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Discussion on: Lessons we've learned after burning many thousands thanks to AWS Lambda. Expect no mercy from AWS.

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Ali Khajeh-Hosseini

Sorry to hear that :( FWIW you're not alone, I've heard many cloud cost horror stories over the years.

Is it this complicated to create an intelligent tool to help AWS customers catch this situation and avoid money loss?

Cost estimation can be pretty complicated. With we're building an open source tool to help engineers get cost estimates before launching resources, initially we're focused on Terraform (so it couldn't have helped in you unfortunately) but we have plans to go beyond that. It's taken a fairly large community over 6 months to code the price mappings for ~200 cloud resources across AWS/Azure/GCP.

What don't you love about the AWS Config solution you implemented? I'm wondering if we should code-up the precautions from your article into infracost...