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Abdullah Javed
Abdullah Javed

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Today's Top Stories About Tools & Tips To Organize Business

With all the rivalry around, growing your company in 2019 is not that easy. But as competition grew more severe, tech tools have started coming in handy too. These tools and tips do not only assist you in organizing your business but will also help you in keeping track of your employee’s time from start till finish, in other words, they help you organize your business. It’s not like you’ll be able to make use of them in a day or boost your business performance within a week. These things sometimes take years to practice and getting used to them is a challenge. Just be consistent and patient.

Treat your business the way it deserves to be treated

A business should be treated more than just a hobby. You are trying to make money out of it. Business should be an organization that can be financially independent. First, you need to have a designated workspace. And of course, it should be organized. Doesn’t it feel great to look at your workplace and see everything organized? Researchers from Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that “Chaos can infringe upon the ability to focus on the job at hand”

You can organize your small office place with simple tricks. Declutter your computer desktop, remove unnecessary data. Go paperless and start using Google docs, or scan your important documents and keep them digitally. Organize your cable and use zip ties or maybe under desk cable trays.

Try to set aside at least 10 min per week to tidy up your workspace, maybe at the end of Friday. Trash your unnecessary documents, put important documents aside. By doing these small deeds, next time you walk into that place you’ll feel motivated.

Use of Time Tracking Software

Keeping track of your employee’s time baseline measure to attain sheer productivity. So, in the world of technology what could be the better use of its marvels.

StaffTimer Ltd. was incorporated in June 2018, with the intent to provide next-generation time tracking and employee engagement activities solutions. It is a time tracking software that allows employers access to remote employee monitoring. It offers live timesheets and intelligent reports to streamline workflow through screenshots at regular intervals. Also provide daily video & image logs, and task assignments through voice clips.

Improve scheduling system

Keeping a tight schedule is a universal task for business owners. A lot of people struggle with time management. You have to own your time. If you are a freelancer you’d know how costly are your billable hours. But even if you don’t need to track your hours. It’s a good idea to use a tool like Stafftimer. Stafftimer app is not only helpful for large enterprises but also for small startups.

With its task assigning feature on different projects you can clearly keep track of how many hours your team is spending on each task. Take productive breaks every 2 to 3hours, many studies show that taking “microbreaks” which can last from 5 to 15 minutes can improve your mental acuity and help you stay focus throughout the day. Take a walk around the block or maybe grab a snack. Staring at a screen for too long can be frustrating or can sometimes cause physical discomfort.

For an extra tip. Even if you don’t use public transits or drive to work, use Bluetooth connection to catch up on calls.

Organize Emails

A pile of disorganized emails can take up a lot of time to get sorted. As we all know communicating through emails is the primary way to use during business officials. Keeping them organized is essential if you want an organized and smooth-running business. Here

Developed by CloudMagic, Newton is a mail management application. It supports a number of platforms which include iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Chrome OS. It combines all your email accounts in one place, syncing them all together. This application is widely known for its interface and cross-platform capabilities with its advanced search potential.
Newton has also been referred to as an email client better than Gmail’s native application.

Take help from social media

Today there is no business whose target audience isn’t available on social media. Social media lets you easily plan your social media campaigns for the right target market. The basic purpose of campaigns is to make people aware of your service or product to the right group of people. If you are unable to take time out of your routine to run a successful digital campaign. Hire a social media expert and trust us its worth it. The leads you get from social media are gigantic as compare to the local market around you. Make sure you have your own official company website with all the relevant and valuable data available. It will help you kick-start your business.

Stay Focused

While researching business models and surfing through the internet, you need to stay focus on your work. As we all know, how distracting the internet can be in modern days. With all the pop-ups and shopping adds. Here we have found an app that fits perfect for this purpose.

Momentum is a browser extension that shows the dashboard instead of the default new tab page. It also helps you to keep the focus on what you are doing until you get it done and keeps on popping up a reminder as soon as you switch tab telling you to stay on track.

Outsource what you can’t do best

Perfection is not necessary but one must try to achieve it. You can’t be good at everything one it comes to business development and there is no shame in admitting this. Hire a freelancer or maybe even an employee. Stafftimer will itself assist you in monitoring them through its employee time tracking feature.

Track your surfing data

Spending 10-15 minutes on social media doesn’t seem a big deal. Escape 2 helps you get a much clearer view of it. It is a utility that runs in the background and keeps count of how many times you visited which site and how much time you spent on each of it. With its FocusList feature, it helps you to track down distractions that you can avoid to achieve utter productivity.

Know your targetted audience

Knowing your potential customers should be one of your core qualities. Understand what your customer needs. Sometimes the thing you are providing might not be exactly what market needs, maybe you have to mold it or change it a bit in order to meet market requirements. But always have your unique point of selling. Always ask for feedback, it tells you a lot about your product’s reputation. Your clients will not only remember your product but will also refer it to others.

In the end, there is no single right way to keep your small business organized, but there are plenty of tips and tricks you can incorporate into your workflow to optimize productivity and you organized.

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