DEV Community

I suck at writing!

Abdelrahman Elsayed on February 10, 2024

Non-native English speakers, how did you manage to improve your writing? I want to write blogs, tweets, and even comments, but I don't think that I am that good at writing, and I don't know how to improve it.

grahamthedev profile image

the advice is simple:

  1. write
  2. release
  3. re-read it a week later and see what you would improve
  4. repeat, taking what you have learned into the next article.

Just start, it takes about 20 articles before you will see much traffic / interaction anyway, so that gives you plenty of time to improve your writing before you even have an audience (and bear that in mind, the first few articles you write are not likely to get many views, and that is OK!)

Good luck and welcome to DEV. 💗

iamspathan profile image
Sohail Pathan • Edited

Follow the suggestion of @grahamthedev for the most honest answer. It may take some time.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Thank you so much for the advice! I like the way you gave me actionable tips to follow.

danielrendox profile image
Daniel Rendox

It took me a while to write something because my thoughts were in mess and I tried to structure them in my mind before I would write something. At one point, I just decided to write my thoughts as they are even though they were not beautiful in words and didn't make much sense. And then, after I'd written that on paper, I would refactor this text.

You can also use ChatGPT to make it sound better. But still refactor the text afterward because it usually adds lots of "intelligent words" and makes the text sound like it comes from AI, not from your heart.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

A small cheat to improve your own writing: read lots of well-written texts.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies and I always prefer written materials over other mediums. Writing is scary, especially if you are not a native speaker. Thanks!

syxaxis profile image
George Johnson

Read other examples and posts from people you like and look for their "hook", what makes those posts special and interesting. I used to write a lot of posts on Facebook about my photography along with my photos. I would post 2-3 times a week and during 2 years of posting people started paying attention to me. Eventually my posts and my photos attracted a publisher who contacted me about writing a photography as they like my photos and my writing style. 5 years of hard work and I published my first book in 2019 and I'm working on my second book, it is all just a hobby for me and I earn a nice sum of money every month from my book sales.

So my advice is to keep reading and keep writing. Try find a style for your writing, try to find something that people enjoy about you and your posst and people will start to come to you. Writing is creative, just like painting, drawing, photography and even coding, so it simply takes lots of practice and the more you practice the better you will become at something. Don't simply write 5 posts and think you will be perfect, it will take many months and several posts every week but you will get start to get better.

Good luck.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Two years of posting 2-3 times a week this is incredible! Also, writing a book is a massive project. You sure did a lot of hard work during those years! I can't thank you enough!

abdulmuminyqn profile image
Abdulmumin yaqeen

We all suck at the beginning, we still do, but we can say our writing has improved, and that through:

  • Feedback,
  • Going through your previous writings specifically to find mistakes, and areas that can be improved,
  • Reading others work.
twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Thanks @abdulmuminyqn ! I aim to suck less in the future.

lnahrf profile image
Lev Nahar

Grammarly helps a lot if you're worried about punctuation and grammar mistakes.

karadza profile image

And it is great for restructuring your sentences to sound better!

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

I'm french and when I begin to write in English, it was a little difficult. But with entertainment, improve posts, writing comments and tweets, you can be better!

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed


jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

There's an app for that:

sofiacodes profile image

If you can and feel comfortable with, ask a native speaker to review your text, or a teacher and ask for grammar or spelling tips. You can also ask chatGPT and other LLMs to tell you what your mistakes were, and what to study to correct them.

ChatGPT helped me a lot to tackle my main weaknesses and improve my writing skills. And lastly, as someone mentioned, read well written texts, literature if possible, and I’d add study those texts.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Thanks @shinzudev !

cuongnp profile image

Same here! But just write and release it, I think everyone can help us better.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed


dsarkar profile image
Debajit Sarkar

Pick up a topic that interests you and then write about it.

If you are concerned about your English grammar you can use a GPT to address it.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.¸☆

I believe what they say in English: "Practice makes perfect"! ✨

nooooo_6b5ebbec9 profile image

I’ve heard of people copying paragraphs from texts they like. That way you can get the practice without always having to invent brilliance every time you write.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Nice tip, will try it for sure. Thanks!