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Cover image for Introducing Our New Writing Streak Badges! ✏️👌 staff for The DEV Team

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Introducing Our New Writing Streak Badges! ✏️👌

Today we are very happy to present you all with our first badge update of the new year! You may have noticed an update in your account thus far, but ICYMI...

We have redesigned our Writing Streak Badges!

Three Writing Streak Badges

These exclusive badges recognize DEV's more prolific writers who post consistently to our platform.

Need more information on making your first post? Have no fear, we have a guide for that!

Find Our Best Practices Series

Here's how it works:

You will be automatically awarded this badge if you post consistently for four, eight, and 16 weeks! The more you share your wonderful words to our platform, the more we will reward you, so keep writing!

Why did we update these badges?
We have received quite a bit of input urging us to add more clarifying language around these badges and wanted the visuals to reflect our updated brand system!

Find more of our updated streak badges on our Community Badge Page:

Explore Badges

Thank you all for helping to build a rich community of technical writers and developers, we are so happy to have you.

The DEV Team

Top comments (14)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

😂 I think I'm gonna write another 12 things you didn't know about DEV.
Didn't know about sloan series :)

Please add a badge for open source. I'd love it.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

We would love to see another installment!!!!

What specific open source badges are you looking for? Can pass this along to the team!

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

While there can be several badges:

I'd love it if the dev team could include this.

  • Something similar to tech stack badges that are awarded to top authors writing about open source.

Some other ideas could be:

  • GitHub + Open Source (since the open-source community is on GitHub)
  • Specific badges like open source expert or for maintainers. For instance, someone sharing their new project as open source, so the project admin or someone discussing their experience as a maintainer (or related posts) can receive the open source maintainer badge.

There can be more, but this can set up a starting point.

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rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

These are awesome! Sharing with our team. Thank you!

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Good ideas @anmolbaranwal!

Just to note we do have this DEV Contributor badge if you contribute to the Forem codebase on GitHub.

We also have badges for participating in Hacktoberfest as a contributor or maintainer.

That said, I like the different twists you've come up here. We'll definitely consider these thoughts.

For the GitHub + Open Source one you mentioned, we could potentially give folks badges for connecting their GitHub accounts to their DEV accounts. This would be easy enough for us to do automatically and it'd be beneficial to encourage folks to do so!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆ • Edited

You will love the badge until they one day change it and you struggle differing it from another badge because that just happened with the recent "updated" badges. Who truly wants 10 versions of the same badge?!

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

I'm okay with that. At least give me one badge. LOL!🤣

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Gotta catch em all! 😁

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆ • Edited

I must honestly say that I am not a fan. The new badges look too similar to the Community Wellness Streak badges. I prefer the old look on the Writing Streak badges as they had their own unique design and they looked much cooler in my opinion.

sc0v0ne profile image

I have a question, will one day have badges based on the number of characters or words. Example: the author wrote 100 words, gets an emblem, then he reaches 10 thousand words, gets another, like a car speedometer. Another badge that would be interesting would be the post reading time badge, let's say an author created a post of 5, 10, 20, 25 minutes, he gets a badge, or badge using the same theme would be the total time of author's post. Would you already have this? There are so many emblems, I'm already lost on which one I want to get first. haha ha.

ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer

Please stop rewarding quantity! As if we didn't have enough posts already and people overusing AI and clickbait style to try and get attention...

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Hi @thepracticaldev , i am using this platofrm since a long time and i would really like if it gets as UI update, and gets a bit smoother and gets rid of fake users and posts.
Thank you.

iamspathan profile image
Sohail Pathan

Gladly I have 3 of them :D

Image description

steeve profile image

It would be cool to have a badge for writing consistently every day for a week, two weeks, three weeks, and a full month.