DEV Community

What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on May 08, 2020

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Finally found some time to release the website I've been working on and boost it's traffic a little bit. It's essentially a database of Tech questions with the possibility to make quizzes on multiple topics and use an API to embed the questions on your websites - QuizAPI

It's so good to see the results of your work.

jknapp25 profile image
Josh • Edited

Just took the HTML quiz, great questions! It was fun too.

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Thanks Josh! Really love the hear that people like it!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Looks great so far 🙌👏

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Good to hear! I do have a lot of stuff to improve but everything needs time!

lyubomiramanova profile image
Lyubomira Manova

Congratulations! Good job! 👍

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Thanks! If you have checked the app I feel honered

bunday profile image
Olayinka Zadat O

Great work 🔥. I like this 👍, I'm already thinking of building a small mobile app that throws random questions at users from this 🔥

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Oh!! That sounds really cool, If you need any information about the App please let me know, will be happy to provide it.

alexgeorgiev17 profile image
Alex Georgiev

Awesome, mate! Keep up the good work!

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Thanks, I really try to!

mikkodc profile image

This is amazing and really fun! I've also been working with the same idea on one project of our company's client and this is very well done.

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov

Thank you for the great feedback! I hope the App gave you some inspirations for your project!

brendan8c profile image

Cool site! I like it )
How did you implement these points and lines that follow the cursor near the header? Wow It is very cool! I want to learn

chrislarry33 profile image
Chris Lawrence • Edited

Love retros!

1) Joining DEV!
2) Helping kick-off the Grant for the Web Hackathon with DEV
3) Foraging for wild ramps
4) Judging youth made games for the Games for Change Student Challenge
5) Making it through the week!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot woot, that's a busy week! Welcome to DEV, btw! 😀

chrislarry33 profile image
Chris Lawrence

Thanks its been fun already and I am excited

adnanrahic profile image
Adnan Rahić

Finally closed a 2-month-old GitHub issue in an open-source repo I maintain. Such a dopamine hit!

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi • Edited

Closed an issue that was opened in my open-source repo. 😄
Also, started brainstorming about the new features that I need to have on my open-source project!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

It was my cats' birthday earlier this week, so my wife & I bought and assembled a kitty tower for them.

That's Icarus there, having a moment!

kirajw profile image
KiraJW • Edited

Your cat looks cute. And the other cat is white? I also have 2 cats, black and white. I sometimes think of Kusturica's film "Black cat white cat" when I look at my cats. I also recently gave them a gift and bought them a big cat house. But to my regret, they prefer a closet and an empty box from the washing machine. I read in a blog about pets that this is normal behavior and cats can take a long time to get used to new things. By the way, do you know any interesting blogs about cats? I like this one There's a lot of interesting information here that I didn't know before.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


Climbing higher into the sunlight?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington


Hopefully not too close! says his Daedalus. (Commence the groaning...)

dawntraoz profile image
Alba Silvente Fuentes
scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I passed my final project review and am now a Flatiron School Software Engineering graduate!

persimone profile image

Got font awesome to work on my first portfolio website ever. Obviously the first icon I put on there was the DEV (fa-dev) one to link to my profile!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

We had a bug report that 2 (seemingly random) users from all our company users were unable to get past the callback page for one of our internal apps.

Turns out their user group's time sync was off by 2 minutes, causing the tokens to be "created in the future" and invalidate themselves 😅 It was one of the weirder bugs I've ever pieced together!

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I finished migrating a bunch of database stuff, I'm glad that's over :]

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

I completed Google Cloud Platform: Core Infrastructure course on Coursera! I thoroughly enjoyed all the assignments and Qwiklabs and got to know so much about the cloud.

Coursera certificate


Celebration dance

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich

I launched my personal website!

My favorite thing about it? The JavaScript bundle for the entire site is smaller than some libraries.

aroup profile image
Aroup Goldar Dhruba • Edited

From this week, I have started documenting my Leetcode solutions for the Leetcode May challenge. Although it is now about the Leetcode May challenge, I am planning to write playbooks with trips and tricks for tackling different types of coding interview questions that are encountered frequently in the FAANG and other medium-sized companies.

This is also my first time blogging in platform.

jayehernandez profile image
Jaye Hernandez

Finally created a README for my open source project after weeks of putting it off 😅

rugamaga profile image

1) Create anyenv-tfenv-init and resolve my shell environment issue!
2) I get started google colaboratory. I didn't know it. but it's very good and free environment to learn machine learning or statistics!

amananandrai profile image

Got my first bronze medal on Kaggle notebook.

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Getting together with peers from to discuss an organisational structure.

briandoesdev profile image
Brian Heidrich

After spending the last 6 years in IT Support and Cyber Security I had an interview yesterday for a .NET Developer position in St. Louis. I was informed a few minutes after the interview that I got the job 😃!

I have never professionally been a developer and only ever did it as a passion/hobby so a company taking a chance on me letting me finally do it professionally is definitely well appreciated. I'm happy that I finally get to do something I love!

n3u2o profile image


  1. Quit smoking for half a day. :D
  2. Fending off negative influence from a bad guy previously wasting a lot of my time i.e. (I hate this but had to be done) choosing my friends.
  3. Forcing myself to proper medication schedule and practice Japanese every day.
  4. Got the vote permission on Stack Overflow despite being a coding anti-talent by correcting a mistake!
nutrionik profile image
Nutrionik • Edited

I think smoking is related to stress levels and how competitive and demanding our working environment has become. I swear to my mom that I would never become a smoker beat the barcode, cannabis, or other pipe forms. That change very fast when I joined a multinational corporation and saw how relaxing it is to smoke once in a while. I just decided to keep the effect on my health to the minimum, which is one reason I adopted smoking through a bubbler pipe from . The smoking experience itself became much better as it's so smooth compared to cigarettes.

shakib609 profile image
Shakib Hossain

Getting my first PR merged into facebook/create-react-app. 😁

darkokolev profile image

A few days late to the thread but who cares.
Launched my side project FocusHub, a Productivity Social Network.
If you want to take your productivity to the next level and work alongside like-minded people, it's the place to be :)

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

I drastically improve type-checking in Gwion, notably giving the hability to define template structures.
Also fixed a few bug I found with AFL.
Mostly spent time enjoying live 🍾.

saidiali profile image

Finished the twilio hackathon 💪
I learnt a lot and am very proud of what I built. Thank you and twilio

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Haven’t heard gopher in a long long time. 😎

zakwillis profile image

Spending time with my son after fixing a lot of configuration issues and small bugs.

vicradon profile image
Osinachi Chukwujama

I got into an internship with a FinTech company. It's surprising that I got in, but didn't take it seriously. I had it in mind that the application wasn't legit. But it did work out and I'm glad.

shraddhaag profile image
Shraddha Agrawal


  1. Got selected in Google Summer of Code under the Ceph Foundation.
  2. Started working on a new, long awaited, super interesting project! :D
  3. Had such a chill time on the Friday fun call with my awesome work peeps! <3
  4. Music found me again :)
brodan profile image

I got a blog post published to the Twilio blog for the first time in nearly three years! I can't wait to keep exploring Crystal.

tardisgallifrey profile image

Finally making a complete C program to write CSV files. Yes, I know there's easier ways, but this is mine.

ngacho profile image

I began understansing the workings of dependency injection w dagger 2 in android

samuelmunoz profile image
Samuel Munoz

Finally pushed my first Docker image to DockerHub!! It's a setup for Alpine+Apache+PHP 5.6 to support a really old php forum

qangdev profile image
qang d tran

For me I'm not sure whatever it is a win or not when I'm switching my main text-editor to Vim (NeoVim) ¯_(ツ)_/¯

gavinsykes profile image
Gavin Sykes

Published my first package onto NPM and created a Python bot to automate turning my GitHub repos into Gists.

Also built a new WordPress block to display said Gists.

bassemibrahim profile image
supremerumham profile image

I got my first pre-order for my podcasting book📕

programazing profile image
Christopher C. Johnson

I got mentioned for my volunteer work on LinkedIn

tonymet profile image
Tony Metzidis

life. i won at it.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

A Pull Request I submitted to an open source project two months ago was just accepted!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Might as well use telnet to check your email too. 😉

baharajr profile image

I managed to upgrade a huge project(written by an ex-employee) that was written in Angular v2 to v9

tplive profile image
Thomas Qvidahl

Debugging a 10 line Dart method going wrong in just about any possible way. Rewrote it several times, finally nailed it! 😅