DEV Community

What technology do you want to learn in 2019?

Emma Bostian ✨ on December 23, 2018

As 2018 is coming to an end, I'm challenging myself to pick one area of technology to really hunker down and learn. In 2019 I will learn CSS + JS SVG animations. I've always admired Sarah Drasner's courses on animations and this will be my year of really putting these skills to the test.

What do you want to learn in 2019?

finallynero profile image
Nero Adaware


emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨

I love GraphQL! I haven't worked enough with it, but I agree this is an awesome technology to learn!

mjordancodes profile image

One of my friends just picked up the GraphQL meetup group where I live. I'm looking forward to the excuse to poke around with the technology more.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

A few years ago when MongoDB was coming on the scene, I felt a lot of pressure to learn database technology so I could better understand the choices I was making.

I never really cracked the nut on developing a fundamental understanding of how the technology works, and I didn’t really need to. The basics often go pretty far in this space.

But in 2019 I think it is a good time in my career to put a lot of focus into the intricacies of database technology.

rhymes profile image

But in 2019 I think it is a good time in my career to put a lot of focus into the intricacies of database technology.

Great! The DB landscape has exploded :D I can't keep up!

By the way, The Guardian recently migrated from Mongo DB to Postgres, unfortunately they don't really talk about performance but the article is a nice read of their journey back to a boring technology ™. It's also filled with shade, like this picture titled "Postgres takes a bite out of mongo" 😂

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think the DB layer is probably the least optimized area of right now. We’re smart enough to keep things simple, but we need to improve so we can hang our hat on this part of the work.

We overcome some naive queries with caching. But it’s not ideal. We may have some budget to hire more in this area, but I think it’s important to personally improve here as well.

My education is generally motivated by need. 😄

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rhymes profile image

My education is generally motivated by need.

Same here :D

There are a few quick wins you can try on's DB, like checking the slow query log, usually you find underused or missing indexes.

A very helpful tool is heroku-pg-extras, it can tell you about locks, outliers, unused indexes and "bloat"

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coderlog profile image

I think learning by need is the best strategy. If no need is there, the brain runs 'D' of its own CRUD operations.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

YES, do it!!!! These past couple of years I have really dug into database intricacies and it has paid off in spades! Not to mention, when every little change you make affects your entire application it is incredibly rewarding.

Personally, I want to learn more about containerization and Ansible. I dabbled in Ansible this year and really enjoyed it.

dohxis_81 profile image

A functional programming language.

makker_nl profile image

Started with Scala once. But had to lay aside. But would love to learn it properly.

lmcdo_ profile image
Luke McDougald

Rust! Rust 2018 edition launch means now looks like a great time to start learning the language.

I think I want to learn Actix-Web as a tool I use with my first Rust project.

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly • Edited

As others have said, GraphQL is a big one for me. I've so far built a simple Laravel backend that uses GraphQL, but haven't done very much with it.

Also, Elasticsearch - I've started learning it by building a client library for it, but haven't got all that far with it. I do maintain a legacy project at work that has a woefully inadequate search at present, and if I can get budget for the work it would be good to use Elasticsearch for that.

Also, chatbots - I've tinkered with them before and used Botman to create a simple Alexa skill to check if my train to work is late, but it'd be good to build something more challenging. I had a vague idea of building a product search chatbot using Elasticsearch, but it's still very early days with that.

Possibly React Native as well.

andres_gcarmona profile image
Andy Carmona • Edited

I’ll go with GraphQL and Elasticsearch aswell 👍🏼.

firebase007 profile image
Alexander Nnakwue

I think I would love to start working with Golang and also more into open source in 2019. Heard really good things about Golang by the way.

rhymes profile image

This is a good place (and unpretentious) place to start:

firebase007 profile image
Alexander Nnakwue

Wow.Thanks alot!!So cool😎😎🎉🎉

chenge profile image

I just learned from report of Github that Javascript is the first language.
So I will learn more JS. Another language is Go.

Two projects in mind are Gatsby for static and Slate for doc.

And last is to continue deep learning of Ruby.

rhymes profile image

Do you know about Hugo ? It's a static site generator like Gatsby but built in Go, so maybe you can learn both Go and JS at the same time 🤣

chenge profile image
chenge • Edited

I know Hugo name. Gatsby uses React and GraphQL, so seems popular.

I want to make a simple blog, do you have tutorial of Hugo blog sample?

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rhymes profile image

I'm sorry, I don't know Hugo, it just popped in my mind because you talked about static websites and Go.

mjordancodes profile image

Gatsby is great! I've taught a few workshops on it over the last couple of months and been building a bunch of projects with it. It has been a great way to learn React better. And it introduced me to GraphQL which I now want to know more about!

joeberetta profile image
Joe Beretta • Edited

Think I need for php and will dive into js more))

tuannguyenminh profile image
Minh Tuan Nguyen

Hi all, I'm working with Vuejs from beginning, my personal, I love it so much. But in Vietnam, vuejs project or job is not popular and in 2019, I need to switch to React.

2019, I would like to learn more and go deeper with JS and other stuff.

iamschulz profile image
Daniel Schulz

React, job related, so I need to do that anyway.
I'd really like to create something with WebGL/WebXR, so that's going into the new years resolutions.

visualizertrue profile image
Aaron Barnett
  • Bootstrap
  • React
  • node.js
  • d3.js
j_mplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

Python. I want to get better at it so when I have some downtime during the holidays, I do a couple of readings and exercises.

Also, I want to know more about Vagrant.

khom168 profile image
khom sovon


juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I want to learn and become very able in the use of Docker for easing my work, also learn about testing (particularly PHPUnit) because my job requires me to do that. And personally, for my own stuff, learn some Node to go along with my ever increasing React skills.

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

I'd like to learn more Rust and get into using WASM.

Other than that, I miss react! So I'd like to get updated with how the community writes react these days. 😁

jaffparker profile image
Jaff Parker

Me too I wanna learn WASM before it's a defacto web technology and I'm hopelessly obsolete 😁

radurizea profile image
Radu Rizea

C# and .NET

temporal profile image
Jacek Złydach

Forth. I've heard that it's quite similar to Lisp in terms of building the language up to meet your problems halfway, and that it's very efficient in terms of space.

More JavaScript. I guess there's no escaping it.

ebadalie profile image
EA • Edited

I got ineterested in Data Analytics recently and will be getting involve in Machine Learning

mjordancodes profile image

I've spent the last two months of 2018 starting to dig in on SVG Animations. It has been so much fun! I think I will definitely be continuing to dig in on this topic to see where else I can go. It has encouraged me to go back to some of my original hobbies (like graphic design and illustration) which has been nice.

Along the lines of SVG animations I think I also want to add some d3.js to the mix and see what happens.

(Sarah Drasner's courses and books are amazing! I just finished her course on Frontend Masters and I'm working through her book now)

nickfazzpdx profile image
Nicholas Fazzolari

Haskell is on the list!

nagarjun profile image
Nagarjun Palavalli

Machine Learning

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

In no particular order:

  • Service Workers. I know what they are and even have it baked into my blog care of Gatsby, but I'd really like to get a deeper understanding of them and the best way to do that is from a Google Sponsored course, i.e. free, of Dave Geddes's, Service Workies.

He also has some other great courses

codercatdev profile image
Alex Patterson

ReactJS with GraphQL

liltechnomancer profile image
Levi ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

React native! Since I’m slinging react all day I figure I should learn how to make some mobile apps with it!

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

I want to learn .NET Core and beef up my JS

hifiaz profile image

i want to learn dart and flutter, its awesome

mvasigh profile image
Mehdi Vasigh

GraphQL and it's surrounding ecosystem, and Rust + WASM!

ruffle1986 profile image
Tamas Fodor

Swift. I've already joined the #100DaysOfSwift challenge. This is the 8th day and the plan is to keep my streak alive until the 100th day.

andersonjoseph profile image
Anderson. J

Graphql, React, Mongo, Docker. I would like to learn another language for my Back End stack but I can't decide between Java, Python or Rust.

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Well, according to your profile you're studying systems engineering. Rust is a systems language so... :-D

andersonjoseph profile image
Anderson. J

Yeah, but I'm not seeing to many jobs for Rust in my country ):

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rhymes profile image

Ah ah I don't think there are many jobs in Rust in general. If it is also for marketability I would learn Python out of the three.

makker_nl profile image

Get experienced with Apache Kafka and Docker. Would like to learn Kubernetes.

chidinmako profile image
Chidinma. 🇳🇬

In 2019, I want to really dive deeper into my understanding of Python and React Native.

whittington profile image

I've been getting into PBR textures recently and I want to pick up either Substance Painter or Mari to get better textures for my games.

navierula profile image
Navie Narula

I really want to learn how to make visualizations using TensorBoard.

phtn profile image

Elm! Built in functional programming.

jj profile image
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós

You should really give Perl 6 a try. Functional, reactive, concurrent... plus the best support for Unicode out there.

albertdugba profile image

Nodejs & GraphQL

lffg profile image
Luiz Felipe Gonçalves

GraphQL and improve my React skills.

emlautarom1 profile image
Martín Emanuel

Definitely Fluter! And probably some JS frameworks, like React or Vue.

dimensi0n profile image

I want to learn how IoT works and I want to increase my knowledge about Machine Learning

tnorthcutt profile image
Travis Northcutt

Likely React for pragmatic reasons, and I’d love to dive into machine learning a little. If anyone has a “ML for complete beginners” resource I’d love to check it out.

nikhilagrwl07 profile image
Nikhil Agrawal

“ML for complete beginners” resource -->

rifaimartin profile image
Rifai Martin


keziahmoselle profile image
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • Animations (CSS/JS)
  • WebGL
j0nimost profile image
John Nyingi

Can't wait to start writing real world solutions using Golang

loige profile image
Luciano Mammino

Get better at golang, some graphql, moar serverless and some webassembly 😋

oscarrodar profile image
Oscar Rodriguez Arroyo

NodeJS, GrapgQL. It's definitely something I want to go deeper.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

I'm also really interested in animations with SVG, figured since I'm already doing React fulltime will be nice to learn React Native too.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Building more Alexa skills? Since I see that it will be useful to consume and take advantage of my backend and API knowledge in the future.

stufflebeam profile image
Will Stufflebeam

React Native, GraphQL, Machine Learning, and AI

nikhilagrwl07 profile image
Nikhil Agrawal
