev_imagloo profile image
Mpeli Mtowa

Mr Mpeli is the name. Fascinated with programming in PHP, Python, SQL but I am a still new lots of things regarding software engineering.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Welcome to DEV, Mr Mpeli!

mmarconi117 profile image

Hello Devs,

I'm Michael, turned professional gamer to Software Engineer. Looking to connect with others, and work on projects.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello Michael. Much welcome to DEV! I hope you will like it here!

glory_17 profile image
Lyra Grayson

Hello everyone

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello. Much welcome to the community!

abhikhaire_ profile image
Abhi Khaire

Hello Fella Programmers😄

abhikhaire_ profile image
Abhi Khaire

Hello Fella Programmers

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello. Welcome to DEV!

lianhua591 profile image
lian hua

Thanks to welcome! I am delighted to be a member of the community

sijo_fransselepe_c3ab842 profile image
Sijo Frans Selepe

Welcome Everyone, I'm from South Africa and I'm here because of Codecademy FrontEnd Development Course.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Welcome! Codecademy is great!

samir_khan_17f740bc5b5910 profile image
samir khan


akash_18 profile image


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and much welcome to the community!

akash_18 profile image

Thanks 😊

ekaterina_beregovskaya_335 profile image
Ekaterina Beregovskaya

Hi everyone :)))

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there! 👋 Welcome to the community!

ikardragon profile image

Hallo to Everyone :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Welcome to DEV!

clichymercury profile image

Thanks for your welcome. I am happy to be a part of this community which has people like you

jortheguy profile image
Kyaw Kyaw Maung

Glad to meet you all.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings! Much welcome to the DEV community!

janya_mukkamala profile image
Janya Mukkamala

Thank you. Its glad to be here and trying to enhance my skills with the community support. And I wish my experience could help someone who needs solutions or suggestions.

koredekizzy profile image

Hello world ! i have been having issues with my web app lately and would love if someone would help me with an advice or tip

crisdevux profile image

Hola!! Ya era hora entrar en esta comunidad, con muchas ganas de aprender de vosotros :)

ovaiskhanday profile image
Khanday Ovais

Newbie Dev here

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and welcome to the community!

ambe_service_ebe76457ecbe profile image
Ambe Service

Hello 👋 all...
I am looking forward to enhance my daily life as well as career with DEV.

black_mamba profile image
black mamba


black_mamba profile image
black mamba

May b I am better than python 👀

hamza_pasking_akhtar profile image
Hamza Pasking Akhtar

Great initiative. Specially the extension that has the blog feed on different topics. Keep it up

pwrbuster-coding profile image
Vali Sylik

Hello everyone!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Much welcome to our lovely community!

musmus775 profile image

Hy I am munga
Am happy on the codes challenges and best graphics design.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings, munga and welcome to DEV!

arte_aparte_del_arte profile image
Arte Aparte

Hello from chile

ssemwanga_mark_ba81c7fae0 profile image
Ssemwanga Mark

Mr 💡 says thanks to welcome. Happy to part of an incredible universe

ideaware profile image
LouAnne Cavin

Hi, I'm LouAnne (Ideaware) ntmu all. 👋

bubba profile image
Jeremiah Simmons

High everyone I just joined and trying to setup dev on my gaming pc.

kunal_chouhan_64 profile image
Kunal Chouhan

this was a great experience to be here.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and welcome to DEV!

adityaraj_honraopatil_7a3 profile image
Adityaraj Honraopatil

Hello guys, I’m trying to become more everyday. Currently taking on javascript

jltorririt profile image
Jeff (Jeff)

Hi Everyone

snowfire profile image
Jham Muñoz

Hello everyone, it's my first day and I'm on my way to the future of programming, it's my passion with my eyes always raised. Have a nice day.

gracious_kingsley_393a0a5 profile image
Gracious Kingsley

Hello everyone

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there. Welcome to DEV!

abuga_joe_cd88108bb8a2956 profile image
Abuga Joe

hi everyone am happy to be part of this community

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! Welcome to the DEV community!

saurabhparyani profile image
Saurabh Paryani

grateful to be here! <3

srinivasan_aws_cloud profile image
Srinivasan C

Hello All,
This is Srinivasan, working in AWS cloud as Senior DevOps Engineer..

Joined this forum to learn and share my thoughts around cloud computing

naciima_xirsi_11487a2d508 profile image
Naciima Xirsi

Thank for your welcome

divine_essang_f356d916806 profile image
Divine Essang

A brand strategist
I Design
I brand
I develop website

jekuga_brandon_b23afe0c2e profile image
Jekuga Brandon

Hello guys am Brandon from Cameroon student here to learn web3 and JavaScript

rakesh_prajapati_7751a4a6 profile image
Rakesh Prajapati

First of all Thank you so much for becoming a member of your community. There are many things to learn.

sigmasigma profile image
Sharooz Rehmani

asslamualikm i m new here, i m beginner now i am at learning stage. i need interest in coding. i need good friends...

drdomi profile image

Good day to all! My name is Alexander. Development is my hobby, but a lot of it helps me in my work. Feel free to write to me if you want to chat. Have a nice day, everyone!

faith_muluu profile image
Faith Muluu

Hello 👋 happy to be here!

alwynvanwyk profile image
Alwyn van Wyk

Hey, there! 👋🏻
It's great to have found a community like
I aim to be a good citizen and add value.
Looking forward to learning and finding like-minded engineers who want to join our journey!

manas_patil_a435998f1ad97 profile image
Manas Patil

Thanks for the Welcome! Excited to learn new things and meet like minded people... Hey everyone! 👋🏻

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! Welcome to DEV!

tylen_castillo_f0458f37ec profile image
Tylen Castillo

I am happy to be part of this community.

nadun96 profile image
Nadun Udaraka

👋 Hii,
I am here to teach and learn. They say when you teach you remember 95%. I like to read new posts here beacuse they are very intresting and clear.

foma4tune profile image
Foma Ovolevor

Here to learn how to become a full stack developer and create solutions

haanimustafa_memon_807364 profile image
HaaniMustafa Memon

I thought of joining the community, to learn more about C++ and other programming languages, am I at the right place?

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

C++ is great! Welcome to DEV!

ernesto_oporto_b6548fa5af profile image
Ernesto Oporto

Learning new skills and techniques to improve my software knowledge

zitosandip profile image
Sandip Mukherjee

Desperately trying to come out of tutorial hell and feel the bliss and thereby blessed.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! Getting involved in projects is fun but challenging. Much luck to you and welcome to our wonderful community!

shivamyadav201204 profile image
Shivam Yadav

I am here to learn some new things in best way and to know whats going in the community

tmsangdev profile image
Sáng Minh Trần
dimi37 profile image
Dimitri Missentos

What exactly does a developer do?

sharanya_sangadi_45c353e profile image
Sharanya S Angadi

Hello everyone!!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Welcome to DEV! :D

dad_562765197a2 profile image
Daniel Lowery

Hey everyone just wanted to say hi and im excited to be here and learn. I’m almost finished with my BS for computer science focusing on software engineering.

rael_guimares_0db497f8c4 profile image
Rael Guimarães


desdfortier profile image

Hi all, the name is Des and I am very grateful to have found this community.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Welcome to DEV! We are happy to have you!

effilin profile image
Effie Nummer

Hello! Thanks for the welcome. I am here to learn!

dragan_ profile image
Dragan Djordjevic


addiscoders profile image
Esayas Fisseha Gebresilasie

I am really glad to join this DEV Community today. Hopefully, I will get a great deal from the Community. I promise to share what I am going to have any time in the future.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings, welcome to DEV!

nguonodave profile image
David Ochiel

I'm glad to be here, looking forward to providing value amongst ourselves.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Welcome to DEV!

fonzacus profile image

ey guys, normie here with a passion for everything, a jack of all trade && master of none. coding was fun to do back then during school (20 years ago lol) but i still have fun any way i can

shuyang profile image

exchange learning

bnh_nguyn_a9c336818a843 profile image
Bình Nguyễn

Hello, I am flo from Vietnam 🇻🇳. I love all.

barghava_ramudu_5f5fbceb2 profile image
Barghava Ramudu

Hello I hope this community helps me more

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there! Much welcome to the DEV community!

nontathu profile image

Hello guys

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello. Welcome to DEV!

ewoychowsky profile image
Edmond Woychowsky

Hi, I'm Ed and I like XML, XSLT and regular expressions.

stefanija_andreoli_080602 profile image
Stefanija Andreoli

Hi guys!! I am more than happy to be here. Shoutout to the masterminds behind all this. I am working on getting my immortal card just to read everything and listen to every podcast. Cheers!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

b1n4ry-p4r45173 profile image
Ajay Koppaka

Hello everyone

rishit_mehta_09909ff0554c profile image
Rishit Mehta

Hello and Welcome new devs!

sachi_goyal profile image
Sachi Goyal

Hello everyone thanks for the welcome👍