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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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How do you use git when working solo?

Top comments (67)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Personally — I rarely branch off of main while working solo, but I do maintain high standards of committing regularly with good messages.

That's high level, but would love to hear a few more detailed answers from folks!

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

I generally don't branch off main unless I'm doing a long and fairly involved feature. Mainly so it should be easy to throw the work away if it turns out to be too hard or too long to keep working on.

rubiin profile image

I second you Ben. I do maintain some quality commit messages following the conventional commit. That would help me in future track what went wrong and on which commit rather than scratching my head for an hour or two

spo0q profile image
spO0q 🦄

I also branch off on very few occasion when working solo, but I use tags.

saptakbhoumik profile image

I do the same:)

renanfranca profile image
Renan Franca

I do the same. But I started to create branches to be committed to releasing a new version to myself 😅. So doesn't feel like an endless project 😆

dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian

pretty much the same

leob profile image

Same for me - using it essentially in the same way but rarely using other branches than master.

rrampage profile image
Raunak Ramakrishnan

For solo projects, I use git as a journal using meaningful commit messages and to mark "save points" where I know the code is working fine. I use git tags as a memorable way to mark the aforementioned good commits. I do not make as much use of branches as I should because it is easy to checkout to a safe commit using tags.

nissikazembe profile image
Nissi Lawrence Kazembe

Interesting usage, I will definitely adopt this. Quite a handy debugging method especially for side projects.

lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby

lots of commits to main with messages like “changes” and “more changes”

randomblock1 profile image
Benjamin G.

70% "fix"
25% "added [thing]"
5% random rambling
100% useless to anyone but me

fyrfli profile image

2:00am - “saving here to continue tomorrow”
10:00am - “done”
6:00pm - “mobile styling done”
6:01pm - “oops forgot something”
… etc

areskul profile image
Areskul • Edited

I always make a main, and a dev branch.
I fork the dev branch in many feature/* branches that I merge to the dev.

git branch feature/vite
git merge feature/vite
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Heavy usage of "gitu" alias to push to remotes and mirrors.

alias gitu="git commit -a | git push"
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and when I need add modification to previous commit.

git commit --amend
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And I try to write good commit messages following Angular conventions.

When I'm satisfied with my work I tag it (for further fast version reverse).

git tag 0.4.5
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In case I need to revert bad changes that went into main branch(production)

git checkout 0.4.4
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What about you?!

tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

I really don't get that main vs dev in git-flow.

sanampakuwal profile image

Ongoing development features branches will be merged to dev regularly and dev will be merged to main when dev becomes stable and mergable.

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tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

That doesn't explain (and even less so justify) why you do it.

Also, does that mean that dev is not always in a releasable state?

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areskul profile image

Yes, dev is unstable !

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tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

You're saying this as if it's a feature. In projects I work on, they could be released/deployed almost at any time (at a minimum they are deployable to a testing/demo server), and if the tip of the branch happens to not be, we can easily deploy/release a version from a few commits earlier. Tag it and call it a day. I don't get that "merge dev to master" process.

Are you really saying your dev branch can at times be in a state where you'd say about it: "oh yes, this is currently entirely broken, but don't worry, we'll fix it in time for the scheduled release"?

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sanampakuwal profile image

Dev is not totally unstable! It's yet not ready for production. All internal phases (dev, test, regression) will be carried out here and finally will be merged into stable branch (name as per your preference)

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

Yes, for several reasons:

  • documentation / log / tags
  • backup to origin or other upstream
  • easy to make a solo git project a collaboration project
  • ci/cd tooling + tagged releases
  • keep git skills up to date
jake_nelson profile image
Jake Nelson

I build out fantastic CI/CD processes for features branches and pull requests, then ignore them and commit straight to main.

hoshiharetsu profile image
Rebecca DuPont

I use git for organizational purposes when working solo. I don't really stem off the main branch, but the commenting and commit notes help to keep my multiple projects organized and remind me where I was when I last left off. Overall, I think it's good practice to practice how you would work in a team environment, so I do not do sloppy messages when committing.

taufik_nurrohman profile image
Taufik Nurrohman • Edited
  • git status
  • git diff
  • PageDown PageDown
  • q
  • git add .
  • git commit -m Update
  • git push -u origin main
  • Repeat.
  • git rebase -i HEAD~10
  • reword
  • reword
  • reword
  • squash
  • squash
  • squash
  • git push -f
theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring
  • I still create feature branches to commit changes
  • I squash on merge. This results in a smaller main trunk with better quality messages and clear points to revert.
  • Releases are tagged off of the main trunk.
renanlazarotto profile image
Renan "Firehawk" Lazarotto

I stay in the middle ground between using git improperly and using git how I use at work.
I have a main branch that have the latest working code, a dev branch with stuff I working on actively and every now and then I have a feature-specific branch that I may or may not merge into dev or main, mostly used to try new things without actually messing with working code.

zferguson profile image
Zachary Ferguson

For consistency's sake, I try to mirror what I do at work (practice makes perfect and all that) other than maybe branching. Gotta make more commits for that sweet sweet dark green block on my activity graph :)

I haven't heard about tags though, I'm definitely gonna have to check it out! Still got to git good

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

I use git on almost all of my projects. And I get sloppy compared to my work git usage. But the main goal with these personal git repositories is that I could use git bisect to find a breaking change. The commit messages are very useful, but it requires more discipline than I'm often bringing for my persona repositories.

tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

I actually don't work differently on solo projects or team ones: I rarely branch off of main either, good commit messages, rewrite history often until pushed. This probably because we use Gerrit at work, so no "pull request from a branch".

I do work differently when contributing to FLOSS projects though: branch early because I know I'll have to make a PR from that branch.

guitarino profile image
Kirill Shestakov

For personal projects, I usually commit everything directly to main but I have good commit messages and I commit regularly. I do branch off sometimes, especially if I wanna do a bigger refactor.

I also often use git for stuff that I never push anywhere, like personal notes, dotfiles, some config files, etc, just to keep a historic record with ability to locally restore back if I ever need to.

iasjem profile image

What I usually do is like this following this format: -

Then I list down other minor significant changes I did included also in current commit.

Example commit:
Develop top navigation bar - /top-navbar
- Added new src: brand image

Just my preference when working solo. I do not make changes directly to the main branch except if current phase of the project is considered done.