DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v266

Welcome Thread - v266

Animated character in a house on a phone saying hello

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. πŸ‘‹

  3. Elevate your writing skills on DEV using our Best Practices series!

Top comments (229)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone! Great to have you.

Please introduce yourself!!

kevinraposo profile image
Kevin Raposo

Hey there - I'm Kevin and I'm from the Boston, MA area. Just recently joined the community to make some new connections. I've been running and managing a successful tech news site coming up on 10 years. The is called KnowTechie. Feel free to check it out. We're always on the hunt for good stories and tips. Come and say hi!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Kevin

cybersafe profile image

Hi Kevin

enkato64bit profile image

just followed. great content

Thread Thread
kevinraposo profile image
Kevin Raposo

Thanks so much!

mare_olabisi_5193b7cb406f profile image
Mare Olabisi • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Olabisi from Nigeria, I am a fashion designer and I just started my journey into the tech world as a software developer, so I am here to meet new people and also learn from the experts.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Olabisi!

hk_333 profile image
Harsh Kulkarni • Edited

This is Harsh Kulkarni from Ireland working in Mastercard. I want to meet new people who are as interested as myself in learning new advances in tech and peoples views on a uncommon topics and thats what brought me here !!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜†

Greetings! Much welcome to the DEV community!

muku2 profile image


vitoreduardo profile image
Vitor Eduardo

Hello Harsh Kulkarni!

christianabusca profile image
Christian Abusca

I'm Christian or you can call me Drey. I'm from Taguig, Philippines. I've been new to programming since I entered University, and today I'm a sophomore still learning and seeking new knowledge about tech: innovation and programming.

kimberly_midkiff_1 profile image
Kimberly Midkiff

Thank you!

lutsomykhailo profile image
Mykhailo Lutso

Hi everyone!
I'm Mykhailo, backend developer from Ukraine, living in Czechia.
Looking for interesting developer communities.

jairaia11y profile image
Jai Prakash Rai

Hello Everyone,
This is Jai from India working for Deque Systems.
I love building accessible digital products.

cybersafe profile image

Hi Jai

dilip_v_p profile image
Dilip V P

Hi, This is Dilip from India, Working as Full stack Java Dev, Im here to learn new things and improve my skills and productivity,

revelaction777 profile image
Revelaction @77

Am Revelation Ametameh, Cybersecurity Students and am ready to learn more you you guys all.Thank You

masumparvej profile image
Masum Parvej

Hey everyone,

So, I'm not a dev.
But I'm pretty much joined at the hip with devs in my day-to-day.

I'm a UX Designer.
Just here to soak up what I can from you folks.

Keen to get into the nitty-gritty of what makes our work click together.
Excited to see what we can learn from each other!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

So, I'm not a dev.
But I'm pretty much joined at the hip with devs in my day-to-day.

Haha, love this description and I relate to it.

Good to meet you Masum, my name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV. I'm not a dev myself, but def regularly hang around devs.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy being part of the community and feel free to hit me up if ya have any questions about DEV!

subaash_b profile image

Welcome Masum. The dev community is not only meant for the devs but also for people belonging to every profession around the developers.
You'll find people share their design concepts as well. Follow relevant tags for more designer stuff.
One such tag you can follow is: #ux

pavelee profile image
PaweΕ‚ Ciosek

Hello! Great to have you here! β™₯️

mpresnell profile image

Hey Masum! I'm also looking forward to seeing how everything works together. I appreciate the visual aspect of dev work.

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Hi, everyone. My name is ThaΓ­sa, I'm a Brazilian student with a full-time job studying OSSU's CS course! I'm here to motivate myself by sharing my learning path and meeting other students.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•

Welcome ThaΓ­sa on DEV! πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Thanks for the reception, Thomas!

kaamkiya profile image

Hi ThaΓ­sa, welcome to the DEV community! Hope your CS journey rocks :)

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Thanks for the reception! I'm doing my best on my CS journey!

pavelee profile image
PaweΕ‚ Ciosek

Hey! Great to have you here! πŸ‘

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Thanks, Pawel!

subaash_b profile image

Welcome to the awesome community Thaisa!

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Thanks for the reception, Subaash

smrsun profile image
Crystal Lisi

Welcome Thaisa!

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Thanks, Crystal!

cybersafe profile image

Hi Thaisa

gravitstudio profile image
Emiliano Giuliante

Hi friends I'm Emiliano from Rome Italy, I'm a professional Flutter developer since first stable version (2018), I come from .NET in Desktop environment and Xamarin for old mobile approach before Flutter, and I have passion for Unreal Games Development and I collaborate with some Teams to public some games on Steam and other market, nice to join this community, have a great day!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Good to meet you, Emiliano! My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV.

Sounds like you got a good well-rounded list of tech that you're into! It was cool to hear that you've collaborated with some teams on games that are available on Steam. I'm curious which games you've been involved in!

Do you plan to share #gamedev posts here on DEV? Anyway, I'm following ya now, so if you do, I'll look out for them!

gravitstudio profile image
Emiliano Giuliante • Edited

Thank you Michael! One of my games is Aigor, a comic Italian Game, with very weird story :-D, link:

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

No probs! And wooaaaa. This looks so dope! You did a great job with the design and I'm liking the humor too. I remember playing point-and-clicks back in the day... this looks like it'd be a good one!

Do you see yourself doing any more game development in the future?

Thread Thread
gravitstudio profile image
Emiliano Giuliante

Yes! We come from 90’s game like Mokey Island and so on, this point and click games have inspired us, now In week end I work in new game like Overcooked but with industrial products instead food! At some point I post development images

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Monkey Island is a classic!

I also remember watching my parents play Myst... I had no idea what was going on, but I just loved the visuals, haha. I wanted to live the treehouse world called Channelwood Age.

The game you're working on now sounds cool β€” I can totally imagine Overcooked in an industrial setting! You could reference the original Ford factory assembly line or I Love Lucy's candy factory bit. Anyway, whatever you come up with, I'm siked to see it. Please do share some of the development images and process. I'll stay tuned for it!

nay_ko profile image
Nay Ko

Welcome Everyone. I’m Peter. Learning web development. Share you knowledge and let grow together.

pavelee profile image
PaweΕ‚ Ciosek

Hello Peter! 🍾

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•

Welcome on DEV, Peter! πŸ₯³

kaamkiya profile image

Hi Peter! Have fun with webdev!

subaash_b profile image

Welcome Peter! If you wish to see what fellow devs share about webdevelopment, consider following relevant tags here on
One such tag is:

mpresnell profile image

Good morning! I found this group/page/community after doing a quick search for keeping up on the latest, everything, surrounding developers.

I graduated about a year and a half ago from a web development program. I took a few extra back-end classes and found I was more interested in that part of development. I am currently delving a bit deeper into Java.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo! Welcome to the community, Mechelle. My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV,

Really hope that you find the resources here to be informative and the community members to be kind and helpful!

As for Java, I'd just recommend that you follow #java so that you can see more posts on the subject!


More than just a cup of coffee, Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Anywho, have a good one and if you have any questions about using DEV, feel free to hit me up!

ericcarey286 profile image
Eric Carey • Edited

Hi I'm Eric, from the Eastern US. I am a software engineer currently working in ServiceNow but my passion is front and full stack development. I am fairly new to the field and always looking for new ways to expand and show off my skills

dmcdivitt profile image
dmcdivitt • Edited

Hi. I've been programming 40+ years and am semi-retired. Very hard to let it go completely. I do web applications with VB.Net on the backend and lots of JavaScript on the client side. I do a lot of VBScript on the PC. I still do a lot of VBA with old Microsoft Access applications, unfortunately. I also do COBOL and Java but not active with that.

I started years ago with a language called Commercial Fortran on General Automation computers doing assembler on those machines, too. Back then I had to worry about disk reads and writes. Much has changed.

fjblsouza profile image
Francisco J. Souza

Hello Dev Community!

I'm Francisco Souza, I'm Brazilian and based in Lisbon-Portugal. I'm super excited to be a part of this amazing community. Furthermore, I'm eager to learn and try to contribute to the discussions here. Not only that, but I'm a Cloud Engineer working in a private open-source Telco Cloud. Also, I'm studying various aspects of Public Clouds, Linux, Containers, and other techs, soaking in as much knowledge as possible to become an expert in the future because I still consider myself a beginner in these technologies. πŸ’ͺ

I'm particularly thrilled about the prospect of reading your posts, and learning from your unique experiences, also sharing mine! 😊
Kind regards,

subaash_b profile image

Welcome to the dev community Francis! We have an abundance of devs contributing to the field of cloud computing and you'll surely, find them interesting. Feel free to share your experience, ask questions, engage in discussions. Your unique perspective and insights will undoubtedly enrich the discussion here. Also, follow relevant tags of your interests such as: #cloudcomputing, #cloud, #linux

pavelee profile image
PaweΕ‚ Ciosek

Hello! Nice to have you here! πŸ‘

cybersafe profile image


rouaabelhajali profile image
RouCodes • Edited

Hello Dev Community!

I'm Rouaa, A Software developer and a Tech alcoholic πŸ₯° I'm super excited to be a part of this amazing community. Currently, I'm exploring various aspects of tech and soaking in as much knowledge as I can. Fun fact about me: I love experimenting with new coding languages and finding creative solutions to challenges.
I'm particularly thrilled about the prospect of reading your posts and learning from your unique experiences ! :)

subaash_b profile image

Hi Rouaa, Welcome to the awesome Dev community. We are glad you are here. You'll find all sorts of knowledge from the expert people writing here on Devto. It's like an ocean of knowledge, and taking a deeper dive may truly enlighten one. So, don't hesitate to explore the various topics, engage in discussions and make healthy connections.
Feel free to share your opinion, ask questions and contribute to the betterment of the Dev community. We look forward to seeing your involvement and contribution Rouaa!

rouaabelhajali profile image

Thank you subaash ! :)

mikestrives profile image
Mike Strives

Hey all! I'm Mike, I've built multiple SaaS products such as Upvoty and my latest product Feedefy. The last one, Feedefy, is also the one with the most interesting tech stack, it's really the most beautiful software I've ever built (to be honest, haha) and it's also the one I vlog about weekly.

Anyway, excited to join, connect, and learn πŸ™Œ

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Mike! My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV. It's great to have ya in the community.

I just checked out your post (and accompanying video) and really appreciate you sharing it with us.

Upvoty and Feedefy both sound quite cool! Just to note, if you would like, you can create an organization account for free on DEV to help promote your products and business. We have some info on org accounts here in the DEV Help documentation.

If you have any questions about organizations or DEV in general, don't hesitate to hit me up! Again, it's nice to have ya with us here. πŸ™Œ

dutchjavadev profile image

Hello my name is Boris,
I am a 28 year old junior .net backend developer learning more in the field as a developer. started out as self taught and took classes.

Besides programming I do calisthenics to stay fit or balance the fact that I sit a lot.

Found this site by accident (Happy little accident)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woohoo! Glad to hear you stumbled on DEV, Boris.

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here. Anywho, I hope you find the resources and folks here to be helpful and friendly!

Cool to hear that you're into calisthenics. I've been trying to get fitter and have been watching a bit of calisthenic advice on YouTube. I don't really know if it falls into calisthenics, but one thing that I've started to fit into my routine is hanging on a pull-ups bar... it's been making my back and shoulders feel so much more limber.

Anywho, glad to have ya with us here. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions about or feedback for DEV!

vijayashree44 profile image
Vijayashree • Edited

Hello Everyone,

I am Vijayashree Shinde, I am working with Testrig Technologies as QA Tester. And I will be sharing the the Software Testing related Blog , Articles and Many more information.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Vijayashree! It's great to have you here with us. πŸ™Œ

lutsomykhailo profile image
Mykhailo Lutso

Hello everyone!
My name is Mykhailo. I'm physicist-engineer and backend developer from Ukraine, currently living in Czech Republic. Looking for communities where I can find new information and improve my software knowledges.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awesome stuff, Mykhailo! Physicist-engineer is a cool background and I imagine intertwines nicely with software development. Hope you dig being part of DEV and welcome to the community!

sodus profile image
Carlos Vivanco

Hey guys
My name is Carlos Vivanco.
I have good experience as a PL/SQL developer, but now I want to explore the world of Web development.
My goal is to be able to learn the world of Javascript and Spring Boot.
I thank you in advance for any help received.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Welcome Carlos!

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV.

Really hope ya enjoy being part of our community. We definitely have a lotta web developers here, so you'll fit right in!

If ya have any questions about using the platform, feel free to hit me up!

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