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OpenSource for WebCrumbs

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What are you reading now? (plus a photo of my cat)

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This is my cat, [Niels] Bohr, resting over my current read:

Building Micro-Frontends. Scalling Teams and Projects, Empowering Developers. By Luca Mezzalira. O'Reilly, 2022.

Why am I reading it? More than just curiosity, which is the usual reason for reading, I think this book will give us valuable lessons on how to structure the architecture of Webcrumbs.

I love a good book recommendations. If you have any, I'd love to know. Drop a comment below.


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Top comments (2)

documentwrites profile image

Don't mind me. I'm here for the cat pic. 🐈

opensourcee profile image

I'd do the same 💙