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Organization accounts are free for companies, open-source projects, and groups who want to join together on DEV. Lots of companies have taken advantage of creating their own orgnization to give a single place to align their content. Here are some other benefits:

  • Dedicated Landing Page: Showcase key info and members with a dedicated page, akin to major platforms like AWS Heroes, OpenSauced, and Github.
  • Organization Branding on Posts: Boost visibility in headers, sidebars, and footers with organization branding.
  • Call-to-Action on Posts: Engage readers with a call-to-action box alongside your content.
  • Enhanced Analytics: Measure performance with view counts, reactions, and CTA click tracking.
  • Build a Following: Gain followers who receive notifications for your new posts, increasing your content's reach.

👉 Setting up an Organization is easy. But you do need to have a DEV account first, so if you haven't completed that step, let's start here. Sign up at

We want your experience on DEV to be seamless and successful. If you need any assistance or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at or on our platform! We're here to help you make the most of your DEV Organization account.