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Flutter: Learning Resources for Beginners

Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D on June 08, 2018

Updated: July 22, 2020 It's been over two years since I posted this and Flutter has evolved hugely since. I hope to be cleaning up this post and r...
bigmabe profile image

Thank you for the awesome article. That article was just what the Doctor ordered. I am trying hard to get into flutter and your article was a spotlight for me. I will definitely follow your articles. Thanks again

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Wow - thank you so much -- it's been a while since I wrote that and now I have motivation to update it :-)

bigmabe profile image

Please! Keep it up, as a Retired Army Soldier just getting the time to really get into coding, I appreciate all input. I have already visited a few of the sites you recommended, because I want to learn Flutter. I am one that has to understand what is under the hood. Thank you again.

First Sergeant(Ret.) Earl Mabry

kamal_bunkar profile image
kamal bunkar

thanks nitya for amazing article. it is really very helpful for beginners. You can add some more values by including some topic like how to release flutter app on apple store and Flutter stateless vs statefull widget .
by the way thanks you. I like your article and have shared it on facebook.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Thanks so much - this is actually older now but I hope to revisit in July and start a new series that updates this with resources and guides for Flutter v2.2 onwards so keep an eye out.

And yes absolutely - those are great topics.

tagetarung profile image
tagetarung • Edited

for more detail about the flutter please do check my posthow to use futter software for beginner

kris profile image

These are some great resources to learn about the flutter and dart programming. Thanks for this resourceful article. Blogs, videos, reports, learning links, and whatnot. Simply a great article to find all the resources required to be an able flutter developer. Likewise, there are lots of flutter templates in the market that offer real-world mobile solutions minimizing time, effort, and cost spent on development. These templates are also a great learning resource for beginners. A source of motivation in terms of design and functionalities.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Love the flutter templates resource - thanks for sharing!

There has been a lot of updates in the Flutter community since I first wrote this article - but I hope to overhaul the article and publish more content post October under the @flutterfyi organization here as well! It's a great time for mobile development~

dahabdev profile image
Ahmed Abu_eldahab

Thanks for sharing these great resources

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic


vijaykhatri96 profile image
Vijay Singh Khatri

Hi Nitya,
Thanks for sharing the best learning resources for Flutter, A Google developed open source mobile application development SDK. Please have a look on the community in which Best Flutter Tutorials have been listed i.e.

pablonax profile image
Pablo Discobar

Helpful article! Thanks! If you are interested in this, you can also look at my article about Flutter templates. I made it easier for you and compared the free and paid Flutter templates. I'm sure you'll find something useful there, too. -

saurabhaswal009 profile image
saurabh singh aswal

Hello everyone I am new in here and so excited to be the part of this dev world. i am atrected here because the good coding stuff, friendly community, healping each others in coding, learn somthings new.
I am a Flutter Developer and created a lots of apps and placed in playstore now i am work in my Personal Project so all the community member please help me if i am stuck in some conditions and i am also available for your help also.

please check out my website and if you give some feedback so i am so happy -->>

Thank's and please connected ❤️❤️❤️

cphana profile image
Phana Chhean

Useful resources... :D

nazmulislamrony profile image
Md Nazmul Islam

Thank you for the sharing important information. You can also follow the Flutter Android & iOS App Development Service. They provide useful information to learn flutter very easily.

ivivanov18 profile image
Ivan Ivanov

Thanks Nitya for sharing!!! Great resource for developers who want to learn about flutter!

flutterappbuilder profile image

Flutter App Builder -

techguy profile image

Free eBook Flutter Succinctly

leandrit_ferizi profile image
Leandrit Ferizi

Thank you for this compilation :)

marketsense profile image

Where is the best place to find solid Flutter Developers?

tushar16992 profile image
tushar16992 • Edited

This is great learning and I would like to suggest best flutter tutorials to be added in this collection.

yassine_dev profile image
Yassine BENNKHAY • Edited

Just I want to say thank you a lot for these useful resources I really appreciate this work. thanks again for sharing :)

libsdeveloper profile image
Developer Libs

We can learn Flutter and dart same place with some good working example here developerlibs and working templates Flutter Arsenal

core2duo12 profile image

Thank you so much Nitya, this is very valuable especially for starter on this Flutter journey !!

manishappdeveloper profile image

Informative article Nitya. Thank you!!!

rohanprasadofficial profile image
Rohan Prasad


sanjai profile image

where can i learn the latest firebase for flutter .can any one suggest me a youtube channel ...