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Discussion on: Good Code Reviews

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Anibal Velarde

In my team, we see the creation of good unit tests as part of our culture. At first it was hard to get on that discipline harness. Now, in our most complex library we have over 800 UT that run within 20 seconds (93% code coverage). The feedback on any change is great. It took some time but it is worth the work. Check out Michael Feathers' book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"

iamshercoder profile image
Pardeep Singh

Great to hear more people writing unit tests. :)

In my team, we have a git-hook set for pre-commit where we run lint and unit tests. If either of those fail or the coverage threshold was not met, then the dev will have to fix the issues before trying again to commit. We also use a tool called jest-coverage-ratchet, which updates our coverage threshold after a successful commit.

Our team and organization goal at has been to reach 80% branch coverage. I have personally set a goal for myself as well, or more like a rule that I will write enough unit tests to meet the 80% branch coverage for any file I touch when working on a particular feature/bug. For non-complex files, I usually try to meet 100%.