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Discussion on: Running Vagrant on an M1 Apple Silicon using Docker

aldnav profile image
Aldrin Navarro

Thanks for sharing Ben. I use Vagrant too out of necessity rather than convenience with the current state of ARM/Apple Silicon support.

"Vagrant doesn't like to run multiple boxes"
This section isn't really clear to me.

Is vagrant box remove <box_name> not working? But since a vagrant box isn't required, then maybe Docker (desktop) is more useful for pruning/deleting.

How about running vagrant destroy -f <vm_name> before making changes to the Vagrantfile? AFAIK vagrant commands read this file on execution. So it takes extra caution when to do changes or at least comment out some lines on the Vagrantfile, destroy the vm, then make the changes on Vagrantfile, and run vagrant again.

Then when I tried to run vagrant with the Docker provider it gave me errors about not having multiple boxes.

I'm not sure I understood this correctly. No errors presented here as well. Perhaps a log should lead you somewhere.

Some places I look for and things I do for clues,

  1. Running vagrant with --debug flag
  2. Check for logs of the VM provider .vagrant/machines/<vm_name>/<provider>/**/*.log

But then again, Docker and Vagrant are two different species. So you are always on the edge.

taybenlor profile image
Ben Taylor

What happened was my Vagrantfile was setup to run using Virtualbox, but I didn't have it on my machine. Vagrant created the box but then errored out. It wasn't able to destroy the box because Virtualbox wouldn't run. It was just one of those awkward scenarios where tools expect certain pre-requisites.