DEV Community

Sloan the DEV Moderator
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Posted on

Welcome Thread - v221

Yellow waving hand emoji in a yellow text box on a red background

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. If you are new to coding, want to help beginners in their programming journey, or just want another awesome place to connect with fellow developers, check out the CodeNewbie Org. You can also say hi in our weekly Hello Newbie thread!

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (182)

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Hi everyone,

I am a sociology instructor in Houston, TX who is beginning a career in coding! I'm really excited (and kind of intimidated).

I enrolled in a boot camp and my start date is August 14th. I am working on the pre-work for the boot camp and I just learned about computational thinking and pseudocoding.

I am here to connect, learn, and contribute my expertise when the time comes!

I would love to connect with you, and I welcome any advice, recommendations, tips, and information.

What do you wish you would have done differently when you first started coding/your coding career?

Happy to connect!


codenerd profile image

Hi, Kris.
First of all, thank you. It's a really interesting and worth asking question. I'm reminded of beginning my career. If you ask me, I would focus on _openAI _and _Blockchain _tech. *IoT * is where we are. More and more exiting opportunities and challenges are way up there.
It's important to stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends in the industry.

Best of luck with your boot camp, and don't hesitate to reach out to the coding community for support and guidance.

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Hi Gabe,

You've given me some new terms to look into!

What are some of the ways you stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends? For example, websites, social media accounts, magazines, blogs, etc.

Thank you so much for the insight!

leginee profile image

Hi Kristin,

Since you have the best ally when coding, i would not be intimidated.Your ally is your Computer. It will help you to point towards errors. A nasty trait is, it is always right.
Especially in the beginning super helpful.

do you have an idea what direction you want to go once you mastered basic coding skills?

All the best

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Hey Peter,

Well, I guess the ultimate goal would be to create an application and a profitable business around it.

But in the meantime, are you asking what industry/sector like education or healthcare I'd like to go into, or what directions are there to go in or what direction do you see taking off right now?

Thank you for the support and advice!

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leginee profile image

Programming does have a lot of disciplines that focus around certain parts.
It is a difference if you build an application for the web or for the local desktop. You can also engage in analytics which is more about creating knowledge from questions and stuff.
All 3 examples have different rules, different favourite languages and so forth.

Also there is a meta discipline called DevOps, which is more about automate running stuff.

So if you want to build an application yourself you have an idea on topic and how the user will handle it?

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kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

I see--as I am sure you can tell, this is all very new to me! I am just beginning pre-work for a boot camp, so I am learning all of the terms and concepts.

I have an idea, but haven't delved into anything beyond having the idea. Haha.

rortizv profile image
Rafael Ortiz

It would be a cool story, how did you fall in love with code? 😚

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Well, I have always loved learning new languages like Spanish, and code is a computer language!

But what really tuned me into coding was the AMC TV series, Halt and Catch Fire. It is a great series and it made me see coding in a new perspective! I highly recommend watching it.

povimd9 profile image

Cyber security professional, who's getting into Java and DevSecOps 'hands-on'.
Published my first security related, open source project - - would love to get feedback and suggestions.

caroline profile image

Welcome to DEV! If you're interested in cybersecurity, feel free to check out #security on our tags page!

povimd9 profile image

Thanks, will do!

rafe_estevez95 profile image
Rafael Estevez

Hello everyone!
My name is Rafa, and I'm a software engineer based in Lisbon.
I'm currently working with Spring Boot and Angular, and I'm looking forward to connecting with other members of this community.
Although I've been a member for a while, I haven't posted anything yet!
As a fun fact, before studying CS, I spent a year in college studying Philosophy.

kkrypt0nn profile image

Hey there Rafa!

Glad to see you here with us :D
Small question regarding your background, have you completely dropped the idea of studying philosophy, if so what brought you here in the development world - or maybe you still do philosophy aside?

Either way hope you will have a great time here :))

rafe_estevez95 profile image
Rafael Estevez

Hello! Well it was like seven years ago, so right now I'm fully into software development, and I've been passionate about computers since my childhood, so for me it was the right decision, sometimes I read some very specific topic philosophy, but just to remember any detail or interesting fact from what I studied, but I'm not into it

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kkrypt0nn profile image

Sounds amazing! Glad you enjoy computers as the average here (duh) :DD

developerdoran profile image
Jake Doran

Welcome Rafa :)

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Hi Rafa!

wra-sol profile image
Nathaniel Arfin

Hey everyone, first time long time.

I’m mostly a PM by trade, but I love to hack in my spare time. I’m only really familiar with JS, but I can Reed any OOP.

I wrote a walkthrough on getting started with my preferred stack.

Excited to be here!

sachinchaurasiya profile image
Sachin Chaurasiya

Welcome to DEV, Great start @wra-sol, You can checkout the #javascript to explore more about Javascript.

caroline profile image

Welcome to the community! Great article!

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Hi Nathan,

What is a PM? How is learning to code different from learning to hack?

Sorry, newbie questions!

wra-sol profile image
Nathaniel Arfin

Hey Kristin!

I'm a Product Manager (PM), so I'm managing up - keeping leadership expectations in check, keeping the product focused and the vision tight, working to avoid feature bloat, while also managing down, ensuring deliveries are on time, expectations are being met, any roadblocks are addressed, and ensuring the Eng and Design teams have what they need to succeed.

There's also a lot of product scoping, customer analysis, commercialization, feature exploration, monetization, go to market, etc. Being a PM is basically just being in charge of ensuring the deliverable is the best possible product it can be, and working towards iterating and improving upon it.

When I say "hack", I'm really just meaning slapping together code. I don't do much in the way of refactors, version controls, etc. Basically, if my eng team were doing anything that I do when I'm building my own products, they'd likely be out the door. But I'm not building for prod, I'm building to improve myself, my understanding of the products I'm making, and because it's fun as hell to turn key presses into real, interactive experiences!

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kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Ahh, I see. How long have you been a product manager for?

Thank you for the explanation/clarification!

jestebandev profile image

👋 Hey there, fellow developers! My name is Juan Esteban, and I'm a Software Engineer with almost 4 years of experience in the industry. 🚀

But what really gets me going is sharing my knowledge and learning from the amazing dev community out there. 🤝 That's why I decide to start writing blog posts on the latest tech trends, innovative solutions, and helpful tips and tricks for fellow developers.

Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience under your belt, I believe that we can all learn something new from each other. So come join me on this journey of continuous learning and growth! 🌱

Together, let's build amazing things and leave our mark on the world of technology.💻💪

Checkout my portfolio jestebandev

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Juan!

kristin611 profile image
Kristin Richie

Hi Juan!

georgiakirkpatrick profile image

Hey guys, I'm fiiiiinally wrapping up my self-paced full-stack bootcamp which I started just before the pandemic. It was a bumpy road, but I made it! I am just entering the job market now.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV and the job market.

kaushlesh profile image

Welcome to job market happy to hear from you to have job and share experiences about that☺️

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Weeelcome to news members here, don't hesistate to show your projects and/or what you are learning about! ☕📚

ghoshsanjeev profile image

What editor do you consider the best? I am also interested to know what language/framework you use most often.

I am a senior developer based out of India. I love working in web and app development. Currently I am exploring the security domain.

briancollings profile image
Brian Collings

Hi. 70 year old software developer and database designer from Johannesburg, South Africa. Started back in the 1970s. Currently working mainly with .NET. Trying to master Blazor, MAUI, ML and AI. Absolutely love all the new products like ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc. Never going to stop programming

suzuki0430 profile image
Atsushi Suzuki

Hello developers!

My name is Atsushi Suzuki. I work for a startup in Tokyo, developing SaaS and collaborating with a university on AI research.

After graduating from graduate school, I worked in sales at a trading company for several years. After watching a drama called Silicon Valley on Corona Disaster, I yearned for the IT industry and changed my career to become an engineer.

At first, I was developing mobile apps (scout job app, food delivery app) with React Native, but now I'm working on a wide range of areas including frontend, backend, infrastructure, and AI.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a future for me in Japan, so I'd like to work outside of Japan in the future. I joined this community because my skills in development and English are not yet good enough.

I'll be giving output on a regular basis.


rouaabelhajali profile image
RouCodes • Edited

Hello There ! This is Rouaa Belhaj Ali 🥰

I am thrilled and delighted to have the opportunity to join this esteemed community of developers. As a web developer and tech enthusiast, I am excited to share my knowledge and learn from the vast expertise that this community has to offer. 💖
As developers, we all know the importance of constantly learning and growing our skills to keep up with the fast-paced industry. That's why I'm reaching out today to invite you to join me in sharing our learning journey.😊

I hope this community will be to be an excellent platform to connect with like-minded developers and learn about the latest industry trends. As a fellow developer, I believe that your insights and knowledge would be a valuable addition to our community.

On this platform, I will frequently share my own posts on topics such as [the trends in technologies, programming ideas ,tips on how to learn as beginners.etc ], and I would love to see your thoughts and ideas on these topics as well. Additionally, we can brainstorm and share posting ideas that could benefit the community as a whole.

If you're interested, I would be happy to provide more details on how to join the community and get started. Just let me know, and I'll be happy to help.

Thank you for considering my invitation.
I look forward to connecting with you on the developer community!

See you Guys .
Thank you ☺️💕

eskabore profile image

Hi Rouaa Belhaj Ali!
Welcome to the community! We're so glad to have you here and excited to learn from your knowledge and expertise as a web developer and tech enthusiast.

You're absolutely right, continuous learning is crucial for all developers to keep up with the fast-paced industry. It's great to hear that you're eager to share your own posts on industry trends and programming tips, and we're looking forward to reading them. We appreciate your willingness to brainstorm and share posting ideas as well.

Thank you for your kind invitation. We would love to hear more about how to join and contribute. Keep up the great work, and we look forward to connecting with you and seeing more of your posts!

Best regards,

rouaabelhajali profile image

Thank you for the warm welcome Jean-Luc 😊

namenotavilable profile image
Adam Markiewicz

Hi Everybody, im searching far and near for collab on something I concepted but seem not to be able develop myself, if you could imagine, master craftsmen needed :

AI Developer: An AI developer should have expertise in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP). They will be responsible for developing the AI models that will be used in the solution.

Data Scientist: A data scientist should have expertise in data analysis, statistics, and data visualization. They will be responsible for analyzing the data collected by the solution and identifying patterns and insights that can be used to improve the AI models.

UX/UI Designer: A UX/UI designer should have experience in designing user interfaces and user experiences for software applications. They will be responsible for designing the user interface for the solution, ensuring that it is intuitive and easy to use.

Full-Stack Developer: A full-stack developer should have experience in both front-end and back-end development. They will be responsible for developing the web interface for the solution, connecting it to the blockchain and AI components.

DevOps Engineer: A DevOps engineer should have experience in deploying and managing software applications in a cloud environment. They will be responsible for setting up the infrastructure for the solution, including the servers and databases.

Project Manager: A project manager should have experience in managing software development projects, including planning, budgeting, and resource allocation. They will be responsible for coordinating the efforts of the team members and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget.

damdavik profile image
Victor Emokpare

Hey there, I stumbled upon this post and couldn't resist reaching out. As a UX/UI designer, I may not have expertise in machine learning, data analysis, or full-stack development (yet!), but I can ensure that the end-users will have a delightful experience interacting with the solution. So, if you're looking for a designer to join your super squad, count me in! Let's build something amazing together.

namenotavilable profile image
Adam Markiewicz

hi Victor, i dropped you email, hope to hear back from you soon

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damdavik profile image
Victor Emokpare • Edited

Hi Adam, Thanks for getting in touch. I haven't received an email from you yet, could you kindly check and resend it? I'm really interested in discussing this project further with you. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
Here is my email address

lydiaujunwa profile image

Hello everyone!
My name is Lydia, I'm a software engineer based in Nigeria.
I'm currently working with Progfams Technology, and I'm looking forward to connecting with other members of this community.
As a fun fact, before studying coding, I spent six years in college studying science.

michaelli4live profile image

Hey there, fellow developers! 👋

My name is Chime Livinus also know as Jesus Son and I'm fill with joy to be part of the DEV community. I'm currently a computer science student with a passion for high-performance computing 💻, with great research in this exciting field.

When it comes to working tools, I'm always on the lookout for ways to streamline my workflow and increase my productivity, so if you have any tips or tricks you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them! 🙌

Chime Livinus

jeffsalive profile image
Jeffrey Nwankwo

Hey Chime! Welcome to the coolest and friendliest group of developers on the planet - the DEV community! We're stoked to have you join us, bro. 💻
We're all here to have fun, learn, and share, so don't be shy! Feel free to let your hair down, relax, and join in on the banter. It's time to get your code on, dude! 😎

lukyvj profile image
LukyVj - A$AP Luky

Hello 👋

LukyVj here, french frontend developer.
Mainly here to share my CSS experiments & demos, that I share regularly on Twitter and Codepen!

I discovered the link there and decided to share what I was working on :)

I'm really into everything frontend, but I would say that CSS is really my sweet spot ❤️

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

See ya! 🙌