DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v260

Welcome Thread - v260

Sloan the DEV Moderator on January 24, 2024

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yoursel...
vromanov profile image
Vladimir Romanov

Hi all, I'm an electrical engineer / MBA by education; spent the last decade working in industrial automation writing software mostly on embedded systems. Looking to brush up on some "traditional" software; currently reviewing Python, some cloud tools (AWS, K8S), etc. Cheers!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome on DEV! 🚀

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

dnaiksujit profile image
Sujit Dandnaik

welcome buddy

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

kaamkiya profile image

Welcome to the DEV community! Have fun learning python :)

pradumnasaraf profile image
Pradumna Saraf

Welcome, Vladimir. Saw you on Twitter :) 🎉

shrnemmnl profile image
Sharon Emmanuel


pkaddey profile image


axon profile image
Jeff Spurlock

Hello hello, I’m Jeff Spurlock and I was looking up an answer to an issue, hoping to get stack overflow, and coming across a link. Thought “this is interesting” and dug into it. I’m hoping to replace my Reddit habit with this community, because half of my Reddit feed is programming related but then I get a bunch of other shit in there too. Plus I like the long form nature of many of the posts here.

I’m the Sr. Full Stack Web Developer for a mid sized corporation (that will remain nameless for now) that does over the counter pharmaceuticals and vitamins & supplements. I’m also working on launching a freelance agency for a side hustle. I my preferred tech stack is Node/Nitro/Nuxt/Vue, but I also do a hell of a lot with Shopify.

What I’m learning is that I’m happiest when I’m coding all day. My ideal job is one where someone gives me mockups and assets and says “here build this” and I can just build it. I’m sick of meetings with vendors and stakeholders and doing billing/financial shit. I want to get to a place in my career where I’m just building day in and day out.

Fun fact about me… hm. I only have 7 fingers after an off-roading accident 10 years ago. I’m a book nerd. I live in Omaha. Apple fan boy. Eh. I dunno. That’s about it

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

kaamkiya profile image
Kaamkiya • Edited

Hi, welcome to DEV! Sorry to hear about your off-roading accident, that must have been painful :(

Hope you can find a place where you can code all day, with no meetings 😀

axon profile image
Jeff Spurlock

Physical therapy during the recovery was more painful than the accident. And then wrestling with addiction to pain killers after taking them for years after the accident was also an ordeal. Oddly, the accident itself was the “easy” part. Something I learned is that there’s such a finality to events like that; car accident, stroke, anything sudden like that… that there’s basically no other route other than acceptance. But recovery, there are many paths to navigate, pitfalls to avoid, and natural consequences to deal with.

Ultimately, it was 10 years ago now. I hardly remember life before. I was 24 at the time; married, no kids. I was in probably the best stage of life to adapt to a major change like that.

I will say, I miss playing drums. I used to be in bands, and even gigged professionally around LA for income while I was in college. There’s a ‘rush’ you get when you’re performing in front of people that coding from a desk doesn’t get you. Granted, those dopamine hits when you finally find the bug or get something working properly is its own kind of rush. But I think it’s the performing aspect I miss more than the drumming in and of itself.

pradumnasaraf profile image
Pradumna Saraf

Welcome 🎉

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings, Jeff Spurlock! 👋 Much welcome to the DEV community! We are happy to have you! 😃

esuivant profile image

Hello Jeff, Welcome here 😁

ademide profile image

Welcome jeff

ianhara profile image
Ian Haralalka

do you have any words for someone in a coding bootcamp who is hoping to somehow crack into this field with limited resources

sukma_wardana profile image
Sukma Wardana

Hello Everyone, I'm a software developer from Indonesia. Nice to meet you all 🤗

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

kaamkiya profile image

Hi! Welcome to DEV :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Much welcome to the community! 👋

shanu-kumawat profile image
Shanu Kumawat

1100110 1100101 1100101 1101100 1101001 1101110 1100111 100000 1101100 1110101 1100011 1101011 1111001 100000 1110100 1101111 100000 1100010 1100101 100000 1101000 1100101 1110010 1100101 100001 100001

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01000100 01000101 01010110 00100001

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

01001101 01110101 01100011 01101000 00100000 01110111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100001

al-amili profile image

01001101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00101110

dderyldowney profile image
D Deryl Downey

Hey all, I'm a 53 yo family guy from Kentucky USA. Years ago I was a network engineer, RHCE certified, worked at RedHat for a time, and was one of the developers for the LPIC2 certification. I was simultaneously involved with Debian GNU/Linux project for a time as well. Did all this while I was in the US Army so it was not my central focus, though quite definitely a passion.

Over the years I sort fell off the tech radar. I worked for some pretty big names once I got out of the Army, but life took me in a different direction for a long time and away from technology.

I'm back after probably 7 or 8 years focusing on my family. Now, I need to refresh my skillsets, learn some new ones, and basically looking to do more than build barebones, or manage networks.

I want to code. I'm heavily drawn to Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Sort of miss my bash and perl days but not much. I love taking ideas in the head and making them appear in the real world even if its just on the screen. I like rolling ulp my sleeves and diving in even if I don't know a dang thing about any of it. I'm not afraid to learn on the fly. Heck, most of the knowledge we gain in this world is learned on the fly! Am I right, lol?

I try to stay away from politics. I don't do the pronoun/gender/whatever the latest craze thing at all. Personally, I don't really care. If you know what you're doing, or you're learning new stuff like I am, I am more than happy to chat, study together, or work on projects together. Just be a friend, and I'll be one too.

As a side note, if you can't tell from the length of this, I like to chat. Helps meet people, discover new ways of doing things and looking at things, and just the banal everyday stuff like your cat was snoozing and fell off the window sill is cool stuff for me. Lets have fun, hammer problems out together, or just kick back and have fun while we work on our individual projects (or even together). Most times I'm chasing after my 7yo daughter or my 3yo granddaughter while working on tutorials or some new idea I have.

Hopefully that fits in here! Look forward to the BS chats and code discussions!

anilgowdam018 profile image

Hello Deryl,

Even though I am trying to shift into full-stack development, I am currently working as a system software engineer. I started my career just two months ago, having graduated in 2023. The main aspect of my current role is in the networking domain at my company. In the past two months, I have completed a project related to Iptables and nftables.

In turn, I can offer assistance with ChatGPT, web development, and full-stack development. It would be a great conversation with you regarding networking domain and gaining insights to progress in my career.

Anil Gowda M

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

dderyldowney profile image
D Deryl Downey

PS I know squat about Artificial Intelligence, but it intrigues me. I've messed with ChatGPT some but not a whole lot. I dont even know the buzzwords yet! lol

Definitely something I'll be pursuing.

thisisaayush profile image

Hello everyone,

I'm Aayush, a recent graduate with a double major in software engineering. I love coding, especially in Java, Python, and .NET C#. I'm eager to learn and enhance my skills in full-stack development while collaborating with talented and like-minded teams here. Excited to be here!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello Aayush! Welcome to the DEV community! I love it here and I hope you will like it here as well! 😊

thisisaayush profile image

Thank you so much Anita for the warm welcome! I'm really excited to be a part of the DEV community. It seems like a fantastic place with a lot of passionate and talented individuals. I'm looking forward to connecting with like-minded people, learning, and sharing experiences. If you have any tips or recommendations for getting started, I'd love to hear them! 😊

gseriche profile image
Gonzalo Seriche Vega

Hi all!
I'm a DevOps, working and thinking about improving some applications, most of them using desktop and mobile iOS/Android applications.
I'm learning React and ionic and improving my Python skills with Django and Django rest.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome to any news members on DEV! 💜🔥

paobit profile image
Paola Ponce

Gracias 🫂🤗😃🇦🇷

fantahun profile image

Can i get work

amritak27 profile image

Hi everyone,
Just your friendly neighborhood software engineer stumbling upon this awesome platform while geeking out on software engineering articles. Excited to dive into the latest trends, chat about web development, and soak up all the cool discussions.

kennydev profile image

Hi all, I am currently a beginner in web development, a fresher in the university studying mechanical engineering. Joined the community to widen my knowledge of web development and make sure I am making good use of my time learning how to code.

ademide profile image

Hello , I'm Ademidey am a computer science student so i am here to learning about coding and programming. I have know idea about coding and programming i want to learn it so that i can be an expert in this field too i like singing

merclkmadetaylorbuilt55 profile image

Hi I'm Brit, Student and also a student in Project Management, App/Web. Developing, Coding, ML/AI Engineering /Data Analytics. 2nd grade teacher by trade. Iintrigued about how incredibly smart we continue to be.

achevozerov profile image
Andrei Chevozyorov

Hello there!

I'm Data Engineer in small team in small (and old) company in Russia. And now I'm studying here for a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.
I'm joining the community because I want to improve my writing and reading skills in English in the tech field so that I can apply for a master's degree in other countries of the world in the future.

Also, I'm interested in topics like python, scala, clickhouse, kafka, or maybe spark and hadoop for building scalable data warehouse/data lake

code-hunter profile image
Code Hunter

Hi there, I am Freelancer and a bash lover. You can wake me up at night for bash scripting on Linux/BSD. I love glueing compiled code together into something much bigger. Scripting is always available on every platform. There is always room to automate some more (with what there is already). Things come and go, script stays. Hope you find my posts/articles interesting.

jitendrachoudhary profile image
Jitendra Choudhary

Hey everyone!

Excited to be part of the community! 👋 I'm a full-stack developer and upcoming CS undergrad (still waiting on that acceptance letter 🤞). Currently, I'm delving into the backend side of full-stack using technologies like Node.js, Express.js, Next.js, and AWS.

Outside of coding, I'm a math nerd who loves solving tough problems and thrives on hard work. Oh, and I've got a thing for jumping rope and MMA – hitting 10,000 skips daily because, well, why not? Ready to share my journey and learn from all of you!

kaykantem profile image
Kumbukani Tembo

hello everyone, my name is kaykan Tem. what brought me here is the fact that i wanted to be part of something bigger than myself, and I figured this is it. i am still developing my skills in the field. on the other hand, I'm in my final year of a computer science engineering degree._ HELLO HELLO!!_

tetteh_simon_1e77a1c8b54d profile image
Tetteh Simon

Hello Everyone,

I’m Tetteh Simon from Ghana. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology but wants to major in Web App Development. I’m currently learning Javascript. I look forward to meeting like-minded developers and experts who can mentor me to grow my skills

phildroid profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Philemon. I'm an aspiring software engineer with a passionate interest in technical writing and teaching. I hope to foster these professional goals of mine through the DEV platform. Off to work!

thakuraditya profile image
Aditya Singh • Edited

Hi, all I am a law student who loves coding. Experimenting my career. Let's see where it goes.
I already knew the basics of c++
Now I am learning web development (MERN)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi there! C++ is awesome but very hard to learn. Welcome to the DEV community!

thakuraditya profile image
Aditya Singh

Thank you.

nea profile image

🚢 Ahoy there, thanks for having me ^^ Reading for quite some time already and finally executed on my new years resolution to sign up :)

I am currently managing director of my own little digitalisation company, but a classic software engineer by heart for over 20 years now (yes, I'm old ^^'). Did research, product management or simple project development in Java, .net, PHP, Go, JS and many more over the past years and am just a tech enthusiast who tries why to many frameworks.

Looking forward to finally contribute to this awesome community myself and happy to interact with all of you :)

anilgowdam018 profile image


I'm Anil Gowda M, and I've embarked on my journey as a software engineer at a global leader in the printing domain, where I serve as a System Software Engineer. Recently, I connected with a friend who was deeply involved in Java, particularly in full-stack development. Intrigued by their experiences, I decided to delve into full-stack development myself.

My skill set includes Java, Jdbc, Hibernate, Spring IOC, MVC, Boot, and Oracle MySQL database. Additionally, I possess knowledge of HTML and CSS, albeit at a basic level, and I'm in the process of expanding my understanding of JavaScript. In my current role, I predominantly utilize C and Linux.

As I strive to apply the skills I've acquired in a structured manner to develop my own projects, I found myself exploring the integration of payment gateways with web applications. During my search, I stumbled upon your advertisement, which piqued my interest, leading me to join this platform.

Looking forward to engaging with like-minded individuals and expanding my horizons further.

Best regards,
Anil Gowda M

sivasurend profile image
Siva Surendira

Hey all. Siva here. From

Building low-code agent framework.

Mission: Make AI programming inclusive for all. Be it developers (low-code makes their life easy) or non-developers (low-code helps them learn and start building).

hanumanth profile image
Hanumantha Rao K

Hello All,
This is Hanumanth. I am working on Salesforce Sales domain from past few years. However, I will consider myself as a beginner as i have a lot to face and learn.
May need some help on LWC, Integration and Deployment. Hoping to get a helping hand here.

BTW, i love writing random phrases and i love playing badminton. Would love to talk about these as well..

peeyushkmisra profile image
Peeyush Kant Misra

HI All,
I am a programmer who loves to code and play with data. I also teach programming and tech related things on youtube in our mother tongue Hindi.
Here i will try to share the things to help you out.

marianacramos profile image
Mariana Carvalho

Hello everybody! My name is Mariana and I’m a Frontend Developer from Portugal 🇵🇹. I found DEV on a LinkedIn post and thought it looked really interesting - on my way to explore it more. I’m a self-taught developer, so currently I’m trying to learn React to use it at my job! 🫡

saadmukofficial profile image
Saad Mukhtar

Hello everyone! I'm Saad. Currently, I work as a WordPress Developer and I'm eager to enhance my coding skills and delve into learning Python.

I'm delighted to become a part of the dev community. After reading a few articles, I couldn't resist creating an account.

vinayselukar21 profile image
Vinay Selukar

Hello, I'm Vinay Selukar, a seasoned React.js enthusiast with over 2 year of hands-on experience. Currently immersed in the Next.js realm, I'm also venturing into the world of Node.js. Aspiring to evolve into a full-stack developer. 🚀 #FullStackDeveloper #ReactJS #NextJS #NodeJS

drewubaldeayson profile image
Andrew Ayson

Hi y'all!

I am Andrew Ayson from the Philippines and I am a Senior Software Engineer.

I am looking forward to contribute to this platform.

Nice to meet y'all!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hi, Andrew Ayson! Welcome to DEV!

drewubaldeayson profile image
Andrew Ayson

Thank you so much for the warm welcome Anita.

easytdd profile image

Hello, my name is Kazys Račkauskas. I'm a backend software developer working mostly with C#. I'm a passionate test-driven development practitioner. I'm developing a Visual Studio extension that assists in generating boilerplate code for tests I write.

amit20arya profile image
Amit Prajapati

Hi All, I'm Software Engineer by profession and having more than 7+ years of experience with tech stack like React.js, Node.js, Html, CSS, JavaScript, Google Cloud etc.
Looking to brush up my web development skills.

mukeshp profile image

Hi i'm a Student Just Checked Up this Website and Signed up it as it was Cool with interesting Stuffs!!!. Just a Newbie in Python and i think I will be In your care in terms of Developing my knowledge in python 🤗

shrnemmnl profile image
Sharon Emmanuel Sharon (Sharon Emmanuel), living and born in India, Kerala, Ernakulam. Birthplace-Vaduthala. Completed- 3-year diploma in EEE.
5+ years of experience in the Hardware & Networking industry. lately interested in codding. started learning programming through the YouTube platform (mainly from Brototype YouTube channel). From YouTube, I heard DEV let's explore....have fun.

shydonutalgos profile image

I am High school student intrested in Web Dev. I have just finnished learning Front-end and now i'm working on getting familiar with Back-ends of websites.
Fun-fact: I am actually a pianist and one of the biggest reasons that intrested me in coding was the paralleles between music theory and Algorithms!**

dnaiksujit profile image
Sujit Dandnaik

Based in Pune, India, I guide minds in ITI(industrial training institute) classrooms by day and craft digital experiences as a web developer by night. I'm not just about code; I express myself through rap, produce music, and explore diverse topics on my blog. Balancing an educator job and freelancing, my goal is to inspire growth and creativity in both worlds. Let's connect and explore the exciting intersection of education, technology, and creativity!

mrbarzin profile image

Hi guys, I am a backend development intern. Our company's technology stack is a mix of React and Django, and I'm a Django developer. So, I hope we can help each other improve our skills in software and web development. Also i'm interest in golang :)

shashisingh profile image

Hello everyone, I am a Solution Architect with 15 years of experience in Java technologies, currently working in a mid-size company. I'm here to explore new ideas and stay updated on the latest technologies widely used in the market.

pablitohaddad profile image
Pablo Haddad

Hi DEVs, I am a new membrer of community. I so happy to be part of this community, I am a java developer and and interning at CompassUol. I'm Brazilian and I love football. That's it, whoever wants to chat with me, call me direct!

owczr profile image
Jakub Owczarek

Hello everyone, I'm a Data Scientist / ML Engineer working in Finance and I'm finishing my Bachelors degree, so I'm looking for ideas for further learning and development!
I'm mostly working with Python and Azure on time-series forecasting, but personally I was working on a deep learning project and I tinker every now and then with Linux

miyaguidevelop profile image

Un saludo a todos mi nombre es Iván y descubrí hace poco el mundo de la programación . Actualmente estoy aprendiendo HTML, CSS y JAVASCRIPT.
Tengo muchos proyectos que no puedo materializar con tecnologias como la Blockchain , por ello estoy en constante aprendizaje . Gracias por permitir formar parte de esta comunidad.

webjoe profile image

Hey Devto! I'm Joel, a web dev who turned a static landing page into a dynamic data dashboard using React hooks and creative state management. For the past three years, I've built scalable APIs for e-commerce platforms with Node.js and Django and recently tackled Spring Boot for a high-traffic news aggregation service. I'm excited to share what I've learned with everyone; get ready for tutorials, tips, and maybe even some coding adventures. Follow me to join the fun!

hullysdesire profile image
Hullys desire

Salut la communauté DEV, je suis Hullys Désiré passionné des metiers du numérique. Je passais sur le web à la recherche des ressources d'apprentissage sur Js, react, tailwindcss, car je suis actuellement en apprentissage, je suis tomber sur cette communauté et je suis content de vous rejoindre. L'un de mes objectifs en tant de développeur junior est de devenir meilleur dans le frontend avant de m'attaquer dans le backend avec Python. Je vis à Libreville au GABON.

zeozod profile image
Robert Prentice

Hi. I'm a retired software engineer, currently exploring Eleventy, Saas, andJavascript as a means of creating personal websites. Web development is hard to keep up with, but I think the simplicity of static site generation is just what I need. This site seems like a nice place to get in touch with other developers, share experiences, and spin a few yarns.

May all your syntax be unambiguous.

abdiko25 profile image
Abdi Ali

Hi am Abdi Ali today I am very excited to join this community because I met here to skillup my soft Ware developing dream through interaction with the community and diving through your ideas and references I receive from you guys I would like to think you for the help in advance

dantefleming profile image
Dante Fleming

Olá comunidade!

Meu nome é Dante Fleming, tenho 47 anos e sou residente na acolhedora cidade de Bauru-SP, Brasil. Inicialmente formado como arquiteto, atualmente, sou um apaixonado Gerente de Contas Estratégicas.

Decidi embarcar em uma emocionante transição de carreira, explorando os desafios empolgantes da área de tecnologia. Com uma sólida base em design gráfico e uma fascinação duradoura pela parte técnica, estou imerso no mundo da programação enquanto persigo meu diploma em Ciência da Computação.

Meu objetivo é mergulhar de cabeça nesse universo dinâmico, aprimorando minhas habilidades em linguagens de programação e desenvolvimento. Estou ansioso para contribuir, aprender e evoluir neste ecossistema.

ariobintang profile image
Ario Bintang Anugrah

Hello all, hopefully all of you in good health. let me introduce my self, my name is Ario Bintang Anugrah and you can call me ario, I worked as software backend engineer for 5 years but sometimes as fullstack engineer, and my main languange is Java with spring reactive webflux. but I learn python with flask, GoLang with GIN, PHP with Laravel, CodeIgniter, Vue, React. Node.js, Loopback.js

I hope in DEV I can learn more a lot about technology, software design and etc.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


authentiq profile image

Hello World
Am Paul Meyers
In 2024 I have decided to start my journey to learn full stack development for the whole year to transition my carrier into tech. So I decided to join the community to learn from friends, mentorship, and collaborate.

I hope my journey will be worthy with you.

kexinliu11 profile image

Hey guys! I am trying to be an indie product designer, trying to design and develop on my own lol.
Currently, I have been learning SEO and have made a tools directory.


altaskur profile image

Hello Developer Community! 👋
I'm Altaskur, passionate about development and programming with a solid foundation in the second year of Web Application Development (DAW). During this time, I've delved deep into web development and application creation, focusing on full-stack development and the integration of modern technologies.

gangwarshashank4 profile image
Shashank Gangwar

Hello Community!

I'm excited to join this vibrant and innovative group of tech enthusiasts! A bit about me: I'm a tech-savvy entrepreneur with a strong passion for web development and a keen interest in sustainable technology solutions. My expertise lies in a range of programming languages, including PHP, C#, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, android and I'm also skilled in database management using MS SQL and MySQL.

I have a particular interest in UX/UI or Frontend design, ensuring the solutions I create are not only functional but also intuitive and visually appealing. Additionally, I'm committed to promoting green technology, with a focus on web hosting powered by 100% renewable energy.

I offer a diverse range of web hosting solutions, including Shared and Dedicated VPS, Dedicated Servers, and specialized WordPress packages, tailored to suit various needs from Windows to Linux servers.

I’m here to learn, share my experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. Looking forward to engaging in meaningful discussions, exploring new technologies, and contributing to this great community!

1rvu22cse041 profile image
Chandana DS

Hi all, I wanted to join any of community for my AI for good minor which I'm pursuing at R V University, Bangalore.
My domain area is healthcare sector.
So I'm searching community for HealthCare.
If any of you have any communities which I can join please respond and let me know..
Thank you...

torcanhack profile image

Hi everyone, I am starting a career in web development and it was suggested this is an awesome to learn and grow in. I have a non-technical background that has been more of a springboard than an impediment. I am curious and passionate about web development and I help to learn from the awesome individuals here. It's a pleasure to be here. Cheers!

al-amili profile image

Hello Community!

I'm excited to join this vibrant and innovative group of tech enthusiasts! A bit about me: I'm a tech-savvy entrepreneur with a strong passion for web development and a keen interest in sustainable technology solutions. My expertise lies in a range of programming languages, including PHP, C#, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I'm also skilled in database management using MS SQL and MySQL.

I have a particular interest in UX/UI design, ensuring the solutions I create are not only functional but also intuitive and visually appealing. Additionally, I'm committed to promoting green technology, with a focus on web hosting powered by 100% renewable energy.

I offer a diverse range of web hosting solutions, including Shared and Dedicated VPS, Dedicated Servers, and specialised WordPress packages, tailored to suit various needs from Windows to Linux servers.

I’m here to learn, share my experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. Looking forward to engaging in meaningful discussions, exploring new technologies, and contributing to this great community!

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Hey everyone, welcome to the crew! Let's goo 🤘

amitk0091 profile image
Amit kumawat

hi all, I'am Third year Computer science student, I am good at coding, I'm working on webdevelopment using mern stack

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings and welcome to the DEV community!

mmendoza profile image

Hi all, newly graduated Dec in training. Looking to keep learning and build on the foundational concepts I learned in college

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello and welcome to DEV! I hope you will like it here!

prathmesh profile image
Prathmesh joshi

Hello everyone, I'm a full-stack developer. and very passionate about product development and management.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Greetings! Welcome to DEV!

ajfred20 profile image
Fred Aj 🧑‍💻🧙‍♂️

Hello i am Aj Fred, I am a Full Stack Web Dev 🧑‍💻|| Gen Z || Coding Wizard 🧑‍💻🧙‍♂️
Building 🛠️Something Iconic || Anime Lover || Self Taught Dev 🧑‍💻😏

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello Aj Fred, welcome to the community!

moeyass10 profile image
Mohammed Yassin

My name is Mohammed and Im a computer science student. 😊

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there! Much welcome to the DEV community. I hope you will like it here!

oliloftus profile image

Hey guys, junior engineer here doing an apprenticeship after a career change from commercial construction!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello there, welcome to DEV! What an exciting journey you are on! May you enjoy it here!

pouripz profile image
Pouria Zamehran

Hello _everyone _!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello! Much welcome to the community!

julio_reyes11 profile image
Julio Reyes

Hello everyone, I like with data and I am currently learning cloud computing (AWS). Nice to meet you all 😄.

spacenoid profile image
K.B. Mensah

Howdy DEV -- I'm a newer web/backend developer hoping to hone my skills and learn from the community.

savannah999 profile image

Hi coders

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Hello. Welcome!

dev123 profile image
Pixel • Edited

Hi my name's David and I've just started off with the replit's 100 days of python. Looking forward to working on some projects with the language😁.thanks for your time.

downloadjpg profile image
Brody Foster

Hi friends! I'm a CS student from Florida, I got here from an article on OpenGL with Rust, and the community seems like a lovely place. Excited to spend more time here :)

dezideriu_raita_b90ef77e4 profile image
Dezideriu Raita

Hi to every ones

crypto99 profile image

Hello DEV Team! I am your new friend!

temid profile image
Temidire Oluwasogo

Hey there, I'm Temidire a new writer and coder. I'm glad to be part of this community. Hoping to also add amazing posts here. 😀

pelvindreams profile image

Hi, I'm a Developer || GameFi Enthusiast || #TECHUSTLER || +3 Years EX || Re-learning to code || Translator || +2 years work experience || video editor || video grapher

empvision777 profile image

Hello everybody, I'm senior full stack developer (React, Anguar / .NET) and would like to become dapp developer. So I'm here to dive into this new pool for me :)

patelrahul profile image

hi i m rahul ! whasapp guys

choiceclash profile image
Choice Clash

Welcome people!!
We here just to clash some choices😉

tayuelo profile image
Aljadis Tavera

Hello everybody! I'm a Systems Engineer currently working as a Web UI Dev, it is a pleasure to be here.

soundaryavembaiyan profile image
Soundarya Vembaiyan

Hello Dev

  • soundaryavembaiyan
ianhara profile image
Ian Haralalka

Hey my name is Ian I live in NC I am taking a UNC coding bootcamp and wish to learn everything I can about computers from software to hardware

panhellenius profile image
Satoshi Kojima • Edited

Hello everybody.
I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer & Solana Developer.
If anyone needs my help, feel free to ping me.

platypus_2 profile image

Hey there!

mdusman profile image
Mohamed Usman


iiamrbc_dev profile image

Hi all, I'm a DevOps engineer. I work for on the Retail sector. Here to explore, contribute and learn.

avinashmehar profile image
Avinash Mehar

Hello there!

tetrapodq profile image

WTF it was wild quest

yubrajbhandari profile image

Hello I am a 3rd year Computer Engineering student. Learning web development I am optimistic that joining this community will help me grow.

pgfm profile image
Franklin Pre-Gee

Hi all, I'm a web Designer that just got into Python programming. I am hoping to connect and learn from this community of developers😁

aliaskingsworth profile image
Abdul Rauf

I am a MERN Stack developer. Nice to meet you all looking forward to connect and meet new like minded people.

fantahun profile image

Hi i am front end web developer i can creat small cafe menu websites and other thanks if you get me call by this number +251903111286
Or dm by my email

roxannehalverson profile image
Roxanne Halverson

Essentially just want to learn the basic tools I need to build a website on my own.

sardorbay profile image

Yo! Sup everybody! I'm full-stack developer and project manager. Can't wait to make new connections and learn something new from all of you! :)

toxy profile image


nowakjakub profile image

Hi All, I'm DevOps engineer from Poland and would love to explore DEV more!

umer_malik profile image

i am here for learning new skill collaborate professional and update new technologies

rainerbielefeld profile image

at the turn of the millennium, I was one of the people who built the Mozilla Internet Suite from Netscape Navigator. And now I see the last remnants of the Internet Suite dying - I'm sad.

zeeshancodez profile image

Image descriptionHey

elsewhere profile image
Naveen Raam Vivekanandhan

Hello there, newbie. Came here to explore so show me the awesome sause.

marcelahradecka profile image
Marcela Hradecka

Vítejte na DEV 🐭

kiar2 profile image

Hello, everyone. I am a student of ALX studying software engineering. and I saw DevOps to be a good tool for advancing in my tech specialization.

saltless profile image
Lazire Noh

Hello everyone,
I'm a college student, currently on my second year. My studied field is Information Assurance. I am here to learn and have fun.

panhellenius profile image
Satoshi Kojima

Hello, everybody.
I'm Satoshi Kojima & I'm a Full Stack Web Developer and Solana Developer.
If anyone needs my help, feel free to ping me.

loresilva81 profile image

Sou técnica em Eletromecânica, com experiência em automação industrial, muito curiosa e sempre aberta ao conhecimento.

layssahillary profile image
Layssa Hillary

Oii gente! Sou Layssa, desenvolvedora júnior há 1 ano. Trabalho com JavaScript, Node, Microsserviços e React. Gosto de jogar e ler. 🤗🤗

peter18775 profile image
Prakhar Tiwari

Hello World!!!!!

roc_dev profile image

My is Peter. I'm a frontend developer specialized, a newbie, I am here to learn more and collaborate with other developers.