DEV Community

Discussion on: Why React projects still use Redux

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Alexandru-Dan Pop

Good points!

I think Redux is getting more mature with solutions like Redux Toolkit & RTK Query (that is still alpha but sounds promising).

Angular also has the NGRX store that is a Redux-like implementation for the Angular ecosystem - I think this proves the Redux popularity.

React Query is another popular solution to avoid boilerplate - but this one has a learning curve as well for advanced usage. But it's nice because it will invalidate and re-fetch the cached data.

SSR & pre-rendered sites - haven't used Redux in those scenarios - so I honestly can't make a statement for it. I only used Redux for fully CSR apps.

As a small conclusion, if you spend too much time researching what advantages Redux brings or what cons it has, you might not need it. You will know when you need it in those cases:

  • state is hard to manage
  • state has complex updates
  • state is shared in multiple different components or pages of the application
  • state tracking is important
  • you want to test the state updates