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Jabran Rafique
Jabran Rafique

Posted on

Hi, I'm Jabran Rafique

I have been coding for over 6 years. You can find me on GitHub sharing code and Twitter tweeting about interesting (mostly web) stuff.

I am based in London, UK where I work for Rated People as Front-end web developer. Nowadays I mostly program in these languages: JavaScript, PHP, Shell, HTML, CSS, Sass.

I am currently learning more about Swift and React, and plan to learn Angular, Java and C++ after these. Say hello if you need to speak about anything related to web development!

Nice to meet you.

Top comments (2)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

How, that's a lot of new stuff on your plate. Looks like you're planning to expand beyond web dev, eh?

jabranr profile image
Jabran Rafique

Indeed. Sky is the limit so why not😊 Despite low-level languages have always been in my interests list. I have done Java during my Master's and VB back in 2001 but could never put them to work.

BTW great platform in progress!πŸ‘